Chapter-3: Back to where it began

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"Where do you think he could've gone?" Nishant wonders as Maya paces around the living room with a tense bundle of nerves. Abhir is making calls to everyone who could possibly know where Aditya is.

"Where else? There is clearly only one place he wants to go." Maya says, with a resigned tone. She hates to say it, but she knows her brother well enough to know that if he is bent on going this far, there will be no stepping back. "India. There is no way he could've gone elsewhere."

Abhir gets off the phone with Ramakrishna one of his friends from business that Aditya is close to, and walks into the living room only to hang his head down and sign. Maya takes out her phone and starts going through the contact list to find the one person who might know where her younger brother was. Amish Bhai.

"Who are you calling Maya?" Abhir asks Maya as she furiously scrolls her contact list.

"Amish Bhai. He is the only Aditya will approach if he were to leave for India."

"Don't, Maya. Amish already deals with a lot. We don't need to involve him in this. I am sure Aditya just wants to worry us so we would agree to his wish. He can't go to India anyway. He doesn't have enough money on him. He was down on his balance last week and I am yet to refill his account."

"Well, that is the issue, Dad. I deposited the money for him."


"Yeah he wanted to get me a gift for our birthday so I thought the money would help."

"Now, this is a headache."

Abhir doesn't stop Maya from making the call this time. Maya's palm shakes with the tension building up in her. She wished Akshay was with her now. He is the only one who can calm her nerves. Unfortunately, Akshay had to attend a meeting and was still not aware of the situation. The phone rings and the call gets picked up on the third ring.

Amish loved Maya above and beyond as she was his sister who he never got to grow up with and all he ever wanted was for her to have everything she wanted. It surprised him to find her calling him at such an odd time of the day. It must be early in London. None of the questions stopped his excitement at getting a call from her. Though they are close whenever Maya and Aditya visit, once they returned to London they rarely ever keep in touch and Amish grew to crave his younger siblings' attention.

"Hello," Amish spoke with excitement clear in his voice.

"Hello, Bhai. Did you get a call from Aditya?" Maya's tense voice alerts Amish.

"No, I haven't. Why do you ask? Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. He said he wanted to go to India yesterday and disappeared today. We don't know where he is."

"Don't worry. I will try to find him. I have someone I know at the embassy, who can check the list of passengers travelling from London to New Delhi."

"Maya," Abhir spoke as soon as he got a message from British Airways. "He took the flight for New Delhi."

"Which flight?"

"British Airways. I just got a message telling me to enjoy the flight and a survey link on my phone."

"How is that-. Wait, did he use your credit card? And he booked a British Airway flight? That Idiot really doesn't have a clue. British Airways charges twice the money it takes to travel through Air India." Maya shakes her head at his stupid choice. "Anyways, this is not the time to worry about the money." She gets back to the call with Amish. Amish has been listening to the entire conversation and has already started checking the flight list of British Airways and found only two flights for the day.

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