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"O my god , o my god , o my god"

"Shut up jimin you are not meeting him for the first time" jungkook said annoyed

It was 2:00 in the noon the next day of jimin finding out about yoongi's arrival  and he would here any minute , they all were in the throne room with the king and queen sitting on their throne and jungkook and taehyung trying to calm jimin down

"You are an asshole hyung you will feel this the day you will meet your fiance" jimin said stomping his feets to the ground

"Jimin behave" the queen said and jimin pouted hugging jungkook "im sorry hyung i didn't mean to be rude i just"

"Its okay minnie but you are seriously annoying us from morning" jungkook replied petting his head

Taehyung was smiling looking at those two , he always wanted a sibling and looking at them made him feel more lonely.

"Am i interupting something?" Taehyung looked up hearing a foreign voice and saw a man dressed in royal clothes standing at a distance , pale face with mullet long hairs 'king yoongi' taehyung thaught and ducked his head

"Oh king yoongi" shinhyun and hinjae stood up from their thrown walking down the steps and soon they came face to face with king or should we say their future son-in-law

Yoongi bowed his head in respect and the rulers touched his head as in giving him blessings (yess im adding a touch of indian tradition👀)

"Welcome son , i hope you didn't have a peoblem while traveling" hinjae said and yoongi smiled lovingly shaking his head as no

"Hyung" jungkook came forward and hugged him , yoongi patted his head "how are you kookie" he smiled knowing what is coming

"Hyung i told you not to call me that , do i look like a baked piece of dough to you" jungkook said annoyed making him laugh , honestly this was the first time taehyung felt jungkook was actually playful

"Okay okay you guys fight later , yoongi there is someone who is more impatient to meet you" shinhyun said and yoongi's gummy smile came on display instantly

He turned around and walked towards the short omega who was standing there with a pout because , yoongi is his fiance he should meet him first.

"Dovie" yoongi said standing infront of him with his head tilted and that nickname was enough to wash all of the anger away from jimin

"Yoongsss" yoongi balanced himself when jimin suddenly jumped on him

"Oh my god this boy" jungkook mumbled and pulled jimin away from his fiance "you can jump on him all you want but wait till you get in your room" jungkook mumbled making taehyung giggle

Everyone's attention went towards the soft sound and taehyung immediately covered his mouth making the queen smile at his innocence

"Oh yesss hyung he is taehyung my best friend and also my royal maid" yoongi was honestly shocked when he heard 'best friend' from jimin's mouth but he was happy finally his little dove was opening up

"Hii taehyung"

"Your majesty" taehyung mumbled bowing infront oh him "no need to be so formal taehyung if you are jimin's bestfriend then you are my brother-in-law" yoongi smiled

"Okay enough talks , yoongi must be tired jimin take him to his chanber and by his i mean HIS not your" hinjae teased making jimin whine

"Lets go dovie" jimin blushed at the nickname and took yoongi's hands going away from there , hinjae and shinhyun shook their head and turned towards the other two

"Jungkook now that yoongi is here you all can go to take a round around the borders or to the lake tomorrow , take taehyung with you guys and spend sometime with nature" hinjae said carassing his head

"But first jungkook come with me to my study , i wan't to talk to you about something" jungkook went away with shinhyun leaving taehyung with hinjae

"Do you like flowers?" She asked as taehyung looked up at her nodding his head not wanting to say no because it would seem wiered to the queen "lets go"


"You'll see"

"W-wow , what is this place" taehyung asked the queen , big curious eyes roaming around the whole garden

"This is my garden , nobody knows about this place except for me and jimin- and now you" hinjae said and sat on the swing placed in between the garden  "come here" she said patting the empty place beside her

"How do you hide this place , if you don't mind me asking" the queen smiled at his question "this place is gifted by a witch"
Taehyung gasped as soon as he heard that

"I know what you are thinking , 'witches are evil then how' i thaught the same before i met her" taehyung gave a confused glance to her

" Her name was Mikela , she was a witch but she wasn't like what people portray the witches , i met her when i was going on a run with jimin"

"Jimin has seen a witch??" Taehyung asked surprise , the world of witches was different from wolfs , you won't see them unless you try to summon one and  , they don't like it a bit if someone tries to do so.

"He has , he was 15 that time and he got so scared looking at her" she laughed making taehyung smile shortly

"She lost her daughter in the woods and it was her first time in our world so i helped her , in return she gave me this garden"

"No one can see this place except for me and jimin" she smiled staring infront of her "i heard the witches are evil and they take the hearts out of wolfs or they sperate the wolf from their humans to make them physically weaker so they could kill them" taehyung stated what he heard

The queen smiled before replying

"Yes the witches are evil but not all of them , just like wolfs. There are wolfs who are dangerous and evil too but not all of us right?? The ancient books have described them as the worst" she took a deep breath before continuing

"My jimin was scared of witches since he was a child because his grandma used to tell him how bad they were so...when he saw mikela for the first time he hid behind me-- but as she explained her misery and asked for help the first thing he asked me was 'muma , aren't witches evil with bad powers why can't she find her baby'..... talking and listening to mikela he stopped getting scared of them" hinjae had a small smile on her face reciting the incident of baby jimin , she always wondered how her kids grew up very fast.

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