3- Café

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Austin Brooks

The very next morning I got ready by 10 am and started to his house. Right. I know. Uninvited. Bad. But I had no other way of reaching out so.
How did I know his house? Obviously i asked Catherine last night.
I reached there in around 10 minutes. I noticed windows smashed and the house looked pretty bland. And creepy.
I walked up to see if there was a bell. But no. So i knocked the door. No response. Again. No response. As i was about to walk away, the door opened to present a big beardy man fully dressed up and smiling brightly.
"Hello. I am Austin. And i am looking for Ross Amor?" Why am I questioning him god!

"Hello. Nice to meet you. He is still in bed. But you can wait in. Come inside" he led the way. I am starting to wonder if i am in the correct house.

"Thank you" i nodded as i took the glass of water from him. Now that i notice, his face looks tired. And weak. And sick. I wonder who he-

"Who are you?" I blurt. Great.

"I am Ross' stepdad. Nice to meet you Austin. He never really brought around any friends" he smiled and walked away.
Then i saw a teenage boy who's probably around 13 or 14 walking down the stairs.

"Mornin' dad. Who is this?" He pointed at me.

"Hi. I am Austin. I am here for Ross" I introduce myself.

"Oh hi. Are you one of his friends?" He questioned suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"Well we just recently met. So I won't call ourselves friends yet" I said.

"Alright. I'll call him down. Bye dad. Have a good day" he waved to his dad.

"Okay kiddo. I'll have to get going. Bye" his dad waved to me and walked out.

I waited for 10 minutes when finally Ross came down. His hair was disheveled, he was still in his boxers and was wearing his shirt in the wrong way. I chuckled at his morning look.

"What the hell are you laughing about?" He frowned.
Damn chill bro.

"Nothing. You look.... phenomenal" I finished.

"Whatever. Why are you here? I gave back your bicycle" he raised his eyebrows and stretched his arms, yawning.

"I was thinking we could you know hang out or something"

"Hang out? Where? And why?" I love the fact that his first question was where and not why the fuck would i do that.

"There's a nice café down the street. Serves delicious food" i beamed.

"Okay..I'll get changed. Give me uh 10minutes. You can watch the Tv if you like. Oh sorry it's actually broken. Just sit I'll be back" he said and left.

I took in my surroundings. Now i really feel creeped out. It's gloomy here. Very gloomy. The tv is smashed. And the light in the hallway is flickering.
Exactly after 10minutes i see him coming down, this time wearing a turtle neck black shirt and torn blue jeans. Cute. He looks cute.

"John get ready for school. Eat something in the school cafeteria. I'll buy you a burger tonight" he told that boy and gestured me out.

"Okay bye asshole. Have a great day" he chuckled.

"Was that your brother?" I asked. He nodded.

After we reached. We both ordered a vanilla milkshake and some fries.

"So why are we here again?"

"I was thinking maybe....we could be...friends?" I said.

"Friends? I don't do friends" he shrugged.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I didn't mean in that way" he gave a lopsided grin.

"For the record, I had no such thoughts. So why don't you do friends?" I teased back.

"No reason" he shrugged looking at his milkshake.

"Fine. Let's date then" shit. What the heck did i just say?

He choked on his milkshake and started coughing.


"Let's...let's date. Since you don't do friends" I continued. I am mental. No crazy.

"Oh. Um. Okay fine. Sure. I guess" he nodded. Welp, today's...going unexpectedly well.

"Alright then. Here's my number" I handed over. Yup, I have to go get my mental health checked with my mother.

"Call me, text me, whenever. Let's hang out any chance we get. Okay?" I said.

"Yeah cool. Cool" he sighed.

"You alright?"

"Do you like me or something?" He asked.

"Of course not. I meant I don't like you like that. Yet. Maybe I will" I was spouting nonsense at this point.

"So...are you gay?"

"Yeah yeah i am. And you?"

"I am bisexual" he said.


We finished our drinks and fries and parted ways. After I reached home, i began stalking his Instagram. I noticed he hasn't posted anything since about 2 years. But before that there were so many pictures and cute/funny videos. He looked so carefree unlike now. I even saw a picture with my cousin Catherine.
I,not so accidentally, liked one of his picture. Meh I kind of did it on purpose so doesn't matter.
   I thought of calling Catherine to ask about him but it didn't feel necessary. Let this be a new beginning. Cheers to this new acquaintance!

Ross Amor

Woah. That's a lot to process now. I'm dating him. Yikes, that sounds super weird considering the fact that we barely know each other. I don't know why i agreed though. It's not like my previous relationship was great. And it's not his fault. Mine.

"Ahh, fuck you Austin Brooks" I groaned.

I then got a notification. I open it to see Austin like one of my old picture. I never wanted to look back at them.
Disgusting. I look so ugly. And fat. Is he trying to mock me?
I text to his number. He replies almost immediately.

Austin 😵


Austin 😵
That was bland. But anyways what's up?!

The fan?

Austin 😵
Haha nice joke -_-


Austin 😵
Alright alright. What is your favorite colour?

Blue? Or maybe yellow. Why?

Austin 😵
Just getting to know each other.


Austin 😵
Mine is pink :))

Oh. Cute.

Shit why did i just type that?

Austin 😵
Thank youu! Fine then i gotta go. Ttyl.

Uh I had to go and search what ttyl stood for. (Talk to you later) I am so bad at texting.

That night while I was having my dinner my phone rang. I noticed Austin's name pop up. I excused myself from the dining table and went to answer it.

"Heyyyyyyy Rossie" Austin's voice slurred. He was drunk. Oh lord.

"Austin where are you?" I questioned calmly.

"I am at a gay bar. Wanna join m-me?" He hiccupped.

"No Austin. I do not. Why did you call me?"

"My friend Jack grabbed my phone to call you to come here. But to save you i snatched the phone from him and now I'm talking to you hehe" he sounded so proud of himself.
After a few minutes of silence I heard the voice which made me want to puke.

"Yo man, this is Jack"

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