24- therapy

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"Woah woah! Don't panic. I'm Lily. Ross' mother. Ross is in the bathroom and was worried you might be here before he would out so he sent me to pick you up. Let's get inside. I will maintain the same distance don't worry" the woman,Lily, spoke. She opened the door and walked inside and waited for me to get in.

Trap. She's lying. I tried to ground myself but it was hard. It was dark all around me. My phone dropped to the ground.

"Hey" that voice snapped me out of my thoughts. It spread relief over me. Ross.

"Hey Austin. You don't have to worry, it's me. Let's get inside" he cooed as he looked at me with a smile. I ran towards him and held onto him tightly.

"Sorry to startle you like that. Myself Lily as I already introduced. I'll leave you two alone. Good night kids" she kissed Ross' forehead before leaving us in his room.

"So...should we go to bed?" Ross began nervously.

"Can I hug you?" I asked.

"Of course, you don't have to ask" He said excitedly. I wrapped myself around him, he held onto my tightly as he caressed my hair and rubbed circles on my back.
Hugs are my favorite forms of affection.


"Is there a particular reason you wanted to come over?" Ross asked. We were laying on the bed staring at his ceiling filled with stars, you know those glow in the dark stars.

"I can't sleep. But maybe I can, when I'm with you" I said truthfully.

"Oh. It's not really my place but...maybe you should talk to someone? Like a therapist?" He said hesitantly. I didn't like this Ross. He's acting so indifferent and distant. Not his place? We were boyfriends. Well, we were boyfriends until I ruined it.

"I am. My first session is tomorrow" I replied. He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face properly. He was also wearing two hoodies and socks and gloves. It was a fever, I don't know why he was making such a big deal.

"That's great, good. That's good" he said.

"I can't hear you properly and I can see you sweating. It's just a fever, I don't mind if I catch it. Please be comfortable" I said unable to take this anymore.

"Oh. It's not sweaty. I'm fine. Let's just go to bed" he wasn't going to listen to anything I say is he. I sighed and turned away from him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Give me a minute, I'll change into my pyjamas" he said as he bolted up and began rushing to the bathroom.

What the fuck is wrong with him?!

"I didnt-" no use, he already locked himself. Maybe coming here was a bad idea.

"Ross stop acting like this!" I snapped when he came back wearing his panda pyjamas and that stupid mask. His eyes widened as he began speaking something but I cut him off.

"No. Please. Just be yourself. I'm not going to explode. Stop treating me differently, the last person I expected to treat me differently because of what happened is you! Even our friends are trying to be normal why not you?!" He frowned.

"I-...I'm sorry"

"Oh my god!!! Stop apologizing" I was too frustrated with this. He made that smile again. Oh this wasn't going to be good.

"Fine fine I'll be normal, okay? Let's sleeeep. I'm honestly too tired for arguing. Please?" He put on the puppy eyes and jumped inside the duvet.

"Whatever" I said and laid back staring at the ceiling.

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