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Its been 5 months to jimin's pregnancy and everything was going great. There were ofcourse some moments when it was hard for the family members to control jimin without his fiancè , but they were managing great.

Yoongi would come back next month so they were kind of relieved. Taehyung was trying to take the best care of jimin , he didn't leave the omega's side except when he had to shower or use washroom.

Baby yeonjun and his parents went back to their pack after staying for a month or so and the king and queen of onix along with the princess too went back to their pack , leaving lady sanghee here because she didn't want to go back just now.

Yoongi has informed them that his uncle and aunt , along with his cousin sister would be coming there with him as it is a tradition in his pack that before the baby is born the grand parents have to be there with the mother. And because yoongi lost his parents already his uncle and aunt will be doing the tradition.

Back to the story.

"The rouges attack are getting frequent these days , i don't understand how they suddenly got the guts to met with us , the true bloods." Shinhyun said as he and jungkook were sitting in his office discussing the problems.

"And the thing is dad they aren't coming together. They are coming in small groups as if they're trying to inspect our power" jungkook said as they both tried to figure out what could be their motive behind these attacks.

"I think i should go to our neighbour packs and ask if they're facing the same problem." Shinhyun said and saw how jungkook was thinking deeply about something.

"Whats wrong son?" He asked.

"Dad..do you think this is happening because of taehyung? Maybe comet is behind all of these attacks?" Jungkook replied.

"It can be that. I will leave tomorrow with your mother. It will take us a weak or something like that so you will have to look after everything here. Okay?" The elder told him and he nodded.

"Its late , you should go and sleep now" shinhyun said.

"Uhm i wanted to ask something" jungkook said as he went everywhere else but to his father.

"Go ahead son"

"U-um what- what kind of dates do omegas like" shinhyun laughed looking at his embarrassed expression.

"Oh my baby , omegas like to be comfortable and feel safe. So take taehyung at any place where it will be onky the two of you."

"T-taehyung" jungkook looked at his father with wide eyes.

"Did you forget i know about you two??" Shinhyun said with a teasing look.

"Right... so , i will....go now." Jungkook said before sprinting out of the office.

"Really jimin?" Taehyung looked at jimin in disbelief as he saw the other eating blueberries with mayonese.

"Its really yummy , try it" he forwarded his hands with a berry in his hands and taehyung made a disgusted face at that.
But his eyes soften when he saw jimin's other hand rubbing his swollen belly.

"I can't wait for little jiminie to come out" taehyung said with a soft smile and jimin grinned at him.

"Hey baby" taehyung felt jungkook back hugging him and keeping his head on his shoulder. Jimin made a puking sound.

"Bro , you don't get to do that. You're eating berries with mayonese" jungkook said as he snuggled taehyung.

"You're so annoying , get out" jimin said.

"Nah , im not leaving taehyung" jungkook said.

"Then take him with you. Both of you get out of my room. Im going to sleep" jimin said lying down on his bed.

"Whatever , we are going" jungkook said as he covered jimin with blanket and kissed his forehead.

"Be careful okay? If you need to use washroom just call me i will be in jungkook's room. DON'T go on your own , you're very clumsy." Taehyung said placing pillows at the end of his bed so that the omega doesn't roll of.

"Taehyungie im not a kid , its okay" jimin said and taehyung sighed giving a peck on his cheeks and closed the lights. Only leaving a bedside lamp on.

Jungkook and taehyung walked out of his room and taehyung closed the door. As soon as he turned around he felt jungkook lifting him up.

"You know i can walk on my own right??" Taehyung said as he curled his arms around jungkook's neck.

"I know but i am here to carry you , so you just enjoy the ride hmm??" Jungkook said pecking his lips as he entered his room , closing the door behind him.

"Enjoy the ride??" Taehyung said with a smirk.

"Stop being so seductive baby" jungkook said as he made taehyung stand up on the ground.

"You wanna change??" Jungkook asked sitting on the bed.

"I don't have my clothes here" taehyung said sitting on his lap.

"Its okay You can use mine." Jungkook said tucking the omega's hair.

'So pretty' he mumbled and taehyung looked down shyly as he tried getting up but couldn't because of the tight grip on his waist.

"Leave me , i wanna change" taehyung said and stood up running to the washroom. "Give me a tshirt please" taehyung said before closing the door.

Jungkook gave taehyung a shirt from his closet and changed into sweatpants himself.

Jungkook was sitting on the bed , back resting against the head board as he made plans for their date.

The door of washroom opened and taehyung walked out in jungkook's shirt , the shoulder slipping due to the shirt being wide as jungkook's frame. His legs were visible and his shorts hidden in the shirt.

Jungkook felt his alpha waking up at the sight of the pretty omega as he looked at him with hooded eyes.

"Come here baby" jungkook said and taehyung walked up to him , sitting down on his lap as jungkook held his waist in a tight grip.

"So fucking pretty" jungkook mumbled before smashing their lips together in a heated kiss.

Taehyung felt his breath getting heavy from the intensity of the kiss as jungkook pulled him closer. Gripping his waist in a brusing grip.

Taehyung felt aroused as small whines slipped from his mouth along with whimpers.

"Jungkookie" taehyung whined as he tried to grind on his thighs but jungkook paid no mind as he shoved his tounge down the omega's throat.

Taehyung's fingers travelled to the alpha's hairs , gripping them in a fist as he tugged on them when he felt the need to breath.

Jungkook broke the kiss , their foreheads resting against eathother as their tried to catch their breath.

"Y-you are too wild , let me breath atleast" taehyung said as puffs of air fall out of his mouth.

"Can't help it , you're too irresistable" he mumbled as he lied down on the bed with the omega in his arms.

"Lets sleep before i lose my mind and fuck you all night" jungkook mumbled and taehyung got red at the thaught of it.

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