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Austin Brooks

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"You are staying here and that's final" my mom said leaving no room for arguments. Like I care.

"I don't want to stay here mom!! I'm not fucking suicidal! If i wanted to die I would've did so, the day he fucking ruined me!!" I screamed.

"There's no guarantee that you won't so no Austin. Believe me when I say this is for your own good" she said softly.

"Fuck no. I am going home" I spat as I hurried out of bed. If she doesn't want me home, I live on roads. I don't care. I'm not staying here.

"Where do you think you're going?" She demanded with her arms crossed.

"Away from this hospital"

"Why are you so reluctant to just stay here?? They'll feed you, you have a place to sleep and maybe you can make friends like you!" She shouted. My mom is officially crazy.

"Because I WANT TO BE HOME! Not prisoned up here"

"Excuse you, Mrs Brooks, but I would like you to leave the hospital for you're causing a lot of disturbance to the other patients. Austin's doctor herself stated that he can go home, so he can. Please don't make a scene" the nurse said persistently.

"I know my son better" my mom argued. When did my mother get so...delusional?

"Mrs Brooks please. You're making Austin anxious, he's supposed to stay calm" nurse insisted.

"Uhh bad timing?" Fickle peeked through the door.

"No. Excellent timing, let's get out of here" I said glaring at my mom as I walked out with Fickle.

"How'd you come here?" I asked him.

"I was with Johnny when you ringed him up. He was worried sick that you were sick so he told Ross. He called your mother and she let us know the details and so he was rushing here and we followed him" he explained animatedly.

"Wow. Where are they now?" I asked. After that talk with Ross, I slept for sometime before being called to talk with Jane again.

She asked me few questions, some of which were pretty difficult to answer. Anyways it was all good, she believed me. I really am not suicidal. I was so shocked when Ross asked me that question, like no. I do not want to die. I don't want to leave the people I love, and the things I love. We only live once, and I'd do anything to live it to the fullest.

"Ross and Johnny went to a nearby store to get some candies for you" he answered. Just then I saw Ross and Johnny walking, laughing at something, shoving each other. It's been so long since I've seen them bond.

"There you go. Your loverboy is totally fine" Johnny said as they approached us.

"Hi" Ross greeted softly.

"Hi" I replied back.

"I bought some waffles for you..." He continued as he pulled out from the cover he was holding.

"Thank you!!" I squealed as I grabbed them from him. Nothing satisfied me more than the chocolate that melted in my mouth along with the crunchy waffle.

"This bitch was worried and was bitching me to hurry up. He didn't even let me use the bathroom saying 'quick!! We need to get going'" he enacted with a squeaky voice. I chuckled as Ross turned bright red.

"Let's go Fickle. They might die if they don't kiss right this second" he sneered as he dragged Fickle away. I noticed how Fickle blushed when Johnny held his hand to drag him away. Interesting.

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