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Austin Brooks
I did all the research i could about body hatred. I read so many stories of people with eating disorders to people who get bullied to people who even killed themselves. The world is harsh, you have to keep your guard up. Your mind is unpredictable. Henceforth you should be the one in control.
I've been meeting him now and then, we watched movies and I taught him how to bake cookies. And finally after a few more days he called me to let me know his decision after a lot of thinking.
"I never thought about it. But yes, it began because of someone else but I want it as well. Truly. I want to look in the mirror and be like, yes this is who I imagined myself to be" he told me. His eyes were filled with hope. Clarity.

Often things become easier to struggle against when we have clarity. Just like rights of women. There was a clarity that women are being ill-treated. That is when it became easier for them to present their views and struggles to the world.
Similarly, when we have a clarity about ourselves that's 30% of the problem solved.
We decided on meeting in the gym every thrice a week. He wants to become slim, and me...let's just say I want to support him. Also, I want to build muscle. I love my body. I don't need to take special care of it so far.

"Hey!" I ran towards him. He slightly pecked my lips and chuckled.

We officially started dating. We didn't have our official date yet, but we are officially boyfriends. Hurray!

"Austin Brooks, i, Ross Amor, would like to ask if you would like to be my boyfriend" he couldn't put on the act very well. He broke down laughing in middle and groaned at being so corny.

"I would be honoured to do so" I continued the act and bowed. I clapped for both of us and we kissed. Innocent kiss. Not the hotter one.

"Are you ready to hit the gym?" I asked him. He's still not comfortable in wearing slim fit jeans. He wears baggy jeans and oversized shirts. I gifted him a hoodie and he wears it only for my sake. He says it ruins his bad boy image.

"There is NO bad boy image. You're a big ass softie" I teased him. He walked towards me, trapping me by the door. Super cliché.

"Dude, you're in my way. Move away or get ready to have a 'fun' time at school from now on" he tried to act like the school jock, pretty obvious really. We both broke down laughing.

"How did that sound? Scared for your life?" He smirked.
I ain't playing this. I kneed him in his stomach and he fell back whimpering in pain.

"How did that feel? Scared for your bones?" I cringed so hard.

He became more open with me. More himself. It was nice.
We reached the gym. We signed a membership for a month. It had no trial period! How cruel.
The first day was brutal. We sweated out our bodies and I'm not gonna lie,it felt good.

"How was it?" I ask Ross.

"Awesome. Damn that felt fucking good. Did you like it?" I nod and smile.

"Do you want keep doing this together?" He asks hesitantly.

"Of course, why do you ask that?"

"It's just, i don't look the best when working out and I don't want you to feel grossed out or anything...." He looked at his feet.

"Does anyone look like saints or gods while working out? Come on Ross, sweating is part of it. And struggling through gives u results. I'm very happy to be doing this with you. Don't have second thoughts okay?" I assure him.

He nods and smiles.

Ross Amor
We spent a bit more time together before i reached home at around 3pm. Alright, not just a bit. A lot of time together.
Sam was sitting on the chair smoking and deep in thought. I tried to escape but he called me to sit down.

"We need to talk Ross" I simply nod. There's no way of getting out of this.

"Your mother called" I gulp loudly, and shift in my place uncomfortably. Not what i was expecting.

"She wants to come back here" he simply states. He then stares at me with his hopeless eyes. They look so broken and sad.

"What do you say?"

I clear my throat and answer, I don't care. Oh but I do care. I haven't seen my mum in years. We just don't talk about her.

"You know why she wants to be back bud? For money. Just for fucking money. She probably went broke by buying all her fucking designer clothes, makeup and what not. She will never change. Fuck" there's something weird about the way he spoke. I can't quite place my finger on it.
Suddenly his eyes well up, and he's full on sobbing and coughing due to the cigarette.

"I am sorry son. Very sorry, sorry that I took it out on you. I just....it is hard for you, i know...but i..i am very sorry son" he hiccups and talks between his sobs.
I just sit there, too frozen to say anything. Like man, i don't even know what he's talking about.

"It's okay dad. Let's calm down" I pat him gently. God I want to laugh at the silliness of this situation.
Hold it in Ross

"I cannot do this anymore. I will tell you the truth. About what actually happened. But I'm still sorry. I know. It is just an excuse, more of an explanation to why i acted like that...not that i deserve your forgiveness. But please try to listen through it. I'm sorry Ross. For everything" he's calmed down a bit before he spoke the words that made me gasp for air.

"She abused us,Ross. For years. Not specifically you, but me. I...."

NOTE: Sorry for such a short chapter, the next one will be longer

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