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Jungkook entered his room with taehyung in his arms, he was still stiff from being in dungeon between all the alphas and some true bloods too

He placed the omega on the bed and made him drink water , sitting beside him after wards "are you okay taehyung?" He asked , taehyung was still in daze. He escaped comet by so many difficulties he doesn't wanna go back there

Jungkook's pov:

I was looking at the boy sitting in my arms, it felt like he'll break if i hold him a little too tight but the strange thing is...i never cared about a surviver this much. No question i gave them food , shelter and clothing but caring for them till the point to bring them in my room.
Kim taehyung , you're different.

"I-i don't want to go back" i heard him speak , it was so low that i almost would have missed it if i was not focused towards him

"You don't have to" i told him , i've never been this soft towards anyone except jimin

"No y-you don't understand , they will take me from here i don't want to go" taehyung started panicing , he was shaking badly

I hugged him , pushing his face in my chest i don't care if i don't like skinship. All i want is to calm him down.

"Shh calm down taehyung , when i say no one can take you from here i mean it. I won't let any one" i was rocking him back and forth , thats what mom used to do whenever i  had panic attacks as a kid.

After some time , i felt he stopped shaking so i pulled back a little only to see him sleeping on my chest

"Oh my god" i whispered looking at the boy in my arms , he looks so pretty and fragile just like a petal of a flower

His cheeks were pressed again my chest making them squishy.

I made him lay down on the bed and tucked him inside the comforter , i decided to take a shower because all of these things were making my head ache

Third person's pov:

Jungkook went inside the bathroom to take a shower but he wanted to relax a little so he went to take a little bath before showering.

On the other side , taehyung woke up after 40 minutes or something only to find himself in a room he doesn't recognize. He was about to start panicing but thankfully he remembered how he came here. Jungkook brought him here- wait. Jungkook?

Taehyung's face started getting a little red remembering how he clung to jungkook and slept in his arms. 'Oh my god this is embarrassingtaehyung thaught and if his face wasn't a beetroot enough a very much shirtless jungkook walked out of the shower with his hairs still wet and abs on display.

Taehyung's eyes widen and his face turned all red but still...he wasn't able to bring himself to look away from the sight , its not like he has seen a lot of abs in his life. This was his second time.

Jungkook smirked to himself when he looked at taehyung's reaction. It was filling up his pride , he doesn't know why.

"Enjoying the view?"

Taehyung startled and looked into jungkook's eyes before darting his eyes away , licking his lips nervously "n-no"


"I-i mean y-yes- no like- kind of??" taehyung's face was more red than a tomato by now and oh how cute he was looking in jungkook's eyes.

"Why are you panicking little flower" jungkook asked coming closer to him , taehyung didn't know what to do so he squealed pulling the covers above him turning into a ball. Don't judge him , the boy haven't experienced anything like this before.

Jungkook laughed throwing his head back , he was trying so hard not to take the boy in his arms and squish him "where are you hiding taehyung , come on i want compliments" what was happening?? Jungkook doesn't know. When did they got this close for him to be teasing the omega like this , he doesn't know. All he knows is he is loving every second of it

"A-are you shameless or what , wear something" taehyung mumbled from inside the comforter making jungkook laugh more

"Come on taehyung don't do this to me , i worked so hard on these abs i atleast deserve a compliment" he said and snatched the blancket making taehyung squeal again and hide his face behind his hands

"Show me your pretty face , where are you hiding"

"You are so bad" taehyung mumbled and jungkook chuckled removing his hands from his face "why are you so red taehyung" he asked teasing and before he could reply , the door suddenly got opened and jimin came inside along with yoongi revealing them in a very complicated position.

Taehyung was laying on the bed with jungkook shirtless , almost hovering over him , taehyung's hands in his grip and taehyung's red face didn't explain the situation any well

"We.....will come here later , uh continue" yoongi said and dragged a very shocked jimin with him.

Meanwhile taehyung and jungkook were still shocked.

As soon as they came back to earth from wherever they were , jungkook instantly stood up and cleared his throat and taehyung sat up brushing his hairs

"Umm l-let me just put a sh-shirt on" jungkook said and went inside his walk-in closet

Taehyung was thinking back to whatever the fuck just happened and he already knows jimin is going to tease the hell out of him

Meanwhile with jungkook:

He was smiling like an idiot wearing his shirt and cloak , he knew he felt something for taehyung. But he wasn't ready to accept it this sooner

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