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Austin Brooks

I carry Ross home, and call out to his brother. He exclaimed asking what happened.

"When was the last time he ate?" I ask in between while panting.

"I don't know. This afternoon, i guess. He went out with Phoenix for lunch" he tells. I could see that he was very worried.

"He'll be fine Johnny. Just fatigue. Can you go arrange his bed for me?"

  I place him on the bed and splash some water to which he finally opens his eyes. I make him drink an entire glass of water and fed him some biscuits before he went back to sleep.
  I went down to cook something for him. With the ingredients i had, i made chicken noodle soup with bread toast and ordered some fish and salmon for everyone. I texted my mom that i was staying overnight at Ross' to which she would've gone nuts but i mentioned that he's in a bad condition so she was fine with it.
Then i texted Erica.

Hey, I'm staying over at my friend's place tonight. See you tmrw :)

Johnny helped me with utensils and kitchenware. I was putting the items on a tray to bring it upstairs and I felt arms wrap around my waist.
I turn around to see Ross, looking so weak that it hurt my heart. I hugged him back, i missed him so much. Then the sobs began. He was full on bawling his eyes out and mumbling apologies.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Austin. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you, I'm sorry" i rubbed his back softly and murmured words of comfort.
  I made him sit down once his sobs became hiccups.

"Here, first eat. Then we'll talk. Okay?" I go to get the delivery.

"Hey Johnny, where is your dad?" I ask him.

"He's out. Ross dragged him to his room in the afternoon. Didn't move since" he shrugs. Oh. Now that's another reason he must've been upset.

"Can you go wake him up for dinner?" He nods and leaves.

I open the food i ordered and arrange the table. I notice Ross just playing around with the food and not eating.

"Hey, look at me. Finish everything i give you. Okay? Slowly. We'll go to gym daily from tomorrow, okay? I promise" he nods and finally eats.

Sam comes down tripping on his feet, still drunk probably. Johnny and Sam sit down and eat their food. I drink the soup and have a bread toast.

"Leave them, I'll do it" Sam said as i was washing the dishes.

"It's okay. Go take rest, it's only a few" I am not letting him break all these expensive utensils. Nope nada.

After an hour of persuasion Ross finished his food and we go to his bedroom.

"Johnny. Thank you for your help. Now don't worry about your brother and sleep peacefully. Okay? Good night" I hug him and he leaves.

Ross Amor

I wish I can disappear right now. I watched him cook our food, wash our dishes, and clean up my bed. And I just watched. As if he was our maid or something. This break up might afterall be worth it probably.
  The only reason i could finish my food was because of his hopeful eyes. I didn't want to disappoint him again. He closed the door and joined me on bed. He pulled me closer and embraced me. I felt like crying, again. I didn't want to face the break up. I'm too scared. I'm too weak.

"Ross" he calls out softly.

"Ross, talk to me. Please"

  Fucking bitch. So worthless.

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