Chapter-33: A Call To A Different Destination

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As the Rajvansh family return to Rajkot and their house, which has been restored to its original state, they all get their luggage into their respective rooms to settle in. Maya opened the door to her room only to be enraged by what she saw. She hurries down to the living room and finds Kuhu setting coffee cups on the table for Kunal and Meenakshi who are in deep discussion.

"Why is my room empty?" Ms. Meenakshi looks up at Maya with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean it's empty? Is something lost?" Meenakshi asks, genuinely seeming curious, but Maya is not gonna fall for her.

"Yes, everything," Maya states.

"It shouldn't be. I checked everything myself. All of your things were taken out before renovation began and they were all placed back in your room yesterday. What exactly did you lose?" Kuhu asks concerned that she may have missed something.

"Dad's cycle in the room, the wind chime made from Mom's origami birds and all the other decorations."

"The wind chime is burnt. It's made from paper." Meenakshi reasons and from the crooked uplift of her lips, Maya can assume that Meenakshi was aware of this.

"But the fire didn't reach upstairs."

"It did, you were just unaware of it. It's understandable that you feel weird about the changes, Maya, but you should embrace new things. Don't just hold on to what's not with you anymore." Every word that left Meenakshi's mouth cut like a knife to Maya. Maya knew that Meenakshi would do anything to pull Maya out of her mother's pain, but it was not because she wanted Maya to be relieved of that pain. It was to end the influence that pain had on her. Meenakshi is desperate to take Mishti out of Maya's life, but Meenakshi doesn't know that Mishti is not just Maya's memory, she is what keeps Maya together. It's her memories that Maya lived through, it was her words that guided Maya, and it was her personality that Maya held on to. Maya was always first in everything, she always thrived for what she wanted, and she held every price she desired, but Mishti was the price that Maya never got to hold. Mishti was the mother Maya never had but always desired.

"What about the sarees?" Maya asked, trying to keep a calm tone despite the turmoil inside her.

"We didn't know you wanted those sarees, so we donated them," Meenakshi says as she folds the newspaper in her hand. Kunal just watches them, trying to understand what is happening. "Firstly, things made of paper cannot survive a fire. Secondly, if you wanted us to keep the sarees, then you should've mentioned it to us, Maya." Maya knew that as long as she lived in this house, she couldn't take a breath of relief before she lost everything. "You seemed to be busy and might've overlooked such insignificant details. It's okay, Maya. It's understandable." 

"STOP IT!" Maya shouts out before she can rethink her actions. "Stop it." Kunal stands up looking worried as Kuhu takes a step back not wanting to anger either of the women.

"Maya!" Kunal calls out loudly, seemingly chastising her. "You can't talk to your grandmother like that." Maya holds her hand up, signalling Kunal to not get into this.

 "What exactly is it that you want to prove, Ms. Meenakshi?" Maya asks, still with her loud and rude tone but only trying to understand Meenakshi's extreme actions. Meenakshi silently looks at Maya for a moment before responding.

"What do I want to prove? I want to prove that the life that you seemed to be in search of, is right here with your family, which you are refusing to see."

"The life that I am searching for has been taken from me 23 years ago. You, Ms. Meenakshi, are responsible for it. You are responsible for the war that you wedged between my mom and Ms. Kuhu."

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