Chapter-53: Adi's First Masterpiece, Maya.

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Right after Atul left, Meenakshi entered Maya's room. Maya could list a lot of things that she expected from Meenakshi, but Meenakshi managed to surprise Maya with the most unexpected topic of her life. Her marriage. At the age of 23, the last thing on her mind was marriage. 

As she went downstairs for the party that evening, all she could think was marriage. A chapter of her life she never wanted to start but a chapter that she will be unable to ignore now.

"Think about it, Maya. Tomorrow the Kundras will come for a visit, a casual lunch. Just meet them and get to know them. Nothing more. Consider this a genuine suggestion." Meenakshi said before she left Maya's room. Maya's smile has faded since which didn't go unnoticed by her brothers. 

As soon as Maya entered the hall, Akshay stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell on her. One side of her hair was pulled to the front in wavy curls, and her skirt danced around her, swaying in harmony with every step she took. The dress looks like it was made for her, He thought. He walks towards Maya to greet her, but as soon as she spots him she changes direction, but he is not going to have any of that. He had waited long enough and now he needs to talk to her. He follows her with quick steps and stops with his hand. He takes her hand in his as she turns around to look at him. She tries to pull away but he doesn't let go of her.

"Maya, how long are you going to avoid me?" Akshay questions as Maya glares at him.

"I am not avoiding you." Maya denies it as she tries to free her hand. A hand falls on Akshay's shoulder as he turns around to find a grim-looking Amish staring at him.

"Hello, Akshay." Amish stretches his hand out for a handshake, forcing Akshay to let go of Maya's hand and shake Amish's. "Long time no see, Akshay." Maya walks away as Amish engages Akshay in a conversation. Maya stands at an empty table as the waiter immediately offers her a drink. She takes a soft drink and quickly gulps it down.

As soon as Ranav notices Maya standing alone at a table deep in thought. She looked dull and Ranav wondered what spoiled her mood. Could it be the incident from last night? Maya is not someone who'd be so affected by it, he thought. He approaches her from behind slowly with a smile growing on his face as an idea pops into his head.

"Hello, did you see a broad-shouldered handsome, tall guy in Green Kurta in this room?" Maya startles at the sudden sound but recognizes the voice immediately and a smile forms on her face.

"Yep, He's right behind me," Maya says without turning around.

"So you do agree I'm handsome."

"No, I agree you are presumptuous enough to call yourself handsome." Ranav chuckles at that as he digs into his pocket and pulls out a silver ear cuff. He gently brushes aside Maya's hair and puts the ear cuff on the crown of her right ear. Maya reaches up and touches her ear feeling the jewellery.

"Perfect!" Ranav says as Maya looks at him with questioning eyes.

"What is this?"

"It's an ear cuff. It hoops around your upper ear and you don't need to have a piercing for it. It matches well with your dress and looks good on you, so I bought it." Maya squints her eyes a little as she looks at Ranav with a suspicious smile. Their banter continued through the party as time passed without their knowledge.


"Attention everybody!!" Aditya called for everyone's attention in the room as he spoke into the mike. "Welcome to this joyous occasion as we gathered here to celebrate my grandmother, Meenakshi Rajvansh's 72nd birthday. As her only grandson with a sense of humour, I would like to make this a memorable night for all of you. But before we get to the fun part, let me make a small personal announcement for my lovely sister, Mridhula Rajvansh aka Maya." This catches Maya's attention as she comes forward in the crowd and raises her eyebrows in question at Aditya, but he just smiles at her.

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