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"Come on hyung don't be a boring whimp" jimin said shaking jungkook's hand "oh my god chim stop being annoying" jungkook replied freeing his hands from the little mochi's grip who glared at him

"Whats going on boys?" Shinhyun entered the library with hinjae where jimin , jungkook and hoseok were "papaaa" jimin whined going to his father

"Hyung is not coming with me , its been 2 weeks since i went to the lake" thats right , its been two weeks since taehyung got here and 2 weeks since jimin found himself his bestfriend , sang-hee stayed for a week there and left afterwards but not before giving all her love and blessings to the boys

jungkook looked at him done "why do you want to go there , its not like a fairy lives there "

"Maybe not a fairy , but mother nature is there" he looked at them with puppy eyes "you need to stop believeing in these books little friend" hoseok said smiling and jimin looked at hoseok like he told them he was pregnant

"Go with him kook , you know its not safe to let him go there alone" hinjae said carassing his hairs and jungkook sighed nodding his head , no matter whatever happens he will never disobey his mother

"You guys can take taehyung with you too , maybe he would like to get out of that one room" the queen suggested and jimin squealed running to taehyung

"Mom is it safe , we still don't know much about him"

"Its because there is not much to find out about him , like i told you earlier he was kidnapped when he was 5 , there was an attack on his pack and comet took him away---he was a slave there from the age of 11 and before that he was brought up by the maids there" hoseok explained

"you're right , im probably overthinking" jungkook sighed and the king just patted his back with a warm smile

"But" hoseok said and the three groaned "why do you always leave your buts for the end" jungkook said annoyed

"Sorry" hoseok gave a seepish smile before continuing "i've heard comet took him with many other kids but they took him for a purpose which wasn't making him a slave , its something else" hoseok said and jungkook sighed rubbing his forehead

"What should we do dad?" Jungkook looked at him like he does everytime he is tensed , he just knows his dad will make everything alright

"For now you guys just have to watch out for taehyung , its clear that he is really close with jimin but he can't protect him alone "

"Take him and jimin to the lake because going out is really necessary for him , he is scared but he can't stay in that room forever"

"lets go we are here" jungkook turned and saw jimin standing there "where is taehyung?" Jungkook asked and jimin moved aside revealing the fragile boy

A few moments ago -- with jimin

He entered taehyung's room and saw him emerged in his thoughts "taetae" he went to him and sat infront of him "what are you thinking about"

"Nothing just , i have to leave now--i am fine now my foot is better too" he said "and where will you go" jimin asked and taehyung went quite , its right he doesn't have anywhere to go and he can't protect himself in forest


"Why do you want to leave tae?" Jimin asked softly , he knew the boy enough to know that he was cursing himself.

"I-i can't stay here forever doing nothing , i can't be a burden to you all" taehyung explained his concern and jimin's eyes soften

"You are not a burden taehyung , please don't feel like that"

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