Vision and Voices

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A sand storm was common on this planet the hunter found the crew stood around the holotable "even though we still have some preparation to do before we strike the empire's factory on Lothal, I want to do a thorough recon trip to update our intel." Hera said as she spoke the hunter heard a voice call his name he looked around before shaking his head "there's no need for the full sqaudron. A small unit should be able to handle this." Hera continued slightly more muffled as the hunter heard the voice again "Ezra." It said the hunter noticed something out of the corner of his eye looking to what looked like a man "I'm assigning you the mission, Ezra." She finished as the hunter felt his hearing come back he looked towards the figure not noticing his hand was on his cannon "Ezra?" Hera said making his attention snap back with a gasp "care to join the briefing?" She asked with a raised brow the hunter shook his head "sorry. Yeah. No, it's just I... I thought I saw something." He said scratching the back if his head "this is your mission, Ezra. I need your full attention." Hera said with an annoyed look "yeah, you've got it. Sorry." He said trying his best to pay attention "alright. So first, you'll slip into the system and study the empire's orbital defenses." Hera said as the hunter tried focusing the voice beckoned him "we'll keep our distance, but gather all the data we can. I want Destroyer positions, TIE patrol routes, transport schedules..." Hera said but was drowned out to the voice beckoning the hunter "Ezra." It said again as a vision of a man that followed a nearby rebellion fighter he gave his eyes a quick blink and the being vanished before his eyes "something wrong?" Kanan asked putting a hand on the hunter's shoulder "no, I... I just... I thought I saw something, or someone." Ezra answered as Hera's voice came back "The Recon Team leaves as soon as we're loaded up. Questions?" Hera asked finishing the briefing "is Admiral Thrawn there?" Sabine asked "we have reports of an increase in capital ships, but no confirmation as to whether..." her voice was drowned out again "Ezra." The voice said seeing Maul walk in the backround more clearly he backed up panicked by it hand in the grip of his saber "Ezra, what is it?" Kanan asked quietly as the hunter noticed Maul around the room everywhere he looked.

Before he bumped into Zeb "hey, kid. You feeling alright?" Turning he saw it Maul staring at him he pulled out Fatebringer "there!" He said aiming at the being that immediately disappeared "what am I looking at?" Zeb asked as the hunter holstered his gun and growled in annoyance "you don't look very good." Hera said her voice muffled as his attention was pulled to Kanan "Ezra, what do you see?" Kanan asked as the voice called again "Ezra!" This time shouted from behind he grabbed Fatebringer pointing it directly at the man now standing there backing up only to fall over the holo map his eyes rolled back and his body stayed "Ezra!" Kanan called out "Kanan, what's going on?" Hera asked as the hunter lay there Sam came out and scanned him "I don't know. I don't know!" He said as the little light shook her shell not being able to determine the problem Ezra, can you hear me? Ezra!" Zeb shouted shaking the man's shoulder.


The hunter opened his eyes blinking a few times still out of it slightly "wake up." Kanan said from his side and the hunter sat up reaching for a weapon that wasn't there "whoa, Ezra. It's okay. You're safe." Kanan said as he looked around seeing the rest of the crew he relaxed breathing evenly "you want to tell us what's going on?" Hera asked as he looked to her now sitting on the bunk "it was Maul." Ezra stated "you mean, at the briefing?" Sabine asked the hunter nodded "I saw him. He spoke to me. He... he was right behind me, right there staring into me... no through me." The hunter said with a breath "kid, I was standing next to you. There was nobody else there." Zeb said as Hera shook her head trying to make sense of the hunter's words "maybe it was some kind of, ub, Force vision." She said looking to Kanan who thought about it "mmm, maybe." He said as Zeb shook his head "if you ask me, the kid's just been working too hard." He said leaving making the hunter annoyed Chopper began moving for the door chirping as he did "Chopper, stop it." Hera said holding out a hand the droid grunted as he left "no, Chop's right. Nap time's over. It's time to get back to it." Ezra said standing to his feet "you sure you're alright?" Hera asked concerned "I'm fine. Just had a bad something." He said pausing before giving a nod "no reason to stop the rebellion, right?" He asked walking by to the door "come on, Bine. We got to get ready for our mission." He said as the two left Hera and Kanan in the room. Kanan shifted his head over to the two holocrons before he looked down Hera put a hand on his shoulder "tell me what you're thinking, Kanan." Hera said making the Jedi nod "I'm thinking whatever Ezra went through with Maul, it's not over yet." He informed as he walked out.

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