19- police

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 A/n- Austin's Pov won't be up until the next chapter! Enjoy <3


I warned the police not to make any sounds but of course they're dumb as fuck.

"You called the police?!" Sam growled, his hands at Austin's throat tightening.

"No!! We swear! We don't know what they're here for. They're not here for us!! Trust me!!" I practically bellowed in desperation. Then I saw it. Austin was conscious now. Please, please, please baby do something.

"Listen, Ross, if I'm going down then so are you" he slid the knife painfully slow, but before he could go deeper Austin stomped on Sam's leg, threw his head back and escaped.

I felt like I was brought back to life. Austin stumbled on his legs but successfully ran all the way back to the room, far away from all of us.

The police dashed through the doors.

"Hands in the air! Everyone" Lily walked towards the policeman and spoke.

"I'm the one who called"


The next few hours was a blur. I got flashes of memories, Austin did not let anyone near him, we went to the police station to be questioned seperately. Erica was the only genius person who thought of recording everything instead of standing like statues there. She recorded it all.

"I am extremely sorry Ross" she begged on her knees. I shook my head and pulled her up.

"I can't deny that it was a dumb move. Helping someone you didn't even know, but it's okay. You made a mistake. And it's all because of you that we have evidence. All because of you, I can't thank you enough..I owe you a lot. Thank you Erica"

"It's not your fault. You were too worried and busy to think about recording a video. I mean, if my boyfriend was about to die, my first thought wouldn't be a video" she said. It still hurt all of us to talk about Austin.
  Erica waved a goodbye to everyone and left probably to have a mental breakdown like the rest of us are waiting to.
   Lily walked towards me and threw herself over me.

"Oh god oh god, I can't believe I am seeing you right now. I really hope to god that this isn't a dream" she cried. Mark was behind her smiling sadly.

"Lily, you're going to break my neck" I choked out with a chuckle.

"Sorry sorry"

"Now you know this isn't a dream" I said.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked her.

"Sam is going to prison for life. For abuse, for rape, for threatening, for robbing, for basically breathing" she said in a tone that suggested that those words were hurting like a knife yet they had to be said.

"Abuse?" I questioned.

"Later. Go to your friend now" she said pointing towards Austin who was still curled up in a ball away from everyone.

I walked very carefully towards him. He was shivering and murmuring to himself.

"Hey" I call out softly. He looked up at me with nothing but hatred and anger. It was heartbreaking that he couldn't find comfort in me, but could only feel those feelings.

"Do you want to go home?" Austin's mom was notified to come pick him up. She was talking with the police, Austin refused to talk to anyone.

"Your mother is here, she'll take you home safely" I spoke slowly.

"Leave" he spoke in a whisper. It wasn't even a whisper, I thought maybe I imagined it. It was like he lost his voice.
  Austin's mother came beside me, her face covered with unending tears. I obey Austin and took a few steps back so he could focus on his mother.

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