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"I love you" taehyung's eyes went big and he looked up at jungkook , Seeing him serious and no playfull smile on his lips.

"Y-you... really?"

"Do you think i have been playing around all this time?? I love you taehyung , i really do. I don't know when or how i fell for you but i know you've captured a big part of him hear" jungkook said looking into taehyung's eyes , hands still holding on to the pretty omega.

Taehyung looked at him for a moment and then looked down , resting his head on jungkook's chest again "i love you too jungkook" he felt jungkook's girp getting tighter on his waist and he smiled at that.

There were hundreds and thousands of questions in taehyung's mind but right now , being in jungkook's arms felt so right that he pushed those thoughts away.

"Will you be my boyfriend taehyung??" The omega got a huge smile on his face as he said 'yes , i will' . But he wasn't able to see the big smile that appeared on jungkook's face because of his head resting on the laters chest.

After a moment of lying there , in open air in eachothers arms they decided to head back in their respective chambers and sleep.

As soon as they were infront of their chambers jungkook held taehyung by his waist "sleep well , you will be starting your practice from tomorrow. Tho i won't be the one teaching you , i will come to check on you when i have time" jungkook said holding taehyungs cheeks with his other hand.

"Okay , good night" taehyung said softly before turning around and going inside his chamber. Jungkook looked at the close door for a while before a wide smile came on his face and he went to his chamber.

Next day-

"What are you so excited about??" Taehyung asked when he saw a happy jimin skipping through the living room.

"You don't know??"

"Obviously i don't , thats why im asking you" taehyung said making a face. "Whatever as i was saying , today my favourite uncle and aunt are coming with their little baby" jimin squealed.

"Mother instincts kicking in too soon" taehyung mumbled to himself before giving a nervous smile to jimin who gave him a glare.

"Leave everything else aside. When do you plan on telling me about you dating hyung??" Jimin asked and taehyung looked at him shocked "yeah i saw you two last night"

"Bad jimin , don't evesdrop on people" taehyung said and jimin rolled his eyes "quit turning the talks around , will you??" Taehyung sighed in defeat.

"Why are you even asking when you know it already??"

"Oh yeah , so like..............did y'all fuck-"


"I confessed" jungkook said which stopped all the talks which were going around him. Everyone was looking at him.

"What did you just voiced out here??" Hoseok asked when he saw other three unable to speek.

"Umm i confessed to taehyung and now...we're dating" he looked nervously as all his hyung looked at him in silence.

"Well uhm...how?" Everyone looked at namjoon in dissapointment. "Joonie?? What do you mean how obviously through mouth" jin spoke before turning to jungkook.

"Are you sure about it kook?? I mean it hasn't been long since you guys met and-"

"Im sure of it hyung. Its only taehyung for me" jungkook said with a smile which bought a smile to his three hyungs too.

"Well its good for you then , now you can get married and take the throne soon" yoongi said and smiled.

"Hyung i know you are excited about your own wedding , zip up" jungkook said and yoongi zipped his mouth.

"Congractulations kook" namjoon patted his back and smiled at him , showing his charming dimples.

"Ayo alphas and betas" the door snapped open and a jumping jimin came in along with a shy taehyung.

"What goes on here?" He asked going straight on yoongi's lap. They're in jungkook's study by the way.

"Stop being so jumpy jiminie" jin said and ruffled his hairs and then looked at taehyung.

"Good morning luna- oops i mean taehyungie" he gave a teasing smile and taehyung looked at him shocked before turning to jungkook.

"Good morning taehyungie" jungkook said with a teasing smile looking at taehyung's glowing red cheeks. "Had your breakfast?"

"Hyung. Lame" jimin said and jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Anyways , so as i was saying , hyung's single ass finally found a boyfriend and also baby yeonjun is coming today so why not have a little party??"

"No." Everyone said simultaneously killing his excitement "boring ass people"

"Mhmm no dovie , no bad words" yoongi said rubbing his waist and everyone else looked at him with wiered face.

"He's no dovie hyung , he's a devil" taehyung said but gasped when jimin replied with "shut up hoe you didn't tell me about your relationship with hyung"

"we just confessed last night and you knew by the morning. I didn't even get the chance to tell you."

"Yeah?? You had 15 HOURS!!!"

"i was sleeping jimin what do you think of me??"

"Well you are no innocent either and 15 hours is enough to fuck....were you going to tell me after you get pregnant??" Everyone's eyes widen at his statement and taehyung went as red as beetroot.

"Uh- its- umm its the hormones" yoongi said with an awkward laugh , trying to defend jimin who was not looking a bit guilty.

"Jimothy you are so dead after this angel comes out of you" taehyung said glaring at jimin who shrugged at the harmless warning.

"Everyone except taehyung. Out" jungkook said and taehyung turned towards him at the speed of light.

"Lets give them privacy" namjoon said and took everyone out with him except taehyung.

"Come here" jungkook said and taehyung went behind the desk where jungkook was sitting.

He gasped when jungkook pulled him down on his lap "what are you doing?? Someone might come in" taehyung said and was about to stand up but jungkook held his waist preventing it.

"Why are you acting so shameless?"  He asked with red cheeks

"Come on , im your boyfriend now. Not even a morning kiss for me??" He teased and taehyung snapped his head up looking at him. "W-what morning kiss??"

"This" jungkook said before leaning in and placing a gentle , quick peck on the omega's lips making him still.

"What-" jungkook stopped when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own. His eyes wide as he tried to process whats happening. Taehyung is kissing HIM.

Jungkook closed his eyes feeling the euphoric feeling of the soft lips of the omega on his own. After a minute of no movements , jungkook started moving his lips on taehyung's. His one hand went to cup the his cheeks and other stayed at his waist.

Taehyung frowned feeling jungkook's lips moving against his as he tried to match the elder's movements. Both of his hands going on the alpha's nape as their lips moved in sinc.

Taehyung gasped when he felt jungkook's toung swipe on his lower lip and the other took this chance and slipped his tounge inside the omega's mouth , feeling his warm carven.

After a moment the two parted away breaking their kiss due to lack of oxygen , blush decorating their cheeks , lips swollen and breath uneven.

"Wow" taehyung mumbled and jungkook smiled at him. "Im addicted taehyung , don't blame me if your lips go numb" the younger blushed hiding his face in jungkook's neck and the latter hugged him back , keeping his chin on taehyung's head. Both of them having a content smile on their face.

"TAEHYUNG LETS PRAC-........tice" the peace was disturbed as jin bragged in but went out again closing the door seeing them in a complicating position

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