
14 1 0

Ross Amor

"What the fuck happened?" I demanded. Why would any sensible person even think of leaving him alone there? God it was so heartbreaking to witness him practically breaking.
  He wasn't there, not entirely. His mind was somewhere else. I wish I could help him. Fuck. Fuck this shit. I punch through the wall and wince before pulling back.

"Calm yourself gentleman. His mother will explain things to you" the nurse said with an annoyed tone. That frustrated me even more.

"Ross" I heard Austin call from behind me. My eyes immediately soften as I run towards his side.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked him. He simply stared at me with wide eyes.

"Better" he shrugged.

"Can you stay with me?" He then questioned.

"Of course. Sure" I replied.

"No..i meant like together. At home"

"You ain't leaving anywhere young man" the same nurse spoke again. Girl what is your problem?!

"What?" Austin asked.

"You'll be staying here. On our watch" she said before leaving the room. Excuse me?!! Rude much??

"What is she saying Rossie?" Austin pulled at my shirt and questioned with teary eyes.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. I promise" I said as I placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Give me a minute" I told him with an assuring smile.

"What's going on?" I asked Abigail.

"H-he'll be k-kept on suicide watch" she stuttered.

"Excuse me?" I snapped. Austin was suicidal? I felt my body stiffen.

"Nothing of such sort is going to take place. I'll make sure" a woman whom I'm assuming is Austin's therapist spoke as she approached us.

"He is. I'm not taking him home" Abigail spoke strongly.

"I know you are a psychologist ma'am. But listen to me, keeping Austin here is going to drive him crazier. He should be with people who he loves and not between four walls. Austin has done nothing so far that makes him look suicidal" the therapist explained. I wanted to give them space but I was too curious.

"He self harms" Abigail whispered. Me and the therapist, both of us froze. I thought my blood was turning white at that new piece of information.

Why didn't I ever notice? Do I even know Austin? Were we in love or was I simply relying on him?

"That is something I wasn't aware of. I would like to talk with Austin before taking any decisions. I would like to let you know that he is my patient and if you trust me enough to bring him to me, I hope you hold onto that trust even now" she said before leaving.

I walked away, leaving Abigail, clenching her fists as she tried to hold herself from breaking down.

"What's going to happen Rossie? Am I going to be locked up here? I don't want to, please Rossie please do something" he begged as he kept pulling at my shirt.

"Calm down darling. Deep breaths. I need you to be honest about something...if you wish to" I began uncertainly.

"Do you self harm?" There. I said it. His face paled as he opened his mouth and closed a few times.

"Yes" he finally answered. I pulled him towards me into a comforting hug hoping that it can convey all the love that I so desperately wish to show him.

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