Chapter-37: Mishti Rajvansh...Ma.

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It was when Ranav was 7 years old, when Abhinav Sharma, his Papa fell down a cliff. He was badly injured and slipped into a coma, leaving his family incomplete and unhappy. At that time, Akshara could barely cover the cost of Abhinav's treatment. The Goenka's tried to offer money but Akshara refused their help despite their insistence. Everything they ever had was already spent on Ranav's hospital bills when he was treated for his heart problem, so they were left with nothing. Akshara ended up taking a personal loan to cover the costs and worked twice as hard, taking up as many cases as she could, to make ends meet. 

In their struggle, Akshara fell upon a divorce case where the victim got pregnant after they took a mutual divorce and suffered to provide for the baby. Akshara tried her best to get child support and they thought that they finally got their happy ending, but that happiness did not last long as the mother committed suicide after the baby was born due to family pressure and mental issues. The baby girl she had was only a year old and had a long life ahead of her, which Akshara could not ignore, but Akshara had little to no money and there was no way she could take care of another child at the time. So, Akshara tried reaching out to the baby's father, who took the girl with him. Years later, she found out that the father was not a capable parent and had no time for the girl. The little girl was allegedly being abused by her paternal family and the father claims his family is innocent. The court sent the girl to an orphanage but since the girl was already 5 years old, her chances of getting adopted were pretty low, so Akshara decided to take care of the child herself as she was now able to earn enough to provide for another child. In 10 years, Akshara was able to clear the loans and was able to earn enough money.

When Akshara brought home the 5-year-old girl, Abhir had no idea of how to approach her. Muskan, Abhinav's sister, came forward to help take care of the girl. Abhir was asked to suggest a name for his sister and he said 'Abhira'. He wanted his sister to share a similar name with him, but later his name changed and so did their bond. When Abhira learned the truth behind her mother's suicide, she was disturbed to the point of depression. She closed into herself, refusing to talk to anyone. Even when Ranav tried to talk to her, she screamed at him to leave her alone, which he did. After that incident, he never talked to her. After tenth grade, Ranav left to study in Udaipur and live with the Birlas. Later, he learned that Abhira herself wanted to study elsewhere and there was no refusing her. She left for Delhi to continue her studies and Muskan Bua accompanied her.

Now that Abhinav woke up, Abhira could not come with Muskan Bua as she had to attend her exams, so Muskan arrived the previous day. The rest of the Goenka family along with Abhimanyu will arrive in the next two days. Abhimanyu's reaction to Abhinav waking up was pretty vague. He looked happy and withdrawn at the same time. After so many years, he gets to see Abhinav and Akshara. When Ranav went to the camp to give Abhimanyu the news, even Ranav was nervous about how he might react, but at that time, Abhimanyu only showed a sign of surprise and other than that he simply smiled and congratulated Ranav. The only fear Abhimanyu ever had was to lose Ranav and now that Abhinav was awake, he didn't know how that would affect his relationship with his son and it bothered him more than anything. 

Through the past 18 years of his life, Abhimanyu was able to overcome his fixation on Akshara and was able to understand Abhinav and Akshara's relationship. Some relationships are built on love while some relationships build love. If a love that happened in one second like his is strong enough to break the barriers of social normalcy, then how strong can a love built on responsibility over 6 years be? Abhimanyu finally understands what he couldn't give to Akshara. It was the sense of security. Abhimanyu took less than a day to decide on their divorce and remove Akshara from his life. The moment he threw her out of the house, a house they called their own, he pointed out how Akshara although she held his love, didn't have any possession over his respect. Yet the moment Akshara decided to give Abhinav a chance, he understood her biggest fear is of not having a home to call her own, and he transferred his home to her so that he, in any situation, can never make her feel that their house is more his than hers. 

Abhimanyu offers unconditional love to Akshara, but Abhinav offers unconditional respect with his love. Abhimanyu can give Akshara the grandest of loves, while Abhinav can offer the most peaceful love of all. Abhimanyu can give her a big family, but Abhinav can give her a complete family. Even with all the money in the world, Abhimanyu failed to stay by Akshara's side in the most crucial moments of her life and despite the most struggling financial situation, Abhinav managed to hold her hand throughout. Abhimanyu realized that he almost went down the same path as his father, whom he hated for not respecting his mother. The only thing he was happy about in all the mess he created was that he did not push the line of abuse with Akshara. At least, he loved her enough to not become like his father.

Abhimanyu finally gets it. Akshara never needed a man to protect her, she needed someone who could make her fight, someone she would protect with all her will. Akshara didn't need a shield, she needed a sword, a reason to fight, a motivation to win. She needed a refugee to rest after a tiring fight, a shoulder to lean on. A silent shoulder to cry on. And god gave her the best one out there. The funniest puppet for the saddest one. 

Abhimanyu is now finally at peace with Akshara's happiness. Akshara finally got her peace in someone who can not only make her smile in the most troubled situation but can also make her stay in a situation from which she wants to escape. Akshara used to be the girl who ran away from every problem she faced, and Abhinav made her into a woman who could stay despite her fears and the urge to escape. It was the love, respect and security that Abhinav gave her because of which Akshara stayed by his side for so many years even when he could not utter a word. Years of his silence did not manage to leave a mark on her anticipation to have one more chance at love. If Akshara can do it, then so can Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu also decided that if he ever got a second chance at love, he would not let it slip away this time.


"Here we are," Atul says as he slows down as they near a gated community. Before they entered, the security verified by calling Ketki's home and confirming the arrival of their guests. Atul drops Maya, at the lift in the basement and parks the car. Meanwhile, Maya pushes down on the lift call button and waits for him. They both go upstairs to the 5th floor. Atul rings the bell to flat no 508. The door is then opened by a woman in her mid-40s and Maya immediately recognises her.

"Ketki Bua?" Ketki already knew of their arrival when Atul called her a while ago informing her of Maya's arrival. Ketki smiles at her Bhatiji(Niece), her eyebrows knitting together in recognition. She gently puts her hand over Maya's head, sliding it over her cheek.

"How are you, Beta?" Just hearing her gentle voice and the pat on her head was enough to make Maya's emotions overflow. For the first time in her life, she felt a mother's touch over her head and Maya instantly knew that, unlike Atul Kaku, her Bua had no hard feelings.

"I am fine. How are you, Bua?" Ketki's smile falters for a second before she regains her calm expression, nodding softly, and pulls Maya into a hug. Even though Maya did not understand why Kekti Bua was so instantly attached to her, she could not complain about the love she was getting. Taking a breath of relief, Maya melts into the hug as a shiver runs down her spine. Everything about the interaction is something that Maya never got to experience but always desired. Maya realized it was the lack of a mother's presence that instantly responded to the endearing touch of a mother. Before she could stop herself, a lone tear slipped out of Maya's eye and slid down her cheek leaving a trail of all her pain and yearning behind. This time when she pulled away from the hug, she did not see her Bua but it was Mishti Rajvansh standing before her, with her brightest smile and the most welcoming gaze. It shook Maya to the core as she stood there shell-shocked as her life's biggest fantasy stood before her and everything around her went silent. There were no honking sounds of vehicles or the chatter of people inside. It was only the sound of her heartbeat that raced with each second that passed. Ma, her heart called out, in a tone that could break the heart of a stone. Maya's heart squeezed in painful satiation. MAA...

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