prologue (jungkook)

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"Run from here" were the words 8 year old  jungkook heard from his mother when they came out of the pack. Behind them was absolute chaos , blood was flowing out of the wolves as the other wolves  shredded their skin 

"Im not leaving you mom" the little boy replied sniffing , his puppy eyes staring at his mother "can't we all run away? Me, you and dad" the boy asked . His bambi eyes shining with hope looking at his mother

"We can't my heart , your father and i have the responsibility of our pack .... we can't leave our people here when they have showed this much trust on us" the mother explained calmly but her mind was stormed , her eyes were teary looking at her son because maybe its the last time she is looking at him

"You know shinhyum uncle's pack  go there baby , don't worry about us if the fate has planned we will meet again" the women didn't want to give any false hope to her son knowing it will hurt even more later

"I love you mom , i love you so much and i love dad too" saying that the little boy hugged his mother tight , crying hard .

"We love you too son , make us proud-" suddenly a loud growl was heard from behind . Turning their heads they saw a wolf standing there looking at them with deadly eyes

"Run" the women whispred in her son's ear before turning into her wolf and attacking the intruder

The boy ran and ran , he didn't looked back even once knowing he won't be able to see whats happening , even if its something good.

The guards of dawn pack frowned when they saw a boy running towards them , they cautiously took their swords out just in case

As soon as they saw a clear vision of the boy their eyes widen as they kept their swords back and stood there with wide eyes , watching the prince of latnes pack running towards them

As soon as jungkook came towards the guards , he lost his sense and fell unconcious on ground

The guards panicked as they picked the little prince up and took them to the throne room

On the other side -

The king and queen were sitting on their thrones with a little 6 year old boy on the queens lap telling them about his day when the door opened and some soldiers ran inside with an unconcious boy in their arms

" your majesty , we found prince jeon unconcious infront of our pack gate" the guard said to the king and the couple stood up instantly shocked

"Call the physicians and get the medicare room ready" the king said and the unconcious boy was soon getting treated

"Soojin , take prince jimin out in the garden" soojin , jimin's caretaker took the boy's hand and left

Soon after the physician was out and the prince was taken to the guest chambers

"Don't worry king His majesty fainted from exhaustion , he just need some rest and these pills and he will be okay" the physician told them

"Fine , you are dismissed" the physician bowed and left

The king and queen entered the chamber and saw the little boy lying there unconciously

"Prince is here , is everything fine there at the pack" the queen asked the king

" i am going there with my soldiers , you stay here and look after prince jungkook and jimin " the king said to the queen

"Fine just , be careful"

The king pecked his wife's forehead and left , soon there was a small knock on the door

"Yes?" The queen who was now sitting beside the prince answers . The door opened revealing prince jimin's caretaker along with the prince

" apologies queen , but the prince wanted to be with you" soojin said and jimin came to his mother and sat on her lap

"You can go now" queen ordered and the girl left

"Mumma" the little prince jimin spoke

"Whats wrong my prince"

"What happened to koo hyung" the boy asked tilting his head to look at his mother

"He is tiered baby , thats why he is sleeping"

"Can i sleep with him?" The boy asked innocently

"Sure" the mother said and laid him beside the prince and soon , both the boys were sound asleep

Jungkook opened his eyes and saw king and queen sitting infront of him , he turned his head and saw little prince jimin was sitting beside him , a soft smile spread on his face looking at the baby prince

"Jungkook , how are you feeling" the queen asked concerned and thats when the reality hit him , on how he came here

"F-fine" he said sitting and looked at the couple

"M-mom d-dad?" The boy asked terrified , he  wanted to know the answer but he was too terrified to know the negetive

"I-im sorry son-" as soon as he heard the king his body felt numb , tears started coming out of his eyes without his will .... he had a faint idea of this but the confirmation would hurt this much , he didn't knew

"Shh its okay prince" the queen stood up and hugged the boy

"Its okay , you don't have to feel alone .... we are here . We are your parents , jimin is your brother and this is your pack - we are your family

She wiped jungkook's teary eyes and pecked his forehead and the king hugged both of them

"Familyyy" little jimin jumped on the trio making them laugh and thats where prince jungkook started his new path of life

Ignors the grammar mistakes and enjoy 😊

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