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Im really sorry for the late update and also 5K VIEWS??😭 thank you so much i wasn't expecting this story to even get a 100 views but thanks a LOT

Happy reading

Everyone was tense , its been an hour they realised taehyung was no where in the pack house and jimin was at the edge of breaking out

"Hyung its been an hour , can't we do something??" Jungkook sighed at the question asked by jimin for the nth time

"Jimin we have no clue. We can't even find hobi hyung to start with anything because he's the only one who knows every corner of the jungle out of the pack"


"Hey everyone. Why are you all so tensed" the heard hoseok's voice and turned around to look at him standing and beside him was taehyung standing with a basket full of strawberries 

"Taetae" jimin ran to him and hugged him tightly making the basket fall from his hands. He gasped.

"Minnie whats wrong?" He asked once jimin backed away as he saw tears in his eyes "are you okay?? Where did you went??" Jimin asked

"I went to the farm with hobi hyung to pick out strawberr- my strawberries" his eyes went wide and a pout formed on his lips as he saw the strawberries scattered on the ground

"We were so worried about you and you're crying over your strawberries?" Yoongi asked in disbelief as he saw the younger staring at the fruits with puppy eyes

"But my-" taehyung didn't get to complete his sentence when he was dragged away by  jungkook.

"What happend?" He asked when jungkook pulled him in his study and closed the door.

"Where were you?? We've been looking for you all around the pack" jungkook asked and taehyung tilted his head in confusion

"I told you i went out with hobi hyung to the farm"

"Why didn't you inform me before" jungkook asked looking at the younger who ducked his head down.

"I went with hyung" he mumbled

"From now on" the elder started walking towards the younger who stumbled backwards "you're going to inform me before you leave the pack house"

Taehyungs back hit the table as jungkook came infront of him "understand?" The alpha said as he caged taehyung between him and the table

Taehyung nodded looking at jungkook with big eyed "listen taehyung i don't want to control your life or give orders to you neither im telling you to ask permission before doing anything. But it would be better if you inform me before stepping out of this house because its a matter of your safety"

"Understood?" Taehyung nodded again like a child and jungkook hummed

Suddenly taehyung remebered their position as his cheeks started getting warm "whats wrong?? Why are your cheeks red?" Jungkook asked with a smirk , clearly knowing the reason behind.

"N-no they are n-not" taehyung said covering his cheeks making jungkook chuckle "then why are you hiding them?"

"Namjoon hyung" taehyung exclaimed and was about to run when jungkook held his wrist pulling him back to where he earlier was "not this time berry" taehyung licked his lips knowing he won't be able to fool jungkook again

"Please let me go" he gave him the best puppy eyes he could and jungkook almost. Almost gave in "what will i get in return?" He raised his eyebrows

"Umm" he thaught for a while before getting on his tiptoes and giving a soft light peck on his cheeks near his jaw

Jungkook froze and his grip on taehyung got loose and taking the chance taehyung ran away leaving jungkook standing there with one hand on his cheeks , other on his heart , mouth open and eyes wide from shock.

"Jungkook , son-" shinhyun came inside jungkook's study when he saw his son standing like a statue "he's so weired sometimes"

Meanwhile taehyung:-

As soon as he exited the study he went straight to his room and locked the door.
"He's so" taehyung blushed as he remembered what happened minutes ago

"Oh my god , i kissed him" taehyung gasped as he remembered what he did.
"What do i do now" he mumbled stomping his feets. "How will i face him now" taehyung was lost in his own world when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" taehyung said sitting on the bed pretending to be relaxed when there was a whole thunderstorm inside his mind. "Taehyungie?"

It was jimin. He came inside and saw taehyung sitting on his bed , all stiff like someone froze him there. "Taehyung" jimin tapped his shoulder and he flinched.

"Y-yes minnie" jimin squinted his eyes knowing something is definitely going on inside the omega's little brain.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?? Don't say its nothing" jimin sat infront of taehyung and laid down keeping his head on the others lap.

"Umm its nothing i was just thinking if i should practicing fighting or something" he is not lying , i mean he is but he's partially saying truth. He's been thinking to learn sword fighting or something because he's literally doing nothing.

"Really?? You wanna fight??" Taehyung nodded at jimin's question and then looked at him "don't tell me you believe omega's shouldn't do these things and just look pretty".

"The fuck taehyung?? Im not that type of person okay?? Neither is anyone in this whole pack , well except for some bitches" the omega replied looking up at taehyung offended. But the other just rolled his eyes

"I know you're not , i was just confirming"

"I swear taehyung if you continue doing this i'll fall dead asleep" jimin said as taehyung started massaging his head.

"Who is saying no to sleep tho?" Taehyung said playfully and jimin laughed

It was merely 5 minutes later , taehyung was looking at jimin in disbelief who actually  slept. Not wanting to disturb him taehyung leaned back at the headboard and closed his eyes.


"Where are taehyung an jimin?" Jungkook asked when he came to the dinner table and found everyone there except the two youngers

"Don't know" they all shrugged and jungkook shook his head 'unbelieveable' he decided to go check himself. He first went to check in jimin's chamber but they weren't there

"Jimin? Taehyung?" Jungkook knocked on taehyung's chamber , getting no response he decided to just go in.

He went inside and saw the two sleeping with no care. Jimin's head resting on taehyung's lap and his head resting on the headboard. He went close to wake them up , but got distracted.

The omega was looking so peaceful , so Elegent sleeping like that. Jungkook was full on staring when he heard

"Done?" He flinched and looked at jimin who had a mischieveous smile on his face "you were awake?"

"I woke up when you knockned , but i was too lazy to open my eyes."

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and said "whatever , come downstairs for dinner and bring him down too. I will see how lazy you will be when mom will scold you for sleeping at this time"

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