Chapter-41: The Family Of Poets.

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Amish works at his table in his office lost in the files that he was looking at when a knock at the door alerts him of someone's arrival. Maya, who was sitting at the table across the room also looked at the door, finding Aditya leaning over the door, taping his foot to the floor. Aditya stands in a dark blue shirt over which he wears a black button-down shirt, leaving the front open, and paired them with his regular blue jeans. Maya on the other hand, is still in her pyjamas as she spent the entire night here in Amish's office, which is now basically her study room too. Amish is still in his yesterday's mustard-colored suit. His coat rests on the sofa beside his table, leaving him in his waistcoat and pants with his sleeves rolled up.

"I knew I would find you guys here. Since Maya asked for study space and you arranged for a desk in your office, all you guys are doing is competing on who can be more of a workaholic." Adi walks into the room plopping on the sofa. "Come one, guys. Look at yourselves. You look haggard. And Maya you don't even have a job."

"I have my thesis to work on, Adi." Since the day of the fire, Adi has stopped pushing Maya to get close to everyone in the family, as Amish advised. Turns out, Amish was right about Maya. Maya is slow to build a bond with someone. What she needs is time, not effort. So, Adi instead of forcing relationships, started finding time for his career. Aditya accepted that being mentored by Mr. Aroura is an opportunity that he needs to work on better. He was so busy the last few days with the bugs in the software at the company that he had little time to invest in his paintings. Akshay was stressed about the transaction reports and the constant anomalies due to weather changes that have affected the work environment, and Adi could not slack at this job, especially after how Akshay got him this job despite the odds.  

"But it's Sunday."

"There is no Sunday for doctors, Adi,"

"And businessmen," Amish adds. 

"Every minute I spend on this thesis takes me one step closer to finding a solution that can potentially save someone's life in future," Maya explains.

"Ok, Baba. I get it. But you are both tired and you look the part too. So, if you allow yourself to rest for a while, your poor bodies can feel alive again." Amish closes his laptop first encouraging Maya to do the same as they both indulge Aditya.

"Tell me, then. What do we do?" Maya asks.

"First, you guys get some sleep. Then we will get ready and go out." Maya nods as she yawns and Amish follows with his yawn after which Aditaya starts yawning out of habit too. "What is that?" Aditya says pointing towards a lone book on the topmost empty shelf, seemingly hidden but standing out of its surrounding emptiness. Aditya takes the book out with curiosity before Amish can stop him. Amish knew what was in the book and he wasn't sure if letting Aditya see it was a good idea. Aditya flips through the pages and stops at a certain page.

"Wait-" Aditya looks up in surprise, a smile breaking out on his face. "Is this your diary? You write poems?" Amish closes his eyes in embarrassment, wishing to be swallowed by the ground beneath him. "I didn't imagine you to be the Shayar(poet) types. You know, Maya does poems too." Aditya says and bites his tongue for slipping out. Amish glances at Maya in surprise. He hadn't known that Maya writes poems. 

"Not anymore." Maya corrects. Amish furrows his brows. He didn't understand why she would rid herself of such skill.

"Why?" Maya looks at him as something sparks in her eyes. Was it a sign of vulnerability? It seemed like even Maya was unaware of the reason.

"Don't know. She just can't anymore and she stopped trying. Maybe it's the lack of will to look at this world in a positive light. She's so pessimistic now that she can't imagine a rainbow world anymore."

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