Chapter-18: The bridge that holds them together.

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Everyone goes silent as they enter the room. Kuhu's hand goes still in Maya's. Kuhu had long forgotten the pain that hope brings into life because to hope for something is putting yourself out for disappointment. She was too blinded by her excitement to recognize the look on Maya's face as she smiled sweetly at her as if she had forgotten all about their problems and was ready to start afresh. Who was she kidding? Maya had made it more than clear that even an ounce of attention was not worth it to give to Kuhu. Even though she knows well that their relationship cannot be mended so easily, she had hoped in vain that Maya would finally take her hand in hers for no other reason than to forgive her, to accept her. Yet again, she had been proven wrong because she could not deny her sins when it is right in front of her. Placed on many easels, filled with many colours and standing in various poses are Mishti Agarwal's paintings. There were many other paintings of streets and flowers, but Kuhu knew the moment she entered the room that those paintings were not the point here. The centre of attention is Mishti's paintings. Just like all her life, she had been overshadowed by Mishti's presence once again. Whispers grew behind them as Aditya stood starstruck, wondering how his paintings had made it to this room. He glanced at Maya, anger building in him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Maya says stepping forward. "My brother, Aditya, made them. He had such passion for painting." She turns around facing the crowd. "In fact, the reason he came to India is so he could learn more about painting in India." She looked at Meenakshi, who was making her way to the front of the crowd. "Today is indeed as special as Dadi had said." Meenakshi stops in her tracks as her heart skips a beat. This was the first time Maya addressed her as Dadi* (grandmother). "Because copies of a few of my brother's paintings are gifted to the guests and the originals will be up for auction soon. Now This is my gift for my little brother, a small celebration for his first step towards his dream." Aditya attempts to step forward to rebuke Maya for her twisted tactics but Amish holds him back and shakes his head at him, indicating that this is not the right time and place to have it out with Maya. The guests move around the room exploring the paintings. Kuhu exits the room with her eyes welled up and hurries back to her room. Meenakshi follows Kuhu while Aditya pulls Maya out of the room, dragging her away to find a private spot. Aditya finally finds a vacant area outside, near the garden.

"Maya, what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean? Adi, I just did you a favour." Maya would act oblivious for as long as she could.

"I mean the paintings. Why did you do that? Did you see how Chachi was petrified there?"

"And? That's not the point na, Adi. You finally got to put your painting on display. Everyone wanted me to believe that today is special, right? So I took the liberty to make it special my way. Why is it that I am being scolded for trying to make this evening special for my little brother."

"No. That was not your intention. You planned it beforehand, knowing that this would be a blow to Kuhu Chachi and that it would upset her, but you did it anyway because you are just used to being hateful."

"Adi, do you really think that is the most I could do to hurt Ms. Kuhu? I have many ways to hurt her in my own way, but what I did today is for you. Whatever others might make of it is their business."

"Don't use your manipulative ways with me, Maya. And how did you get the paintings?"

"Akshay helped me get them from London. Also, I am not manipulating you. I do wish that you could have a fair chance at painting and hurting anyone else is just an icing on the cake."

"So, you do admit that you intended to hurt Chachi." Maya didn't want Aditya to think of her any less but she knew that she would rather be the culprit than a liar to her brother.

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