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Jungkook entered taehyung's chamber with the omega in his arms , the boy was a blushing mess because. Its not normal being held by your crush now is it??

Jungkook sat taehyung down on the bed and stood infront of him staring down at him. "What?" Taehyung asked after jungkook kept staring at him wordlessly for 5 minutes

"Im just wondering what's that one thing except your unreal beauty that makes me want to hide you from any other fucking pair of eyes that are not mine" jungkook is a very straight forward guy , he won't mess around with the words.

Taehyung didn't knew how to react , he just knew his face was tomato. He looked down not knowing what to say. Jungkook saw him looking looking away and he didn't like it one bit

He held taehyung's face in his hands very gently and made him look up "im talking to you sweetheart" taehyung looked at him with his puppy eyes

"Oh don't give me those eyes little , you were so brave earlier , showing your tounge teasing me" he said tilting his head

"Because that was your fault" taehyung frowned at him and in jungkook's eyes he was looking like an angry puppy

"What was my fault?"

"Because of you they were teasing me" the omega replied glaring at him....well he tried "really?how come?" Jungkook knew what the younger was talking about. He just loved teasing him

"They were teasing me because they saw us and you were-"

"I was??"

"You were....not covered" taehyung said , his cheeks slowly turning crimson. "Can you elaborate not covered??" Taehyung looked at jungkook and he knew the alpha was teasing him

"You know what i mean" taehyung said annoyed and jungkook smiled "you are brave at some times and just the next second you are all mushy like a little kitten"

Taehyung looked down blushing before looking at jungkook and showing him the door "out , i want to sleep" the redness on his cheeks were looking so edible in jungkook's eyes

"See you tomorrow , good night little sweets" jungkook flicked his chin before walking out of his room , meanwhile taehyung was left kicking his feets in excitement

Time skip~~

Everyone was up early in the morning because the king and queen were coming back and they didn't like when the kids didn't wake up early , they were strict in very few things and this was one of them

Taehyung and jimin were in the garden taking a walk , the alphas were busy in some pack meeting and the omegas weren't interested in it

"Jiminie i-......"

"Whats wrong tae , you know you can tell me anything right?? I won't judge you" jimin held his hands as they stood face to face

"There is something i want to talk to you about but i don't know where to start" jimin sat down and pulled him down too making them sit face to face "now start"

"Umm its about jungkook"

"Oh how i love this" jimin said before laughing nervously when he saw taehyung glaring at him

"I-its just , i feel wiered around him like , he makes me flustered and i-i feel something in my stomach and last night.." taehyung told jimin what happened and jimin squealed loudly

"Oh y'all are so in love" taehyung widened his eyes and slapped jimin on his arms "tone down your volume and how can we be in love we just met 3 months ago"

"Oh come on , love at first sight exists , you're talking about 3 months??"

"B-but we're so different , he's the prince and im just"

"Taehyungie , love doesn't have cast , creed , stauts or gender. You love someone by heart not by status just like i would've loved yoongi even if he was just a farmer and he would have done the same. So if you love hyung , you live him not his status his gender or whatever and you wanna know something?"


"Hyung loves you too , don't ask me how do i know. The way he behaved with you last night as you told , he never once did that to anyone in like- ever since i know him. Do you know how many girls tried making him love them?? Hyung is just not one of those men who love easily so if he is behaving this way with you then you definitely made a very special space in his heart"

"I- i don't know minnie"

"You don't have to , just listen to your heart and leave everything on hyung- no he's an idiot , leave everything on me"

Taehyung smiled before tackling jimin in a hug making them lay down in grass
"I don't know how did my life turned this beautiful , but just know jimin i'll die for you. You're my best friend and all that you did for me  i love you so much"

Jimin smiled hugging him back "love you too taetae"

"Tf are you guys doing once again?" Both the omegas turned their head and saw others standing there "oof , everytime we are having our omega's time y'all drop out of no where and disturb us" jimin said sitting up and helping taehyung

"What is omega time?" Hoseok asked and jimin looked at him wieredly "we discuss sex, you wanna know the details?"

"JIMIN WTF" taehyung said before covering his mouth "he's lying we don't discuss anything nasty like that we were just talking normally"

"Really?? Or are you lying?" Jungkook asked , he knew the omega was right but he loved the panic on his face

"No no no im not lying , i swear jimin i'd die for you but right now i wanna kill you so bad" taehyung whispered to jimin before hiding his face in his neck from embarassment

"Its okay tae , we know jimin has a habit to say embarassing things out of no where" jin said

"Okay now get up you both , king amd queen are ariving any minute" namjoon said and they all stood up and went to the throne room

Jungkook and taehyung were walking behind all of them "soo , you are not only bold but naughty too sometimes?"

"You know we weren't discussing s-.... whaever jimin said" taehyung said blushing

"I know , and also don't get too clingy with jimin" jungkook said and taehyung frowned "i won't hurt him , i can never"

"I know , and im not concerned about you hurting him you're too soft for that. Im saying this because im a very possessive man and a jelous one too"

"Why would you get jelous of me?? Im not taking jimin away from you he's your brother before being my best friend" taehyung at this point was just testing jungkook , he knew what jungkook was talking about but he wanted him to be straight forward , just like last night.

Jungkook on the other hand knew what taehyung was doing , and trust me he wanted to do so many things to the boy

Jungkook held his waist bringing the omega close "im not a very patient man taehyung , don't play with me baby you'll get hurt"

Taehyung looked straight into jungkook's eyes "why do i feel like it would hurt so good if you're the one causing the pain. Im not scared of you jungkook , not after i know your feelings are the same as mine"

"You are getting braver sweets"

"Just infront of you , you're my strength"

They both knew what they wanted to say , but they loved playing.....a lot

"Oh hello love birds , lets go or you wanna make out in open"

Jimin was really going to get some beating from the omega , why does he have to embarras him every time??

Is it going too fast?? I mean they are not getting together anytime soon but surely they will get some action 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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