prologue (taehyung)

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A 5 year old boy was sleeping in his room , unaware of the battle going on outside when the door opened and his mother and father walked in...panicked

"We have to do something honey , we can't let him take taehyung" the lady spoke

"We can't take him out of here , it will be more unsafe "

"What should we do?" The lady asked concerned

"Lets lock him here , no body should get inside the room .... we will sort this out and comeback to our little bear"

"No , no he will cry when he will wake up"

"Its for his safety my love" the man held his wife's hand and went away after locking the room in which the little boy was sleeping

Taehyung woke up from his little nap and got down from his bed , walking towards the door he tried to open it but couldn't

"Mumma dada?" The boy spoke but no reply

He again tried opening the door but couln't , he panicked

"MUMMA , DADA WHERE ARE YOU" he kept banging on the door and soon he heard ruffling from outside

The boy stepped away from the door , happy that his parents are here but the door opened revealing an unknown man

"W-ho are you wh-where are is my  mumma" the boy said scared

"Im your mumma's friend ... i came here to take you to her" the man spoke and the little kid's eye sparkled

"You - you know my mumma?"

"Yes now lets go" and the man took the boy's hand and left

The man and women again returned to the room only to find the door lock opened

"No no no" the lady went inside and saw the room perfectly cleaned but there was not a single trace of her son

"T-taehyung" she stumbled back but the man held her

"My baby - where is he" the lady asked her husband who had tears in his eyes

"I-i want my taehyungie back , please" the lady cried and cried very hard while her husband held her close with tears spilling out of his eyes too

A man was smirking while looking at the little boy tied up to the bed , chained .

"Look what we have here , you will be very useful for me and in many ways" the man gave an evil smirk before leaving the room

And the boy was left chained to the bad with scratches on his hand and dried tear stains on his cheeks

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