18- the party

11 1 0

Ross Amor

"Do you want to dance?" I asked Austin.

"Sure" he grinned.

We moved along to the beat while looking at each other like we were the only ones to exist.

"I love you" I confess sometime while slow dancing. His hands around my neck, my arms around around his waist, he buried his head in my chest and danced along.

"I love you too" I place a kiss on his head.

"Oh so this is where the second couple disappeared to" we both snapped our heads to see Raise, Erica, Harvey and Phoenix made their way towards us.

"Get lost. Let us have our moment" Austin mumbled, nuzzling his head into my chest again.

"I'll go get us some drinks okay?" I said to Austin and pulled back a little.

"For those idiots? They can get it themselves" he whined but pulled back.

I chuckled and walked away giving Austin a blow kiss. I hustled through the bunch of teenagers grinding against each other. I almost bumped into a person carrying whole lots of drinks.
    I finally reached the bartender to find that it was crowded. I waited sometime to let the crowd to lessen before ordering.

"Hey! How many?" He asked when it was my turn.


"Give me a minute"

Meanwhile I looked around at people. This isn't really a gay bar but there are lgbt people and straight people. I felt self conscious as I was by myself again. I also felt a little scared that Jack might appear from nowhere and harass me. But my friends made sure that he was nowhere around here. They didn't know the entire story but they had an idea.
"Hey handsome. Whatcha doin' here alone?" A girl wearing a silver crop shirt and a similar skirt spoke, as she checked me out.

"Grabbing drinks for my friends" I claimed.

"Did they ditch you for drinks?" She giggled.

"Well, my boyfriend was reluctant for me to go" I said with a smirk. She became uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't know" she apologized and left.

"There you go" the bartender handed me the drinks.

"Thanks" I said and walked back to my friends.

I looked around for Austin, but he wasn't there.

"Where's Austin?"

"Oh, he went to the bathroom" Erica was the one to speak. I guess the others were too busy among themselves.


I waited for 5 minutes but he wasn't back.

"I'll go check on him" I muttered and left.

"I'll come with you" Phoenix said.


"Be right back" Phoenix pecked Harvey before running up to me.

  We searched the bathroom but Austin was nowhere in sight.

"AUSTIN?" I cried loud enough for everyone in the cubicles to hear. No response.

We waited for some more time, and soon everyone in the cubicles came out. The rest were empty.

"He isn't here. Let's split up and look around" I said.


"Nowhere. We checked everywhere"

"Maybe he went outside?" Raise suggested.

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