Special chapter! PhoenixXHarvey

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Phoenix/ Jay Valentin

The first time I saw Harvey, I felt butterflies. I noticed him checking me out just as much I did him.
  Boy was he a closed off person. But I could break the ice. A talent of mine. We argued last night. A very bad argument, I was trying to avoid him and he was begging, in his own way, for forgiveness.
  He bought me flowers and picked me up in the morning. Later he begged me to let him take me to this fancy restaurant for lunch.

"When are you going to stop being stubborn?" He whines. I smirk.

"When you apologize with words and not all this....materialistic stuff"

"I'm sorry" he tries.

"Forgiven" I say and his eyes widened and he started banging his head to the table.

"That's all it takes?? A fucking sorry to get your forgiveness. Look at me, doing everything in my power to make you forgive me" he groans. I laugh. 

"You can stop banging your head. You've been forgiven" I continue laughing.

"Oh no mister. This banging isn't for you, it's for my poor little heart who's been hurt since forever because of your ignorance"

"But I heard of a saying 'ignorance is a bliss'" I tease thoughtfully.

"Shut the fuck up pig head" he munch on his food aggressively.

"I should say though, I truly enjoyed your flowers and this fancy restaurant and the best part, your whining"

"Why do I like you again?"

"Because I lured you into this" I point at my face with a grin.

"Very true"

"But honestly, I'm really sorry. Sometimes I can't control my mouth" he continues.

"It's really fine as long as you try not to repeat it" he nods gratefully.

We aren't really the fluffy type. So today was exceptionally fun and strange. Of course, kissing is out of the fluff box.


Damn him and his workaholic personality. I really thought today was the day. I finally thought of asking him out. And he's sitting in his room surrounded by work. He's a dedicated person, very dedicated. Sometimes it gets annoying but it truly is an admirable quality of him.
  I text him right after Austin's phone call.

Can't u finish your work tmr?

My dickhead 👹
yOu are gOInG to the pArTy?

P. S- type properly.

Of coursee I am. It's the guyweekend.
P.S- no thanks

My dickhead 👹
I wasn't aware of that. I was just not in the mood to mingle with friends, I don't have any work. I'll be there in 10, text me the address.

Oh. Sry. It's fine, you can get some rest. Let's meet up tmr

My dickhead 👹
No bonehead. I didn't want to mingle with them, I could use your company.

P.S- it's 'Sorry'

I'm honoured ;) see ya.

Harvey Smith

I chuckle at his message. I wonder how I got this cutie to like me.

He sent me the address. I put on a nice outfit and start.

(Just the outfit

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(Just the outfit. It's not how Harvey looks)


I reach there to notice that the party has already begun. There were a few couples hiding in the bushes making out intensely. I go inside. The music was so loud you couldn't really hear anything else. People, teenagers, were dancing aggressively while drinking simultaneously.
  I jostle through the crowd and find my group at the corner. My eyes falter towards Phoenix and they are filled with lust. He was in all black showing off a bit of his tattoos. We weren't out to our friends, though I'm pretty sure they caught up.

"I thought you couldn't make it" Raise hi-fis

"Changed my mind"

"For a certain person I'm guessing" She teases with a smirk. See what I said about them already catching up.

"I'm going to get a drink" I say and shoot a 'follow me' look towards Phoenix before leaving.

I hear him tell our friends 'I should use the bathroom'. He really is a bonehead.
  He follows me to a corner which was secluded except for us. I turn towards him, but he's already pushing me against the wall and attacking my lips.
  I kiss him back harder and place my hands against his waist pushing him towards myself.
  We pull apart to take a breath.

"You look so fucking hot" I comment, checking him out.

"You look fucking sexy. Should've warned me"

"Like you did?" We go back to kissing.

"I need to ask you something first" he pulls back again and hold my hands.


"That's what she said" he replies. I give him a 'seriously' look before he apologizes and goes back to serious mode. Actually, I want to ask him something first so I speak but we end up jinxing.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" We say at the same time.

"Yes" We do it again and break into a fit of laughter.

"I just thought that what we were doing seemed casual. But I really really like you, so..I wanted to be exclusive"

"I like you too. I would love to call you my boyfriend" I smile against his lips as he leans into kiss me again.


"Do you...do you want to do it?" He suddenly asks me while we were swaying our hips to our own music in an empty room we found.

"For real?" I ask him.

"Yeah.." he trails off.

"We don't have to hurry into anything. I'm totally fine with taking it slow" I assure him.

"Okay thank god. I just heard that people don't get into a serious relationship until they do that..so I was worried and you seemed like a- forget I said anything" he buries himself in my chest.
  I laugh out loud.

"Like a slut? Whore?"

"No no no. God no. Like a jock is what I wanted to say but that's not it either. I just thought you would want to do that" he rambles.

"Alright alright, I got it. Forget it now"

"Okay I'll shut up" he zips his mouth. Did I mention that he's so damn adorable? Like the cutest thing on this earth?

We dance for a little longer before going on to the terrace to star gaze.

"Goodnight, Phoenix"

"Goodnight, Harvey"

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