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Sooo........ummm sorry for late update😅 BUTTT 🍑 (sorry) my winter vacations are starting now 🥳🥳🥳 so i will update more often


Happy reading :)

⚠️TW: MPreg⚠️ leave if uncomfortable

"How am i going to tell this to mom and dad?" A panicked jimin said walking back and forth with a concerned look on his face.

"Calm down chimmy , your pacing around won't help us" taehyung said worriedly looking at his bestfriend.

"Should've thaught about that before doing the nasty" jungkook mumbled making the other three look at him in disbelief.

"What?" He asked and yoongi sighed before holding jimin's face and pecking his forehead "calm down dovie. We will go through it hmm? They are your parents they will get mad for a moment but they'll be happy for you. Im sure" jimin quickly hugged yoongi , resting his head on elder's built chest.

"They will be dissapointed in me" jimin said and taehyung looked at jungkook with worried eyes. The elder sighed before speaking.

"They won't be chim. They'll be mad at first there's no question in that but after that they will support you. They will be happy , after all they're becoming grand parents". Yes , jimin was pregnant. 2 weeks or so as the physician said.

"But won't the age be a problem , what if something happens to baby"

"No it won't. We are omegas , our body is made to bear a child so his age won't be a problem if he takes care of himself but...." as taehyung stopped the other three looked at him. "But?" They all said in union.

"But because he is pregnant before his actual firtility age , tho there is not much gap , but there is a chance that his hormones are gonna kick in really bad and his mood swings will start from the second month of pregnancy so all the best yoongi hyung" taehyung said with a mischevious face.

"I mean , how bad can it be??" Yoongi said shrugging it off.

"Umm so as i've read in the books and heard from the older omegas. The firtility age of a male omega is 23 - 24 and jimin is close to that age but still not fully on it so his mood swings will start from craving wiered foods to midnight cravings , from fourth month his emotions will be on peak and he will get angry , sad or happy on every little things and on his 8th month......" taehyung stopped with his red cheeks

"For fucks sake taehyung stop creating the suspence" jimin said.

"Umm he will get aroused at every little thing and well you'll have to take care of him" taehyung mumbled and jimin's whole face turned red , yoongi smirked and jungkook coughed awkwardly. Hearing about his younger brothers intimate life.

"We will head out" yoongi said before leaving the room with jimin. He was embarrassed okay??. "You know too much about omegas" jungkook said sitting beside him.

"When i was a slave , there was a granny who used to take care of me. She told me all of this" taehyung replied. Jungkook made a O face and nodded his head.

"By the way , do you have any problen with me learning how to fight?" Taehyung asked remembering how jungkook was not looking too happy about it.

"Ofcourse not taehyung , why would you think like that??"

"Because you were looking kinda upset back when i asked." Jungkook understood taehyung was taking his jelousy as his disaprooval.

"I don't have a problem with you learning how to fight. The problem is why can't i be the one to teach you?". Taehyung looked at him with wiered expression.

"Why? Whats the problem if i learn it from jin hyung?" Taehyung asked in a teasing manner.

"Simple , because i want to be the one to teach you everything. And by everything i mean everything" jungkook said with a slight smirk.

"You pervert" taehyung looked at him with a shocked face. "What?? I didn't say anything dirty. Oh how bad your imagination is taehyungie" jungkook teased and taehyung gasped.

"You're so...........ugh" he stood up and left leaving jungkook laughing behind

"You're WHAT??" jungkook expected this reaction from his mother on the announcement of jimin's pregnancy

"Oh my god" she whispered and jimin looked down in nervousness. Jungkook was standing beside his mother.

"A-are you angry??" Jimin asked with a low tone. "Ofcourse not baby , im just surprised" hinjae said and hugged her son.

Everyone sighed out in relief. "Congractualtions son-in-law" shinhyun said to yoongi before giving him a slow pat on his back. "I thaught you guys would be mad at me" jimin said.

"Its a good news , why would we be mad?"

"Because we are still not married yet" jimin mumbled with a pout

"oh silly boy"

Taehyung was lying on the grass in garden , looking up at the night sky when he felt someone beside him.

"Why are you here alone??" Jungkook asked him , lying down beside him and tae just smiled slightly looking back at the stars.

"Its so peaceful here , the reason i love nights." Jungkook was just admiring the boy. he looked so ethereal , so fraglie just like a pretty flower.

"Why were you here by the way?" Taehyung asked as he turned his head towards the other

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"Why were you here by the way?" Taehyung asked as he turned his head towards the other.

"I saw you from my balcony , so i thought i should give you company" taehyung smiled and again turned his head.

"I can't thank you enough jungkook , for whatever you did for me i just- thank you so much" he closed his eyes , hairs blowing slightly due to the wind.

"I did nothing taehyung"

"Yes you did" taehyung said looking at him "all of you did so much for me , you allowed a complete stranger in your pack , treated me , made me a part of this beautiful pack and i never felt out of this place. I am forever grateful to you , to each and everyone of you...i can die for y-"

"Keep your mouth shut taehyung , i didn't save your life so you can give it to anyone. I saved it so its mine now and i will protect it." Jungkook said holding taehyung's arm and turning him towards himself.

He saw how slowly taehyung's eyes got moist as tears started appearing in them. He gently pulled the omega to his chest. One arm unders his head and other one holdinghis waist securely.

"I don't give the right to hurt you to anyone , not even you and not even me." Taehyung burried his head in jungkook's chest sobbing silently as the elder rubbed his back soothingly.

"You suffered enough taehyung , now let me give you all the happiness you deserve , all the love you deserve and live the way you want. I don't want you to hesitate about a single thing , if you want something you ask me , and i will give it all to you" jungkook pecked his head and hugged him tightly.

"I love you"

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