Chapter-51: Maya, Like A Sunset.

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With a resounding pop, a shower of vibrant confetti burst forth from above, raining down in a cascade of colour and joy. Maya looked in silence as everyone seemed to be drunk on happiness as if they had forgotten all the worries of their life as they welcomed the celebration of Ms. Meenakshi's 72nd birthday. A few of the colourful tiny pieces fell over Maya's navy blue salwar kameez, one from the collection Ranav had selected for her. At the time she didn't know she had bought so many dresses but they seemed to never end the more she dug. The silver border of the dress rubbed against her palms as she looked on at her family like an outsider, but she wasn't alone. Atul stood on the other side of the hall with just as much disdain for this happy event and it didn't surprise her that he chose to stay out of this celebration. Somehow it didn't feel right for her to celebrate anything right now, when her brother's position in this family is still uncertain, while her Bua was still in that hell-like place and the absence of her father, all the while her relations barely hung on a delicate string.

Maya slowly walked to the other side of the hall, beside Atul. 

"You don't join in with them," Maya said, more as a statement than a question. Atul glances at her from the side of his eyes.

"What's there to celebrate? That she successfully managed to outlive two of her daughters-in-law?" Atul says with his voice filled with contempt. Maya then remembers Atul's deceased wife. It is true that there is nothing to celebrate for a woman who has managed to outlive her children and be proud of it. Maya was sure Meenakshi didn't realize what she had done wrong, which infuriated Maya even more than the things she did. How blind does she have to be to not see that everything she did to keep this family together is what destroyed it? All that was left of it right now are the oblivious broken pieces still living in the illusion of a happy family.

"Indeed. Anita Kaki passed away when she was in delivery, right? I am sorry for your loss." Atul looked at her, frowning as he grabbed Maya by the arm. His eyes shined with unshed tears and Maya could clearly see the pain hidden behind the mask he wore all day.

"Are you, really?" Atul asked looking desperately for an answer. Desperate to know if someone still cared. Atul's grip on Maya loosens as she nods.

"I am," Maya says, in a gentle tone trying to get him to calm down. A tear slipped from his eyes as he brought himself closer to Maya as if he was going to tell her a secret.

"Maya, don't be stupid like us. This is not the place for someone like you. Don't be pulled into this. Anyone who enters this family will end up miserably. My wife didn't just die because of a delivery and your mother's death is not just an accident either." Atul looked in a frenzy as words slipped out of his mouth like flowing water. His grip on Maya grew painful but she didn't let it show on her face as she wanted him to continue, but before she could urge him to say more, a hand wrapped around her pulling her towards the side of a man. She looked behind and met with the familiar smile.

"Hello, Madam," Ranav said with his wide smile that Maya recognised all too well. His hand slid from her shoulder, down her arm, brushing off Atul's grip over her. "Surprise." Atul's crazed expression dissipated as he quickly gathered himself and walked away from there. Maya was disappointed that she could not get him to talk more but it was good that she was out of that situation before it could've escalated. Maya turned around to face Ranav as the latter smiled at her yet again, bringing down her defences.

"Hello, Mister. What a surprise. I thought you would never come out of the cave." Maya taunted him as she smiled back at him. Ranav wore a navy blue cotton shirt with a golden emblem of a brand over the right side of his chest and grey pants. His silver watch chines in the dark as the lights from the disco ball hanging from the ceiling reflect on it. Looking at him after such a long time, Maya noticed that he seemed to look much more childlike now, but what she could see for sure was that he looked happier. 

"Well, I had to. Seems someone missed me badly." Ranav teases and Maya all but finds it endearing. Their banter definitely lightens Maya's mood.

"Why would I miss you of all people? I have such a big family, two great brothers and a best friend. Why would I even think of you?" Maya says although it was not true. She did think of him once in a while. Even though Ranav thought he didn't care, his heart sank at her words. The first time he had seen her in such a long time, he almost forgot how to breathe in front of her. She wore the dress he had selected. He knew it didn't mean anything but he couldn't help the smile that broke on his face to look at her in the dress of his choice. She seemed more beautiful than ever, like the sunset at a vacant beach, as the sun drowns under the shallow water, the passing hues of yellow into the distance. Just as the sky is painted with the soft blush of dusk, her cheeks carry a natural flush, enhancing her ethereal glow. Her smile, like the gentle curve of the horizon, brings light to the darkness around her, casting a serene and captivating aura. And like the fading light of the day, her presence leaves a lingering sense of wonder and awe, imprinting the memory with the timeless elegance of a departing sun. Ranav felt an uncontrollable urge to push back the strand of hair grazing her right cheek but he held back both his hands and his heart. 

When he first entered, his eyes were quick to search for that intimidating woman who claimed to be nothing but a stranger to him. As his eyes fell on Maya, his eyes followed the man's hand over to her arm. As he saw Atul gripping Maya's arm tightly, Ranav felt a storm build in him. The fear of the pain she endures made his concern for her multiply. He didn't think twice before deciding to intervene between them. Only when Atul let go of Maya could Ranav finally breathe again. With each passing moment, Ranav's torment of his feelings only seemed to grow. Along with it, his certainty over his feelings grew too.

"But I missed you." Maya's smile faltered for a second before it softened. "I have a big family, great parents and twice as important friends, but I still missed you." Maya's eyes glinted at his words as Amish looked at them both from afar. Amish had seen Atul grab Maya's arm and he immediately started to move towards them when Ranav managed to do the same before him. So he stayed back, as he watched Atul walk away. He saw that everything seemed to be fine with Maya, so he walked away from them and towards where Atul had left.

Atul walked into the garden behind Rajvansh Sadan, he pulled out a cigarette, his hands shaking with uncertainty. His muddled head can't seem to make the decision but he could no longer hold back, not with this purgatory state of mind. As he tried to light the cigarette, the lighter fell from his hands and he quickly got down onto the ground, searching mindlessly for the lost lighter. In his insistent search, he didn't notice another's presence until a hand fell on his shoulder. He jerked up from the ground, his eyes still red from the tears as he looked at Amish standing with a grim expression before him.

"Hmm?" Atul was breathing heavily and Amish frowned at his disoriented state.

"What are you doing, Kaku?" As Amish's gaze fell upon the cigarette hanging haphazardly from his lips, Atul quickly plucked it out and threw it onto the grass.

"Nothing. I came to get some fresh air." Amish nodded as if he believed that as he stepped closer to Atul.

"Kaku, what transpired between you and Maya back there?" His question threw Atul aback as he didn't expect anyone to have noticed the interaction just now. No one would've noticed but Amish always has his eyes on Maya, so there was no way he could've missed.

"We were just chatting... about how the family so happily celebrates Meenakshi Bua's birthday."

"Hmmm. I don't know what made you grab her by her arm. Maybe she said something that must've upset you. If so, I apologise on her behalf, but please don't ever take it upon yourself to discipline her. At least, not physically." Amish's smile chilled Atul in his already thick coat as Amish came close to him. "We are both brothers. I am sure you know how I feel about someone grabbing my little sister's arm." Of course, Atul knew how it would torment a brother to know that her sister was being abused. Although it was not the same in this case, Atul realizes that he may have unconsciously used force on Maya. Atul nods, understanding what Amish means.

"I am sorry. That will never happen again." Atul says, to which Amish simply nods and turns around to leave. As he looks at Amish, Atul can't help the comfort he gets in knowing that at least Maya has a competent brother who will never let her get hurt. Unlike Ketki, who suffered in this family politics while Atul could never do anything about it. Amish's action just now had pushed Atul to not stay still anymore while his sister was still stuck in that jail. Little did Atul know how his patience and plans could all go down the drain with just one misstep.

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