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"Papaaaaa" jimin squealed and jumped on his dad who caught him out of reflex , don't blame him. He can't live without his papa.

"Aww chim did you miss me??" His father said making him stand back down on the ground "ofcourse i did" he asked offended

"Welcome back mom" jungkook hugged his mother who pecked his forehead , totally opposite from what was heppening the other side

"Jinnie , hobi , namjoonie come on hug me" hinjae hugged them one by one

"Kitty cat" she said before hugging yoongi tightly who tried to breath through the hug

"My taehyungieeee" the queen said in a baby voice , she adores the omega so much. There is a reason why tho.

She hugged him to which taehyung hugged her back with a shy smile "oh right mom i think you should prepare for a marriage" jimin said making everyone confused but jungkook's eyes widen because he very well knew what that little chick was going to say


"No one's mom you know how he just talks nonsense since he doesn't have a brain" jungkook rapped in one breath making everyone look at him wieredly where as jimin was offened on next level

"Will you all let them sit first?? They must be tiered" seems like joon was the only sane person left

They all sat down on the couch of library's sofa chatting and talking here amd there. It was always like that , whenever the elder couple went out of pack for any work or personal purpose they would sit and have fun together after they are back

"Oh right , jungkook there was something we wanted to tell you" shinhyun said gaining jungkook's attention who was busy staring at the pretty omega busy giggling with jin

"Ye dad?"

"As you know we went to out friends pack to meet them , they umm" he looked at hinjae who took the signal that shinhyun doesn't have the courage to say that

Shinhyun has always been a great and brave pack leader , even better than his own father and he never feard anything but if it comes to his kids he can't ever see dissapointment or sadness in their eyes

"They wan't you to get married to their daughter , sera" as soon as she said this the whole liabrary went silent. Namjoon who was talking to yoongi looked at them with shocked expression where as yoongi looked at jungkook with worried ones , he knew about the youngers feelings but he also knew that boy will always put his parents infront of his own happiness. Jin and hoseok looked at them with unpleased expression , they have met that said girl a few times and to say they didn't like that girl would be an understandment

Taehyung whereas felt numb , he felt his heart stop beating for a second before it started hammering in his chest he looked at jungkook to see he was as shocked as others. Taehyung clearly knew about his own as well as jungkook's feelings but he also knew jungkook would never say no to his parents , and he too doesn't wants him to  don't get him wrong he isn't very happy about thinking of jungkook marriyng someone other than him but he couldn't help but think he will be at the blame if anything ever goes wrong , he subconciously held jimin's hand tightly while trying to keep his tears from falling

Jimin felt his hold tighten on his hands and he carrassed taehyung's knuckled with his thumb hoping to give any sort of control to his bestfriend and looked at his parents hoping they would say its a joke , he can't watch his hyung and his best friend getting heartbroken

"W-what did you said then??" Jungkook asked after mustering up so much courage "obviously we said we will ask you first before saying anything , the choice is all yours baby there is no pressure"

The room went silent once again and before anyone could say anything taehyung got up drawing attention "excuseme please" he said lowly and bowed to them before going out of the room. Jimin looked at taehyung with worried eyes but he too knew the boy will need some time

"Umm i think you both should go and rest up now , you must be tiered" namjoon said to the elderly couple who nodded and went away

"Jungkook" jin called him worriedly.  He looked at his hyung and smiled......tried to smile. "Yes hyung?"

"What are you thinking?" Namjoon asked him to which he smiled slightly "about what?"

"You know what we are talking about kook , this marriage thing" yoongi said and jungkook looked down before saying "im fine with whatever mom amd dad want" jimin looked at him like he has gone crazy

He went and sat down beside jungkook , the others understood that the brothers need some time so they went away leaving the two.

"Hyung" jimin said and jungkook looked at him and smiled "yes chim"

"Drop your act , i know thats not a smile" jungkook just sighed and looked down once again before speaking "i-its better for me only jimin , mom and dad would never want anything thats bad for me"

"Better is okay , but do you think its good for you?? Do you think its best for you?? Im not saying that mom and dad did something wrong , every parents wants to see their child well settled and happy and that is why they gave the choice to you. Please don't do this" jimin said

"But i-im happy in this chim"

"You are not , you think i don't understand whats going on with you?? I don't just tease you about taehyung , hyung. I know whatever is going on with you guys."

"Nothing is going on between us chim , we are just playing arou-"

"STOP LYING FOR FUCKS SAKE HYUNG" jimin shouted when he couldn't take it anymore "stop this nonsense please , at the end you're going to hurt yourself and taehyung. Please think before taking any decisions. Im going to check on taehyung now" jimin hugged him pulling jungkook's head on his chest. He knew his hyung needed it

"I can't see you like this hyung please , don't do this to yourself" he ruffled jungkook's hair before walking out

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