Chapter-13: The Desperate Soul and His Lost Love.

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Akshay gets ready early in the morning with a smile as he's finally going to see Maya after a week. He got to see her almost every other day when they were in London but now that she works at the camp, it has been difficult to meet her. After trying on different outfits, he finally decides on a pair of jeans and a black Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt. As he hurries down the stairs, Varsha calls out for him and he turns around to find a man accompanying her.

"Beta, this is Ranav. He is a close relative. You're going to shop for the coming weekend right? Take him along too." Ranav smiles at Akshay and Akshay returns one of his own. " And this is a list of the things we need for the decorations."

"That is fine, Dadi. But are you not coming with us?"

"I will join you after a while, don't worry. I just need to take care of some things."

"Okay. Shall we go, Ranav?" Akshay had not seen the guy before in this house, so he wondered if he lived there. Ranav nods in agreement and they both walk out in sync, unknowing of their entwined destinies. Outside the Maheshwari house, Maya sits in her brother's car with her head lying in her arms as she crosses them over the open window of the back seat. As she glances up, she finds Ranav and Akshay walking out of the house together, their eyes zeroing in on her.

She has no idea as to why Ranav is tagging alone but she has nothing to complain about it as she simply stares at them. Somehow, seeing them together feels unsettling to her and she can't name what it is that she's feeling right now.

"Di, where are you at?" Aditya snaps Maya out of her stupor.

"Nothing." Maya sits straight as her gaze catches Akshay's. He gives her a smile that she finds very easy to return.

"Isn't he Ranav? Is he coming with us?" Kuhu asks from the front seat and Maya almost rolls her eyes.

"How are we supposed to know that? We came along with you." Kuhu, at this point, is used to Maya's sharp remarks and doesn't bother to feel about them anymore but she can't deny that it stings her that Maya doesn't allow her to get close to her. Akshay walks up to Maya's window and speaks to her.

"We will come in a different vehicle. We won't fit in."

"How about you come in this car and Aditya will come with Ranav?" Ranav is confused about why Maya is suggesting this but Akshay is quick to understand that Maya is simply trying to keep Aditya away from Kuhu because Kuhu doesn't leave a chance to show her displeasure with Aditya.

"Di, I don't even know him well. It will be so awkward for just the two of us to travel alone." Maya gives him a chastising look but he simply shakes his head, implying he is not willing to go.

"Fine, then. Akshay, you go with him then." Akshay agrees and they drive to the nearest city Shahpur to get some decoration stuff along with their clothing for the party. Maya explains that she doesn't need to buy anything because she won't be attending the party but Aditya is insistent on her getting something for herself even if she ends up wearing it for her next birthday. 

Maya simply shakes her head in annoyance as Kuhu secretly rejoices at the fact that she gets to pick dresses with her daughter. Little did she know that Maya never planned to shop with her. As soon as they reach the city and Akshay gets down to talk to Maya, she gets down and meets him halfway.

"I need to buy myself some outfits too. But I want to explore more shops for that and it will be inconvenient for you to wait for me. How about we split into groups?" Akshay obviously sides with Maya and Aditya remains with Kuhu while Ranav looks blankly at everyone, not knowing what he was supposed to do.

"Adi, are you not gonna help me pick some dresses?"

"But I am supposed to help Chachi with the listed items. Also, we need at least two men on this side to carry those things. All you have to carry is your dress, right? You don't need an entire team for that."

"That is why I am asking just you to come with me. Let Akshay and Ranav go with her."

"Di, all we would be doing if we ever go shopping again is arguing about whose taste is better and do you think I would swap carrying things around with arguing with a stonehead like you." Why are you being so dumb, Aditya? Can't you see I am trying to help you? Maya thinks. Maya felt like face-palming herself at that moment and approached Akshay with the most pleading look she could muster in her anger.

"Please help my idiot brother from becoming a trolly for that woman." She whispers when she gets close enough that only the two of them can hear the other. Akshay's heart stops as he looks at her face close to his and then takes a deep breath. That was the moment that Maya realized how close they were standing but she couldn't turn away from him as their eyes locked. He gives her a smile, assuring her request is accepted. She smiles back and their moment of attraction does not miss the attention of the others. Kuhu grows stiff as she witnesses the tension between Akshay and her daughter while Aditya has been used to this since they were teenagers. Ranav, on the other hand, couldn't explain how he felt about this new discovery, but he decided to take a back seat in these affairs and stay safe from any heartbreaks.

"Then what about you?" Akshay says loudly now that they move away from each other.

"I don't need anyone with me. I can go shopping on my own." Aditya immediately gets down from the car and tugs Maya on her sleeve.

"Don't. We have already faced a wrath last night when Amish Bayya figured out you got hurt because of that Veena and if we leave you to your devices now and something happens, it will be a disaster. We can't afford to let you get hurt." Maya rolls her eyes at that.

"Do you think I am a child?"

"No, I don't, but Bayya does. So you can't go alone specifically because you are currently his majesty's lost little princess and we are so done with being treated like your personal bodyguards. So please spare us the headache and take someone along with you." Aditya is not sure why Amish is so protective of Maya but he can guess why. It's probably because he never really got a chance to get close to her as a child like he did with Aditya or maybe it's because Maya is a girl and moreover, his sister. Amish loves both Aditya and Maya equally but when it comes to pampering, he pampers Maya to the core even when she doesn't need it. He treats her like a glass vase. 

"How about I go with Driver Bayya?"

"No, we need him to take us to the right stores. He knows the local prizes best and we need the best." Maya looks around. Maya wants to stay away from Kuhu and Aditya is stuck to her side like glue, the driver is needed to guide them, and Akshay needs to stay with Aditya and keep him safe against Kuhu's attitude if she acts up, which only leaves her with Ranav.

"Fine, then you can go ahead. I will go with Mr. Ranav here." She points at Ranav and to his disbelief, smiles at him like they have been friends since World War 2. Akshay with great self-restraint does not question her choice and leaves with Kuhu, while the silent birds are left behind looking at each other while one shows indifference and the other the lack of it.

"Why do you call me Mister?" Ranav speaks breaking the ice.

"What's wrong with calling you Mister?" Maya replies with a curious tone.

"It makes me feel old." Maya chuckles with a hand over her mouth. She had never thought a man as good-looking as Ranav would be insecure about his looks.

"Wow, you know how to laugh?" Ranav makes a bulgy-eyed expression and asks. Immediately Maya's smile disappears as a serious expression takes over.

"What do you mean?" Ranav's smile falls just as fast as he rushes to apologize.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It was a joke and it was a bad one. Sorry -I" A smile breaks out on Maya's face despite trying not to and Ranav realizes that he had been played by her.

"Madam Ji, you sure know how to make a fool out of a man." They smile together finally leaving behind those incomprehensible feelings. But leaving behind the confusion of what exists is just covering it up for a future explosion and they are bound to explode. How can Maya deal with the heartstrings that are pulling her towards Akshay, who she can confidently say is the sole love interest of her life while destiny was written in favour of the desperate soul and his lost love?

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