Chapter-2: One hell of a Birthday!

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Everyone was stunned by Aditya's wish. No one dared to speak first allowing each other to break the silence.

"What did you say?" Maya finally responds.

Abhir and Nishant looked at each other, wondering what to say or do, while Akshay kept staring at Maya. Her expression is one of displeasure and disappointment and they all can only wonder what's running in her head.

"I want to go to India. I thought about it a lot, and it's not impulsive." Maya softens at his pleading tone.

"But why? What's the occasion? We can go to India together." Aditya's face lit up at Maya's calm demeanour and her suggestion to go together. Of course, he would love to go with her. That's the plan all along but he wonders why she is willing to relocate with him.

"That is such a small wish for someone who talks big. We go to India every few years. Even though it's not vacation time, it's not like I have much to do." Everyone in the room except Maya got what Aditya really wishes to do and as Maya says this, Aditya finally gets it. She wasn't talking about relocating. She thinks Aditya wants to go to India for vacation.

"Not for a vacation, Didi. I want to shift to India indefinitely."

"What do you mean by that? You're planning on making a living there?" Maya, who is extremely concerned with what was being suggested by her brother, looks around to comprehend others' take on this. Her father looks like a stone, giving nothing away. Nishant uncle looks worried and Akshay has no expression at all, he's simply staring at her. "But, why? We have such a nice and cosy life here."

"Because I want to learn painting from Mr Arora. He's an Indian painter. I have seen his work and it's very inspiring. He has an interesting way of portraying life and death. His paintings are filled with passion which is exactly what I want."

"We have popular painters here, Adi. Don't act foolish."

"I want to learn from Mr Arora. Because his paintings inspire me, they seemed to have life in them and also, death."

"You did your undergrad in computer science, Adi. And you want to be a painter, and on top of that, you want to go to India so you could learn from an Indian painter as if there are no other painters in the entire world who could satisfy you. Who is this Arora anyway? Where does he live?"

"Paddhari. And yes, I am a Computer Science Graduate, which is exactly why it's difficult for me to rise as a painter. That is why I need the right kind of help and I can't compromise."

"Padhari? You mean, near Rajkot?" Aditya nods. "Are you serious? Don't you think you're pushing your limits here, Adi? You know what Papa had to go through, what we had to go through to get out of that house and that family."

"I know, but that doesn't stop Dad from missing that family. Don't you know that he hides our family photos, and Mom's photos in that old chest in his room? And you. Don't you miss Amish bayya? We rarely get to see him and even then we can only meet him outside of Rajkot. Don't you want to fix this? Don't you want to have a family? Do you really not want to see the person who gave birth to you at least once?" Aditya unknowingly triggered one of the biggest apoplectic topics of her life.

"THAT WOMAN IS NOT MY MOTHER!" That was the first time Maya screamed at her brother with that tone. Maya was a calm person but her anger can sometimes make her blind.

"Why are you shouting? Your screaming will not change the fact."

"WHAT FACT?" Maya's voice is still loud enough to wake the neighbours, but she is so angry she can feel it seething in her body. "Tell me. OPEN THAT STUPID MOUTH AND SAY IT." Maya was provoking Aditya and she can't hold it in anymore.

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