Chapter-19: I will do the wrong thing at the right time.

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After the spectacle that took place in the house, a confused Ranav goes out in search of Maya. He doesn't know or understand why he is searching for her, but somehow, it feels like he should. He has so no idea of what happened to this family that Maya is so displeased with everything that involves Kuhu Aunty, and her interactions with the intimidating older woman, who happens to be her grandmother, are always filled with tension too. Even in the room where clearly Maya's family is not happy with the paintings on display, all he could look at is how gloomy she looked. His eyes were on her all the time and all he could see was despair in her. Though he doesn't know the reason for her pain, he wants to erase it from her life. After searching for 10 minutes, he finally finds Maya sitting near the fountain, and first, he hesitates whether he should approach at a time like this. He is probably the last person she would want to see, but before he can rethink his actions, his feet take him forward, alerting Maya of his presence. Maya quickly turns around, wiping her eyes.

"Ranav." His name on her lips sounds very unreal since she always calls him Mister. He is not sure which one he likes better, though. When she says Ranav, it feels warm, like an invitation, and when she calls him Mister, it sounds so intimate like they are close.

"I don't know if I should say I am surprised or shocked." Maya's nose is still red from crying and her cheeks are still soaked in tears, but Ranav could not have described her as anything but beautiful. With her, it's less about appearance and more about the aura she carries around her, which is probably why wherever she goes, his eyes follow.

"What are you doing outside?" Maya is not exactly in a mood for small conversation and Ranav is not the person she can be vulnerable with.

"I came for you." Ranav looks at her state choosing not to explain any further. "If I had not seen you in this state, I would've never believed that you could cry. I thought you were strong beyond belief."

"Shut up." Maya blurts out in anger but soon realizes that she shouldn't have snapped at him. "I am sorry. Just--- I would appreciate some alone time."

"If I were planning to leave you alone I wouldn't have followed you out. I don't understand what exactly happened inside but I don't think this is the time for you to be alone." Ranav's voice was filled with concern and Maya had no explanation for why he worried so much for her. Why does she find it so easy to be around him? He saw her crying, which is something she doesn't allow anyone to see and she doesn't feel disturbed by it. "You know, I am a good listener. You can tell me if there is anything you need to let out. I can be your friend for the next half an hour."

"Friend? Half an hour? How weird are you? Also, we are not close enough to have a deep conversation like this." Maya's cheeks dry as she slowly forgets about everything that bothers her.

"Yes, we are not close, but that's why it will probably be much easier for you to say anything you want without worrying about bothering me. You don't have to be considerate of me because I don't mean anything to you." At that moment Maya could only think that what Ranav was saying did make sense and whatever came over her as she started talking.

"I hate them. I hate Ms. Meenakshi and Ms. Kuhu. As a child for the longest time, I wondered why we had to live in London while our entire family was in India. All I knew as a 5-year-old was that Aditya and I were twins and our mother died due to some complications in the delivery but the truth can never stay hidden. To this day, I wonder if I would've preferred it if I never knew the truth. My mom had internal injuries, which didn't allow her to conceive." As the words flowed out of her effortlessly, Maya could feel her throat tighten at the memories. "Heartbreaking as it was, My grandmother, Ms. Meenakshi Rajvansh, instead of trying to find a solution, only came up with a demand of her own. That she needs a grandchild at any cost. She manipulated them to agree to surrogacy and planned it so that the surrogate mother would be my Chahi, Ms. Kuhu. She did so by feeding Ms. Kuhu a dream of earning a place in the family because Kunal Chacha was Parul Dadi's son and not Ms. Meenakshi's." Maya's subconscious self tries to restrain her from talking as Maya spills her life's biggest secret to a man she barely knows. She had no idea why she immediately broke down at his words but as she talked, her heart felt lighter and she couldn't stop. "Then they had Amish Bhayya and everything was well until Ms. Meenakshi's greed was not satisfied with just one child and she did whatever she could, to convince Ms. Kuhu to be the surrogate mother once again. It's out of my understanding why one could agree to be the mother of someone else's child and twice at that. The real problem is that my mother got pregnant too. Ms. Kuhu grew insecure about the child in my mother's womb and tried to delay her pregnancy which in turn only complicated the process, which is how our mother, Mishti Rajvansh, passed away. I lost my mother because of those two and everyone tells me to forgive them." Ranav who didn't realize the anger that was building in him snaps.

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