Chapter-54:The Origin of the Impenetrable Shield.

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3 hours 30 minutes ago...

When Amish saw Akshay in a heated conversation with Maya, he was quick to pull him away from Maya. As Maya's elder brother, Amish still didn't know where he stood in her life. Maya was so rigid today that Amish didn't know how to approach her. During the party, he couldn't even talk to her much until Aditya surprised her with the painting and she became happy. Reminding of surprise, Amish was also taken by surprise when he saw Aarti Dobriyal walk into his house in a cream-coloured organza saree. For a minute he thought he was dreaming, but she was there standing in front of him, in his house

Putting aside the fact that she looked like an angel in the saree, which she claims is the most uncomfortable outfit on the planet, he tried to focus on how she shouldn't be here. He had seen the guest list and she surely wasn't on it. He walked towards her in quick strides as fear took over his body. What if someone saw her here? The last thing he wanted was drama. The closer he got to her, the louder his heart beat. 

The last time he saw her was four years ago and it wasn't a pleasant memory for either of them. Her long braided hair swayed as she walked and her doe eyes looked around in search of something. As soon as she spotted Amish, her rose-pink lips immediately pursed and her eyes reflected the still alive anger in her. He couldn't blame her for her anger, but he could sure blame her for being here. So, he walked across the room like a man on a mission to remove his once precious girl from this vicious environment as quickly as possible. Aarti in Rajvansh's house nothing but spells disaster. The girl may look like a petite beauty but when anger takes over there's no escaping the bulldozer that she will transform into.

"Aarti! What are you doing here?" Aarti frowns at him, an angry pout growing across her lips. 

"What do you mean?" She looked at him like he was the ridiculous one.

"Why are you here? What if someone sees you?"

"What if someone sees me?" She questions him right back daring him to tell as she puffs up her chest as if to show that she wasn't scared in the least.

"Why are you here, Aarti?" Amish says in a much softer tone. The woman who stood before him once meant a lot to him. She used to make his days special, his problems endurable and his dreams memorable, but now the same past he shared with her had turned into a nightmare.

"I am not here for you. I got invited."

"By who?"

"Who else? Meenakshi Rajvansh." Amish was taken aback at what he heard. Out of all the people it was his grandmother who invited her, but Amish thought about it, it made sense since his grandmother was the one who approved of Aarti the most. Yet their relationship had fallen apart and he was the one to be blamed.

"She did?"

"Yes." Amish nodded as the tension in his body subsided. On a closer look, he noticed that she wore makeup. Aarti doesn't like make-up, but she wore make-up today. Was it for me? It was Amish who liked seeing her in a saree. Did she wear it for him? He wondered.

"How are you?" He asked, finally asking what he wanted to know for the last 4 years.

"Much better. Because my heart is no longer bound to an indecisive man." Her words shoot at Amish's already bruised heart but he takes it all in silence. He knew he was responsible for the woman he was facing and the coldness she was exuding.

"Good." He said curtly.

"What about you?" The silence was heavy in the air. Amish stared at Aarti with his deepest desires crawling out of the locked doors and he swiftly moved away looking at the buzzing crowd. In the midst of that crowd stood his sister, Maya, staring at the two of them with what could only be explained as a look of revelation. As soon as his eyes fell upon his sister, all his crawling desires were chased away by the responsibilities that weighed on his heart. There can only be one choice, Amish. He told himself.

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