Chapter-5: The Reunion

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A house full of possible memories. Memories that she could've had if not for that one miserable incident. Coming to Rajkot was like prying open an old wound for Maya. She had long bandaged the said wound and closed it in an iron-clad trunk, so as not to ever take it out, but here she was, standing right in front of the house of her nightmares. The Rajvansh's House. From the moment she got down the car to her climbing the perron of the house, her heart grew heavy with how close she is to finally seeing her family. A family she never had before, a family she never wished for.

"Are you sure you want to do this? They don't know you're coming." Amish finally speaks, breaking the silence. Looking at his sister's desperate expression, all he wants to do is to take her away from making this decision, to keep her close in a safe place where no one can ever hurt her. Meeting her after such a long time, the last thing he wants is to see her sad and resigned.

"I have to. This is what he wants. Don't worry, he will be here by the end of the day." Maya has already made the decision and there is no going back. She feels a warm hand closing over her shoulder, she looks up at her older brother and finds reassurance in his gaze. He slowly nods his head and urges her to take a step inside.

"It's going to be alright." He assures Maya.

They move inside the house and Maya felt as if she entered a new dimension. The house is more like a Mahel and it was as if they stepped back in time. The walls, the designs and the decoration vases and paintings all scream Indian. She finds an old lady incessantly chattering on a landline phone. Another older woman, along with two middle-aged women, is standing in the kitchen with her full attention on something being cooked on the stove. An old man is sitting at the dining table near the kitchen, seemingly waiting for the food to be served, which reminds Maya that it's already past noon. As they move further into the house, The old woman on the call finally notices them and her eyes fall on Maya. Curiosity burns in her eyes as she flippantly hangs up on the other person and walks straight to them. 

"Amish, you're back. We were wondering where you went so early in the morning and didn't show up until now."

"I went to pick her up." Amish replies in an uninterested tone.

"And she is..."

"What happened?" One of the middle-aged women from the kitchen came walking out with a rag in her hand. The woman looked beautiful despite her age. Though the wrinkles are noticeable, her porcelain skin is a clear result of the care she took for her skin. She's one of those women who grow prettier with age. She wore a cream-coloured saree with floral prints, with her hair tied in a proper bun.

"Kuhu, Amish brought someone home. I was just asking who it was." Kuhu? The name erased all of Maya's previous thoughts about the woman. This is her. Maya stands still as a chill goes down her spine. A spark of hate took birth in Maya's heart.

"Amish, who is she? Why don't you introduce her to us all." The woman smiles sweetly and Maya can only think about how this smile was taken away from her mother. 

"This is Maya." Kuhu looks at Maya with a smile that Maya refuses to return.

"Hi, Maya. Is she your friend, Amish?" The old woman in the kitchen walks into the living room.

"This is Maya. Mridhula Rajvansh." Maya can tell the exact moment the realization shined in Kuhu's eyes. Kuhu steps towards Maya with open arms as if to hug her but Maya sidesteps in time to avoid it. The unease in her was visible to Amish, as he immediately put an arm around Maya in a protective stance. "And she's tired from a long journey, so if you'll excuse us, I will show her to my room to take a rest. Meanwhile, get a room cleared for her."

"Dad's. I want my parents' room." Amish felt a pang in his heart at the mention of his parents. That room stayed empty for 22 years and no one dared to open it. "And only clean the dust. Leave everything else intact."

"You heard her. Please clean the room and keep it ready by tonight."

"Mridhula." The old woman finally speaks. She moves forward with a warm smile. "I am Parul. You don't know me, but you were just a baby when I first held you. You're so grown up now. Benba will be very happy to see you!" Parul turns around to call out for the person.

"Benba?" Maya feels familiar with the phrase but doesn't know what it means. Amish who does know who Parul is referring to immediately tries to stop Parul.

"Parul dadi-"

"BENBA! BENBA! LOOK WHO'S HERE." Amish's heart sinks at the thought of Meenakshi Rajvansh. That is the one person who he never wants to have a confrontation with.

"What, Parul? Why are you shouting?" The commanding voice startles Maya but not enough to shake her. Without having to introduce, Maya knows exactly who she is just by her tone. Meenakshi Rajvansh walks down the stairs with utter ease and a cool demeanour, her presence as strong as she likes her coffee. Maya just stares at her proper opponent in life. Maya doesn't realize it but they are quite similar, she and Meenakshi. It was probably that very moment when their eyes met that everything went south. A clash of opinions and two strong opponents. It was the beginning of their endless fight.


Hope you are enjoying the episodes as much as me. By the way, do check out my other story 'Aye, Love!' which is a college romance and much more. But Beware that it's a long story so stay tuned. As I have not received any suggestion to change Ranav's name or back story, I will continue with the same idea. Do support by clicking on the star button and do leave a comment. (‐^▽^‐)


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