10-busy lives

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We were on our break.

"Where are you from?" I ask Phoenix.


"Oh cool, why did you move?"

He just shrugs so I leave the topic.

"Where are you living currently?" I continue.

"I rented an apartment. I'm living with my girlfriend" he tells. "Is this 20 questions?" He chuckles.

"Maybe" i shrug. "Do you have anything to ask me?"

"Are you gay??" I choke my on my drink.


"Well, my gaydar kept telling me. And i just had to know, so..?" Okay. This is crazy. But at least he's not homophobic i guess.

"Yeah. I am" he squealed with excitement, for god knows what.

"Awesome. I always wanted a gay friend. I am not gay, we should be clear about that. I have a girlfriend as i already told you. I had a gay friend in the past, but he was a big ass jock. Not yet out though" okay, now he seems like a totally different guy from before.

"Sorry, I am talking too much aren't I? Haha, I'm just excited about this friendship. Do you have a boyfriend??" His eyes are bulging out, almost.

I didn't know whether to be honest or lie. I mean, we just met. I don't need to tell everything, right?

"Um, no. I'm single" I lie.

"Ah that's bad. But no worries my mate, because I, here, will help you to find your other half" he bows down and then shakes my hand aggressively.

"Yeah, right. Sure" i laugh nervously.

"Are you free this weekend? May i have the honour of inviting you to a fun day out in the bright sunny weather?"

"Why, of course, I'm honoured to hang out with you, your majesty" I play along.

Ha! I made a friend. I should let Austin know.

"Hey! Guess what, i made a friend today!!"

"That is amazing Rossie. But, um, I'm sorry. I have to call you back"
Ouch. My excitement vanished.

"Okay yeah su-" he hung up.

Austin Brooks

I was waiting for my interview which will decide if I can take part in this project coming up. A huge one. The reward is even better.
Just when my name was called, Ross called me. I could hear the happiness and excitement in his voice. And i felt devastated to not share the same.

"Okay so you are...Austin Brooks" i nod.

"This interview is simple. Just a simple question to test your eligibility for this project. Do you think you can succeed, and if you do, why?"
I take a deep breath. Not the time to get anxious. I calm down, smile and pour out all my feelings into this so called answer to his question.

"I do think I will succeed. I am aware this is a group project. But with determination and cooperation I can make it succeed. I love photography because of its beauty to capture a moment, that is fleeting, yet it has the capability of everlasting it's charm. Art is similar to photography, just a wider version of it. Allows imagination, reality and a mix of both to become real.
To be able to blend both of these together might be the most fascinating thing to d-"
He fake yawns and
"Sorry to interrupt your little fantasy about your love for whatever, but this is not an interview about your life or your passion" he says sharply.

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