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Austin Brooks

I scoff at his pathetic excuse. I mean he could've straight up said "sorry Austin i do not want to see you" instead he sent me a lame excuse.

Ross ❤️
Sorry. I'm super busy right now. And I met more people whom I can't ditch on the very first meet right?

  Right, but you can ditch your oh so loving boyfriend. I try to block out thoughts about him and focus on my project and the party plan.
  We decided to hold a small one in our house. Decorating, with a welcoming banner. A feast, home-cooked. And some music to dance along to. A simple fun time together.
  Since I have nothing better to do, I get ready to get the details about my teammates for this project.


"Hi, this is Austin Brooks. I would like some information about the 'blend-it' contest. I'm one of the participants"

"Alright just a minute" she looks through some folders before handing me one.

"This one contains contact details of your partners. And the timings of submission including other details so go through it"
I thank her and go outside to call the members. Their name were; Jay valentin, James Fickle? And  Harvey Smith. I first dial to Jay Valentin.

"Hello?" The background sounded too noisy. Maybe he was busy.

"Hi, um this is Austin Brooks and I am a participant in the 'blend-it' project"  okay that sounds weird. Doesn't it?

"Oh hi! This is Phoenix Valentin. So glad to hear from you. I'll text to this number this evening, sorry I'm kinda caught up right now. At work,you know"

  Phoenix?? Isn't that the name Ross mentioned the other day? Maybe this is Jay's brother?

"Um, here it is mentioned as Jay Valentin. Are you his brother or something?" I question.

"Or something. I am Jay/Phoenix Valentin. I prefer to go by Phoenix although my real name is Ja- YES I AM COMING, WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE. Right sorry about that. I'll call you back" and he hangs up.

  Welp that was chaotic. He seems cool though. They're not the same Phoenixs right....can't be that much of a coincidence. I should just ask Ross. Anyways, next i dialed James Fickle. Such a...creative name i should say.

"Hi, is this James Fickle?"

"Yup that's me. Who's this?" Just by his voice i could tell that he was a bubbly type of person.

"Right, so i am Austin Brooks and I am a participant of 'blend-it' project" I tell him.

"Oh oh! You are my partner. Cool cool. So when do you want to meet up?"

"Um now. If you're free that is" I offer.

"I'm always free for my love" he exhilarates. My love?? What the hell?

"Oh i meant, Art you know. Not you" he clears up.

"Right. So i am at the office, where the interview has taken place. Do you need me to pick you up or are you good?" I ask him.

"Oh no biggie. I'm nearby anyways. I'll be there in 5" and he hangs up. What is with people hanging up on me?!

As he said within 5 minutes, a tiny looking guy who looks 15? Walks in and greets me. He's wearing a colourful dyed hoodie with dark blue jeans.

"Hi! I am James Fickle. You must be Austin Brooks" he shakes my hand.

"Yes, nice to meet you"

"I'm 15. You are?" He asks.

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