2-The aftermath

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Ross Amor
I was shocked to not just see my ex who cheated on me twice but also the fact that he remembered my name.
"Hey Jack! How are you?" I smiled. Pathetic. Never learn the lesson.

"Good bro. Still hooking up with your boy toy?" He smirked. That did it. He did not change. Not one bit.

"Uh how do you guys know each other?" Austin asked.

"Was a month ago maybe. Hooked up at a party. And messed around a bit" he said nonchalantly.
That hurt. Hooking. That was all i ever was. Month ago?? It was 6 months ago. The fuck.

"Yeah. I gotta get going" I started walking away when,

"You gained a little weight buddy? Kinda look bloated and stuff. Later don't get upset if you're boytoys leave you" he spoke up.

Tears welled my eyes. I felt self conscious all of a sudden.

"Shut the fuck up dude! What is wrong with you?! I don't know your history but that is not the way you talk to people. Have some decency and RESPECT". Austin spat and walked up to me. I did not want to cry now. Not now. Not today. Gotta keep it in.

"You can take your bicycle. I gotta go. Thanks. Bye" i rushed down the street. I can hear him calling though.

I reached home to see my stepdad drunk. Again. I sighed and tried to help him up when he suddenly he punches me. I groan in pain and tried to get him out of his dreams. He was shaking.

"Sam,sam get up. Sam look it's me. Wake up. SAM WAKE UP!" He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You bitch! Your fault. You didn't save me. Bitch why are you alive. To turn your brother into a monster ?? Fucking die" he was punching me for real now. My brother came down and tried to pull back Sam.

"Oh dear lord! Don't worry Johnny I'll protect you from this bastard" he was hugging my brother now,crying.
I gave him his tablets and went upto my room. I was exhausted. I slept peacefully.

Austin Brooks.

"Dude you fucking him? Why you getting so worked up" Jack laughed.

"I'm sorry but what the fuck is wrong with you? I am NOT fucking him but not like it's any of YOUR business anyways" i spat and slammed my door shut. I could hear him cursing as he walked away.
    Goddamn. He was crying. I mean not crying crying. He was about to cry. His eyes changed. In a second. Like he had seen a ghost. Damn. I sighed and grabbed my pride and prejudice novel to continue where i left off.
Yes pride and prejudice. Don't judge me.
That evening my doorbell rang. Again. Definitely not my parents then. I went to open the door to look at none other than.....

A puppy!

And then Ross behind it.

"Hey. Sorry if I disturbed you. I just need a little help with this one" his eyes were puffy. He looked nervous. And tired. No. Exhausted. Okay he needs my coffee right now.

"Why don't you come in? Let's sit down and talk about...whatever it is" i made way for him to step in. He hesitated but walked in eventually mumbling a thanks.

I went and prepared my all time healing coffee while he was wandering around my house with the puppy in his arms.
I place the cup down which he glances confusedly.

"It's for you. Take a seat" I gesture.

"Uhh it's alright. I'm fine"

"I insist" I smiled. He sat down and gently lifted the cup to his mouth. Wait I am definitely blind. His face was bruised. His lip was still bleeding. Damn. I am blind!!

"Are you alright? Your lip's bleeding man" I get up to get my first aid kit. But he grabs my hand and makes me sit down again.

"It's alright. Not a big deal" he swayed his hand. Not like I'd listen anyways. I got up and brought the first aid kit. He looked at me in awe. I took out the ointment and bandage to aid it when he grabbed my wrist.
"I'll uh I'll do it"
"So, about the help. I was wondering if you could take in this puppy for a few days. He's Tony by the way. It's fine if you can't though. I'm not forcing or anything. I was just wondering if you could-"

"I get it. You were wondering too much. Anyways. Yes i can take in Tony. He's a total cutie" i chuckled at his nervousness.

"Oh yeah. Thank you so much"

"Least i could do for your phone" shit i did not have to remind him that. Fucking fantastic.

"Yeah about that. It's cool. We're cool" he nodded.

We're cool? What?

"The coffee's good" he nodded again. Before i could respond-

"Honeyy I'm home! What are you upto? Did you miss me too much?" My mom's voice called out. I slapped my forehead in embarassment.

"Oh we have company. Hi. I am Austin's mother. What's your name? Never seen you around. Oh my! Your lip! Is this Austin's amazing first aid skill? Damn. Let me help you. Just a minute" my mom rambled and left to her room.

"Sorry, she's just kind of hyper" I said.
He was smiling.

"No no. She's cool" he was grinning now. Beautiful. He looked beautiful with that smile.
My mom came back, asked for his consent and re-did the ointment and bandage thingy.

"Uh nice to meet you. I am Ross Amor. I live across the street. I am... Austin's new friend." He introduced himself, looking very unsure about what to say.

"Nice meeting you Ross. Nice name you got there. " My mother smiled warmly.

"Thanks. Um I gotta get going. Thanks for the coffee. Thanks for taking in the puppy. Oh and thanks for the bandage. So well good night" he waved and dashed out of the room.
My mom chuckled. But suddenly turned serious.

"Who was that?"

"Okay well i was riding my bicycle and dashed into him. His phone was broken. I ran away. Today he found me again cause apparently he ho- i mean he dated Catherine and that's how he knew about me. So he came up to demand money for his phone. But then left. So again he came now. His demeanour totally changed. He said we're cool about the phone and that he needed help with taking care of this little cutie for a few days" phew i said that all in one breath.

"That's all fine. I wasn't really questioning your entire life story. I just..Austin did you see his bruises?" She looked so concerned and i had no idea why.

"Yeah...i mean i didn't know if he would be comfortable talking about it and since we didn't know each other, i didn't ask him about it" I said. My mom smiled.

"That is very mature of you Austin. But if you do get close to him which you should. He needs help. He is going through something and I'm not going to make any assumptions about anything. But you can be a friend. If he wishes to that is. Don't force or anything. Get to know each other and stuff. Then you can take things forward. Okay?"

"Mom. Everyone's going through something. I cannot just poke my nose into everyone's business" I tried reasoning. My mom was a psychologist and she's well, pretty nosey I should say.

"I know. But he's going through something which can be helped. And you should do what you can. Right?"

"Yeah..." I agreed giving up. It's true that Ross was having some..weird relationships with someone so yeah, nothing wrong in trying to help.

Well. My first mission. Initiate a friendship. First thing in the morning.
I fell asleep the moment my face hit the bed.


Ross Amor

It's decided. I am officially crazy. No mental.
Why the heck would i go to HIM, give my puppy and act all shy-ie shy. And i even met his mother! Great is this a boyfriend's family meeting or what?!
I hit myself a few times before hitting the bed, I was too tired of even punishing my dumb self.

But I'll admit it. The meeting was...warm.

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