20- breakdown

10 1 0

Austin Brooks

I'm shaking or maybe shivering. I was crying. No, sobbing. So is my mom. I am curled up into myself, trying to disappear from this world. I don't know what to do. My mind is going crazy. So many thoughts so many, I'm unable to think for myself. It's driving my mental, and mom is not helping.
  I hate my mom too. I hate everyone.
I want Ross. I don't need him. I want him. I need his comfort right now. But I hate him too. My mother was sobbing into the phone, I couldn't understand what she was saying. My mind is too loud. I don't like it. I hate it too. I hate everything.
  I hate my body too. I don't want to be in this body. It's disgusting and gross. It's utterly pathetic.

You deserved it
You are pathetic
Fucking deserved everything
Always wanted it didn't you?
Desperate little bit-

"Hey love" I heard Ross' soft voice in midst of everything. My eyes have been closed for so long I didn't want to open them. Maybe I'm back there. I am. But Ross is here right?

Not for you

"Can you hear me? I am Ross, your boyfriend. I am right here. Right here in front of you. All you have to do is open your eyes baby, open your eyes and find me so I can help you find yourself. Is that a good idea for you?" He kept talking, unlike my mind, it was soft. I liked it.
  He wasn't sobbing, I knew that too. I try to find the strength to open my eyes. Slowly I look up at the eyes I've come to love over the past few months. And the smile. He was smiling at me, a soft loving smile that he gave when he told me he loved me. (A/n- as cringey as it sounds I'm keeping this sorry :⁠-⁠))
  He loved me right? I'm sure he does. Because I do.

"There, very very good baby. Now can I hug you?" He asked with a bright smile. A smile that you can't just say no to. A smile that will want you to believe everything is fine.
  I gave a slight nod. I don't know if he caught that.
He did. He walked carefully towards me, as I made some space for him. I noticed my mom standing at the corner of the door, shocked and crying. Too much crying. I didn't like it. I whined and closed my eyes again. I didn't want to see this.
  Ross sat down beside me and wrapped his arm-

Dark. The lights turned off. Ross is luring me. Just like my mind. Just like him. I hate the dark. I screamed.

"Lights!! Turn on the lights!" I could hear a muffled yell from Ross. In a second everything was bright again. Good.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry baby. It was a mistake. The light switch was behind you" he apologized and pulled me into his chest gently. His hands were firmly wrapped around me as he kept whispering how beautiful and amazing I was. The voices quietened. Only Ross here. Only him and me.
  My eyes were heavy, I closed them but the dark was back again. I opened my eyes immediately, it was still bright here.

"What's wrong?" Ross questioned slowly.

"Dark" I choked out. Probably the first word I've spoken since hours.

"More lights?" He asked. I shook my head negatively.

"Nightmares?" He then whispered as if scared that I would explode again.

Nightmares? Were they nightmares? No. They were real. I'm there. So they are real. But I didn't want to explain that to Ross. So I nodded.

"You trust me right?"

I thought about it for a moment before I shook my head. I don't trust anyone. I should not.

Then why is Ross the one to calm you down? Why did his hurt expression make you feel guilty?

I nodded immediately changing my answer.

"It's fine if you don't. But I promise to you Austin, I'll be here with you every second till you wake up again. I will fight off the demons in your head. I'm beside you aren't I?" I nod again.

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