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Next morning~

Taehyung woke up when he heard knocking on his door , he looked at the wall clock and saw it was 8 in the morning already

"Shit" he mumbled and went towards the door opening it , he thaught it's jimin because usually its him who wakes taehyung up

But as soon as he opened the door , his heart came in his throat seeing jungkook standing infront of him with his mother

"G-good morning"

"Morning taehyung , i see you slept very comfortably" taehyung looked confused for a moment and then he realised his state

Messy hairs , shirt falling down from one choulder and his shorts barely visible beneath the t-shirt

Taehyung quickly fixed himself , embarrassed.

"N-no i mean its u-usually jimin who knocks early in the morning so-"

"Its okay , im glad you feel comfortable here , we were just taking a walk so we thaught to wake you up. Its almost breakfast time" hinjae said

"Im-im sorry"

"No don't say sorry , its totally fine. Get ready and come down" she smiled

"Mom you go ahead i'll come along with taehyung" jungkook said and his mother just gave him a teasing smile before walking away 

Taehyung blushed and looked at jungkook with his shy eyes "do you need anything?"

Jungkook shook his head entering the room "go and fresh up , we will go downstairs together until then i'll wait for you here.....well if i can"

"Sure , just give me some time" taehyung said and look his necessities before going to the bathroom while jungkook went and took a seat on his bed

He looked around smelling the sweet scent of the omega in room "its so comfortable here" jungkook mumbled to himself

After a few minutes , taehyung came out of the bathroom in his normal day to day clothes , his hair done nicely and his face totally bare

"Lets go?" Jungkook asked and taehyung nodded before they both proceed to go downstair

They saw everyone was already there ecxept for them

"Good morning" taehyung muttered slowly taking a seat on jimin's left while jungkook sat on his right and started to feast on their food

"Okay children , me and your mom has to go somehwere and we won't be home till 3 to 4 days so take care of yourself and jimin, NO mischief"


"When are you guys leaving?" Jungkook asked

"Right now , you all continue with your breakfast and i'm sure you will handle things here jungkook" the alpha smiled at his father reassuring him

"Okay then , we're leaving. Bye kids take care of yourself" hinjae said before they both exited

"Who's in for some adventure" jimin said excitedly but slumped on his chair when they all gave him a warning look

They were eating silently when taehyung suddenly stopped , his hands started shaking and he started sweating badly

"Taehyung whats wrong" jimin asked looking at his best friend's state

The omega looked at his bestfriend with panicked eye before his face paled , all of the people sitting there were worried for him

"Taehyung what happened are you okay?"

"He's here" taehyung said his voice stumbling from the fear he felt in him

"Who's here?"

"Finn , i can feel him he's here. Please save me  i-i don't-" jimin held his shaking hands before pulling him into  a comforting hug

"Shh its okay , don't worry nothing will happen to you"

Suddenly a guard came there "apology for interrupting your family time prince jungkook , there is a man we captured from the border he was keeping an eye on the pack , he's insisting on meeting you"

"I told you he's here , he will take me with him...i-i don't want to go please-"

"No taehyung calm down we will not send you anywhere okay??"

"Lets see who that man is" jungkook said and stood up and started walking towards the dungeon, yoongi by his side and the omega's trailing behind them with hoseok jin and namjoon guarding them

They went to the dungeon and the guard led them to the cell where that man was locked , chains rattled whenever he tried to move.

The guard opened the cell and they all went in , taehyung and jimin were clinging to eachother sticking behind jungkook and yoongi for safety

"Oh look , its the prince , too bad i wanted to meet the king"

"Who are you and What do you want" jungkook went straight to the point

"I want the thing which you stole from me , i want that omega" the man said tilting his head and looking at taehyung "i know you missed me pretty"

Taehyung burried his face in jimin's shoulder with his eyes closed and tears spilling out of them

"He's not a thing you can take , and you won't get him" jungkook said his eyes dark

"You can't keep him , they will come and get him soon" the man chuckled

"They who?"


"They will have to get through me before doing anything to him and i swear i will proudly burn your king here in my groud if he ever tries to lay his eyes on taehyung. He will stay here , he belongs here." Jungkook said , his voice dark as the bottom of the ocean.

"None of you can save him , he is promised to someone by the king and he will take taehyung , moreover i bet you only want a piece of him omegas are nothing but a satisfying bitches" jungkook couldn't handle hearing a word more before he threw a very hard punch on that man's face knocking him out

His body was shaking from rage as he looked at the guard "he must get the most painful death and feed him to the witches after he's dead" jungkook said before they all exit the cell.

As soon as they exitted the dungeon both the omegas fell on their knees from weekness , staying in that man's presence wasn't good for them.

"Hyung take jimin with you , ill take care of taehyung" jungkook said before they picked the omegas "and hyung , don't tell anything to dad and mom yet. Ill talk to them personally" jungkook said to namjoon before they all went to their way

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