Chapter-28: Reach Out For Her.

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2 Days Later...

Maya pulls her suitcase into the living room as the family gathers with their luggage. Amish takes Maya's backpack from her and adjusts it with her suitcase to take it with him to the car.

"I can get it, Bhayya." Maya tries to take the luggage from him. Amish is helping everyone load their luggage, so Maya doesn't want to bother him with her luggage.

"You don't have to when you have your brother to take care of the burdens." Maya looks at him in surprise. Amish wasn't just talking about the luggage, and Maya knew it. She smiles at him as she slowly nods her head. Amish takes away her luggage as Maya walks behind him, feeling lighter than she did in forever. Amish loads up her luggage into Ranav's jeep, which the younger generation decided to travel in. Akshay opens the door for the passenger seat as he helps Maya get in. Maya has motion sickness, so she always sits in the front for long journeys. Maya settles in and Ranav takes the driving seat and they look at each other. Ranav's mind gets cloudy and he averts his eyes first to avoid the plunging images of his dream. Maya frowns at his behaviour but doesn't say anything as she takes out her phone to scroll through her Instagram. Akshay and Aditya get in the back with Amish as Ranav drives. With each minute that passed, Maya felt herself slipping into peacefulness. Aditya started a game of Anthakshari and Maya joined in.

Maya lays her head on the window as she looks out at the road. Akshay looks at Maya, his mind weighed down with the big decision he made. During this trip, he will confess his feelings to Maya. Ranav glances at Maya from the side of his eyes. The dreams became more and more realistic these past few days as he saw her in various lehengas walking in front of him. He was always walking behind her holding his breath for the moment she would turn around and look at his waiting eyes. Was there ever a time when she looked back at him, he wondered. Not long after they finally reached a resort named, Prathi Resort and Hotel. They settle into their rooms as once again, Amish helps Maya with her luggage. Maya walks onto her balcony and finds Ranav standing on the other side of the building. As soon as he notices her he steps back into his room and closes the balcony door. Maya doesn't understand why he's avoiding her but she stayed quiet for long enough.

"Bhayya, What is Ranav's room number?" She asks.

"Uh, 3005, I think, but why?" Maya smiles tightly.

"I asked him to hold onto my charger. I going to get it back."

"Oh, let me get it for you." Maya shakes her head.

"Oh, that's fine, Bhayya. You should help others settle in too, right? I will get it myself. I need to talk to him too, anyway." Maya leaves the room with Amish looking confused as to why his always expressionless sister left looking like a pissed cat. It's not like Maya to react to anything.

Maya knocks on the door. Ranav opens the door and his eyes widen at Maya.

"What are you doing here?" Maya pushes Ranav aside as she walks into his room and sits on the bed with a seriously annoyed expression.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" Says Ranav as he looks elsewhere.

"You are avoiding me." Ranav's head snaps at her, wondering how she noticed it so quickly.

"No chance. You're hallucinating." Ranav lies with no hesitation but Maya frowns at him with her lips downwards.

"How long do you plan on bluffing, then?" Ranav rolls his eyes and sits beside Maya.

"I am not avoiding you." He says again with more firmness in his voice. "I am just currently trying to process something and I need some time alone for that. That's just it. Okay?"

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