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A/n Im going to call the refugee cloak that Ezra has on his <blending in> outfit the Rebel's Cloak

(Lore Book- The Guardian I:

A ghost searched through the underground town of Old Coober Pedy it used to be a mining town in Australia until the golden age when it was no longer needed. The ghost started scanning around the underground town looking for it's match when it heard the sound of crying, curiosity came over the spawn of the Traveler. The Ghost flew to the source came across a human child looking around scared and by himself, the ghost flew over "hey little one are you ok?" The feminine sounding ghost asked the child didn't answer instead made an attempt to run from the ghost he tripped over his bloodied leg "it's ok kid, what's your name?" the ghost asked scanning the boy "mommy said to not talk to strangers." The boy said feeling scared but cooperative "well Kiddo, I'm a ghost, where's your parents?" Ghost asked the boy looked down sadly "I don't know, I was playing in the living room earlier a-and I woke up here." The kid said rubbing his eyes the ghost looked at his bloodied leg and it circled around the kid "seems like your leg is fine not damaged in any way to it just bloody." Ghost said  "Can I come with you Ms. Ghost I'm scared?" The kid asked the ghost nodded leading the kid to a nearby home in the underground town the ghost knew it should be looking for it's guardian to protect humanity, but something told her to watch over this kid.)

Ezra sighed as he looked around the old basement, something gave him a familiar feeling but he didn't know why it didn't stop his mind from going other places 'Tell Zavala, and Ikora, the vanguard i-is the best bet I ever lost.' The memory of Cayde said 'I know what must be done, Fireteam Crux tell the vanguard that we failed.' Another voice said followed by an explosion 'Devotion, Bravery, Sacrifice.' He heard Zavala say remembering the funeral of Amanda he sighed in Sadness the memory of the dead, it is a bitter place "You'll want to see this." he heard Sabine say behind him. He turned his head and saw her looking at him with a sad smile.

Ezra and Sabine both came up the ladder and saw Kanan looking at some holographic images coming from Tseebo's headset "What are we looking at?" Ezra asked Sabine smiled as she saw them "It's well, it's everything. Imperial specs on the new TIEs and new T-8 Disruptors. Schedules of troop movements, tactics and strategies. Half of its encrypted, but it looks like there's a five-year plan for Lothal
and every other world in the Outer Rim." She listed "No wonder he's been acting crazy. His brain can't handle that much data, it's causing an overload." Sam said scanning the device again "The secrets in his head must be damaging to the Empire. We'll need to smuggle him off Lothal." Kanan said "Gotta smuggle him out of town first. You know the only reason the Imperials haven't caught him yet is because their forces were occupied with Empire Day, But the day's almost done." Sabine said sadly as she sat down trying to think of a way to do this the hunter scratched his chin before Ezra spoke "you guys can smuggle him out by using the highway." Sam started before dematerializing "I'll create a distraction and we'll meet you guys at the tower." Ezra said finishing her plan walking towards the door "whoa, whoa, whoa." Sabine said walking towards him "what are you taking about?" She asked "I mean, you guys get Tseebo out by using one of the Imperial transports. While we keep every other trooper too busy to come after you." he explained opening the door and sticking his head out to make sure the coast is clear "are you sure?" She asked worriedly "Sabine, I'll be fine." he said as he smiled and ran out about to make a giant distraction.


Ezra ran down the alleys of Lothal right back towards the main road where the parade was, there was someone who he knew could get him the attention he needed in order to cover the others. Using his strand web Ezra pulled himself up to a roof top in order to each the road quicker. Jumping across the roof tops he neared the road. Stopping on the edge of the roof he looked down to see the destruction in the area. Thankfully he could see no civilians injured but he couldn't help but smile as he saw the Inquisitor, Kallus and minster Tua all standing and talking together 'that's a way to get attention.' he thought smiling to himself 'Sam set my armor to my mission gear, give me Fatebringer, Long Arm, and Whisper.' The hunter thought as the armor materialized on his body along with his signature cowboy cloak, his weapons materialized on his back, and handgun holster pulling the sniper his back he aimed it right at the inquisitor. Pulling the trigger, a white nail bullet went straight to the man, heading right for the back of his head, but unfortunately he wouldn't go down that easily, turning around he activated his saber and tried to deflect the shot it split in two hitting two of the  nearby troopers right in the head causing them to disintegrate in solar energy Kallus quickly pulled his blaster and aimed it right at Ezra as well as everyone other trooper.

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