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"What the actual fk was going on between you two" jimin squealed slapping taehyung's forearm continuously

"My god stop being annoying jimin nothing was going on between us , i-it was just he slipped and fell on top of me....yeah thats it" taehyung said looking here and there his cheeks on flame

"Come on i know that's not the situation , hyung was SHIRTLESS" jimin said wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner

"Well....when i got concious i was alone in the room but fortu- uhm unfortunately at the same time jungkook-ssi came out after taking a shower" taehyung told everything to jimin and he squealed

"What do you think about all this situation"

"Well umm he has quite a lot of muscles" taehyung blushed remembering his abs

"I was talking about his teasing but anyways....Did you like it?" Jimin said mischeviously

"Stop being nosy baby , chimmy" taehyung said and giggled when he looked at jimin's dramatic expressions "so now asking something from you bestfriend is being nosy" he said and fake cried

"I was just jokingg" taehyung said and side hugged him from side making jimin smile "im glad you're happy and settling well here taehyung, you belong here. Never feel out of this place" jimin said and hugged him back

"Till you guys are here , i can never feel left out"

"By you guys you mean??" Jimin asked

"You , yoongi hyung , jin hyung , namjoon hyung , hoseok hyung-"

"Oh god taehyung , just say you like hyung's company and go" jimin said dramatically making taehyung's eyes wide.

"B-but , chim i swear i will-" taehyung said and jumped on him strangling him
"Okay okay sorry ,im sorry" jimin said , the sound of their giggles roared in the pack house making all the workers and guards smile.

"Aahhh i love youu" jimin said and hugged taehyung tightly as they both fell of the couch "ouch" taehyung shouted and they both giggled again. Away in their own world not noticing the other 5 people standing there.

"Are they done yet??" Jin asked looking at the omega's in disbelief "let them be-" hoseok wansn't finished yet when yoongi went forward and untangled them "are you guys 21 or 2 , is this how you play?? Like toddlers?" Yoongi asked with a done face.

"We were just having fun" jimin said and giggled looking at taehyung's messed up hairs.

"How did you guys even end up in this position" jin asked as they all settled down , jungkook right infront of taehyung.

"Oh well i asked taehyung if he liked hyungs-" taehyung panicked and closed jimin's mouth with his palm.

"Park jimin i swear to god i will choke you" taehyung mumbled in jimin's ears and smiled at everyone else.

"It was nothing , jimin was just troubling me" taehyung said and laughed nervously.

"Oh , did he mention about you seeing  jungkook shirtless again?" Yoongi asked casually and taehyung felt his face getting pale , he knew yoongi did this on purpose.



"How many chapters did i skip-"

Came three different reactions from the comanders and taehyung just wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole and jungkook was just as unbotherd.

"L-lets not talk about that" taehyung looked at jungkook who smirked at him. Taehyung stuck his tounge out and jungkook raised his eyebrows in amusement.

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