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The wolfs were all playing and running around except jungkook who was just sitting on the cliff looking at the moon

Suddenly it started getting clowdy , moon started dissapearing behind the black clouds and a chilled breez passed through them

"Whats going on" jungkook stood up and looked behind to see all the wolfs were standing facing back of the cliff "whats wrong guys"

' its wrong jungkook , the witches are here '

'Fuck , what do we do now'

'Just stay there' namjoon instructed all the wolfs and suddenly they saw a figure appearing

When the figure came close JIM howled loudly before running towards her

"Hey there little jim" the witch spoke


'We are as confused jungkook' jin said and jungkook looked at the view of his brother hugging the witch

Where as taehyung understood who she was , mikela.

He knew it was her because of the way jimin was behaving with her , even tho all he heard was good about her but he still can't trust her right now

After a few minutes , she looked at the other 5 wolfs and a human. She smiled coming forward towards jungkook

Taehyung doesn't know what happened but his instinct were fast to react , he felt his legs moving aoutomatically and he found himself standing infront of jungkook , hiding him behind his frame

Mikela looked at him shocked before delivering a soft smile as she carrassed his furr "don't worry pretty wolf , i won't harm your mate"

As soon as V heard her his eyes visibally widen as he ducked his head , jungkook too looked at her sruprised

"H-he is not my mate , and who are you" he asked as mikela giggled before speaking "the way he came to protect you.....i thought you guys were"

It was when they saw jimin coming back in his human form as he came and stood beside her "guys this is mikela aunt , she is mom's friend and also my friend"

"And aunt this is jungkook hyung my brother , this is namjoon and jin hyung commander of the pack also they are mates and this is hobi hyung also the comaner and this is taetae , my bestfriend" jimin introduced them

"Hello boys , its a pleasure to meet you but i hope you do know its dangerous to roam outside on supermoon" she said and everyone kept quite "go and change back to your human form fast fast" they were hesitant but when they saw how comfortable jimin was with her , they decided to listen to her

Only Jungkook and jimin were left behind "don't be afraid of me son, i won't dare to do anything to you all because of what your mother did to me" she smiled

"Where were you all this time?" Jimin asked as she smiled "in my world , i can't always come here and im here today because i want to have a talk with you boys' mother"

As soon as they came back mikela told them to close their eyes and soon they were standing inside the living room of pack house

"What- why would you do that we snuck out from so many difficulties" jimin whined while the witch only chuckled

"You guys did it again?"

They all turned around and there was standing hinjae with anger clearly visible on her face "and you made taehyung join you too"

"Jimin's idea" they all pointed towards the smaller male who looked at them with betrayel in his eyes.

"I knew it , but jin you are the eldest and instead of stopping them you decided to join in their childish playings"

"Okay okay family drama later" mikela spoke and thats when the queen noticed her

"O my god what a surprise" she squealed and hugged her tightly "nice to see you again queen" hinjae

"Quit calling me that" she playfully said and they laughed

"Okay okay , kids you can go and do what you want i want to talk about something important with your mother" mikela said

"But remember , DON'T go exposed to the moon specially you jungkook" and with that the both ladies dissapeared

"What should we do now??" Jimin asked

"Sleep maybe?? Or you do something else at night" jungkook said and jimin looked at him deadass

"You're so boring hyung"

"Listen jimin , you already got us in trouble , we have to listen to dad's rant tomorrow so no tricks now" jungkook said

It was midnight when taehyung wokeup feeking thirsty , he looked around him and he found his jug empty

Taehyung knew if he call someone , a bunch of maids will be present infront of him but he doesn't want that , that much comfort isn't comfortable for him

So he decided to go down and get himself water

With his tip toes and without making a single noise he came down , and as soon as he entered the kitchen he felt his heart coming out of his throat when he saw a completely shirtless. Thats a direct attack!!!!

And as soon as he changed his mind and was about to go back , jungkook decided to turn around and taehyung was
Turned on??

Because holy shit jungkook is built and tatted

"What are you doing in the middle of the night??" And his raw voice too??

Taehyung's face slowly started turning crimson and his eyes were blown wide

"Taehyung whats wro-" and thats when jungkook noticed his red face and his own half- naked body

"Like the view?" He didn't know what came into him but he was enjoying taehyung's expression

"Umm uh i-i came for water" taehyung said looking down with blushed cheeks

"Oh yeah?? Then Take it" 

"Umm y-you are"

"I am??"

"You're standing in the way" taehyung said biting his lips

"There's space , a person can easily pass by" jungkook was smirking and taehyung knew it

He went forward and crossed jungkook going straight to the fridge and took out a water bottle

He transfered the cold water into his jug and he knew jungkook's eyes are still stuck on him 

He took his jug and was about to go out of kitchen , jungkook held his hand when he was about to cross him

"You look cute when you blush" jungkook smirked and at this point taehyung was more than sure that jungkook was teasing him

He didn't know from where the confidence came but taehyung took his hand out of jungkook's grip and turned to him

"And you look hot when you're teasing me" taehyung smirked and went out of the kitchen

'So sexy' he heard jungkook say as he was walking away

Taehyung as soon as he closed the door , jumped on the bed and was trying to process whatever the fuck just happened

"Kim taehyung , what was that....and did he call me sexy"

Taehyung squealed pulling the covers up  and went to his dream land
MEANWHILE:- with jungkook

"Ahhh Taehyung.............im going crazy"

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