Rescue mission

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A/n it's going to get confusing so for now on (The Ghost) refers to Hera's ship (the ghost) refers to Sam

Ezra sat on the bench in the cell waiting for Sam to open the door "Breaking Rocks in the hot sun, I fought the law and the law won." He began singing "hey you in there shut it." The two troopers outside his cell said "robbing people with a six-gun, I fought the law and the law won." He sang waiting for his Ghost to finish up 'give me liar's handshake, and give me their comms when you finish up.' He thought to the ghost who was  getting ready for the door open punching the air getting himself prepared.

Scene change
Hera held her hand to her chin in contemplation Zeb noticed the look and his eyes widened "No. No, no. No way! You cannot be serious!" Zeb yelled waving his arms in a no way type of way "It's our fault he was there!" Hera spat back putting a hand on her hip "Oh, come on Hera!" Zeb said crossing his arms "We just met this guy, and he told me to leave him, We're not going back for him!" He argued crossing his arms "They'll be waiting for us." Sabine said looking down at the Ace of Spades before twirling it once "Sounds like fun you've got my vote cap." She admitted with a smirk Chopper Grumbled. "What? What did he say?" Zeb asked angrily "He voted with me" Hera said smiling at him "That's three against two. Kanan, what do you think?" she said turning to the bearded man who rubbed his chin in thought.

Scene change

Back in the cell Ezra's foot tapped in impatience "by the traveler you are taking forever little light." Ezra said rolling his head "hey Ezzy I don't see you working on this so shut up." The ghost said in annoyance scanning the door still Ezra rolled his eyes before suddenly his boots changed back gaining it's golden gun, and his gauntlets changed to Liar's Handshake standing next to the door he heard the sound of their comms hacked before it opened using the blade on liars he stabbed the one on the left who went down like a sack of potatoes the other just aimed his weapon about to kill the hunter "safety's on rookie." The hunter bluffed, the trooper fell for the trap looking down at the gun catching an arc filled punch to the gut killing the man "Sam track my weapons." Ezra said picking up the gun the trooper dropped as a waypoint ended up on his HUD he began running to it "hey you stop right there!" A trooper exclaimed only to get nailed directly in the chest the hunter closed in on the room, getting inside was easier then expected "Sam search the room for our stuff I'll cover the door." Ezra said aiming the laser weapon at the door waiting Sam scanned the room looking around for the weapons on Ezra's comm he heard something interesting "The delay was insignificant. The transport ship Agent Kallus diverted will dock on Kessel within two hours. The Wookiees will be off-loaded to work spice mine K-77." The operator said as Ezra heard voice running through the halls talking about the hangar room then Sam came over scanning over his body giving him a smirk as his Battler and quickfang transmated onto his back "I don't know how, but the rebel ship approached without alerting our sensors." he heard Kallus say over the Comm giving him an even bigger smirk "I'm surprised they came back, Sam trade my Battler for Luna's, track the hangar we got a ticket off this giant hunk of junk, how about we give them something to dance to." He said pulling out quickfang and Luna's Howl as it appeared on his hip before running down the corridor towards the marker.

Scene change

The second The Ghost landed they got bombarded by blaster fire "well looks like they were waiting, any suggestions?" Sabine asked immediately exiting the ship getting behind some crates the Ace was strapped to her chest piece in a makeshift holster by"Sabine, you and Zeb find Ezra meets us back here, we will try to whittle their numbers down!" Kanan yelled getting behind his own crate blind firing above it then a sound it sounded like the ship's comm systems were about to put out a message then something odd 'is that music?' The crew thought.

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