♡031♡ (M)

870 50 14

"Take care son , and im trusting you to look after the pack while im gone" shinhyun said to jungkook , who nodded his head.

"And jimin , be very careful okay?? Don't go anywhere without hyung or tae. You have to take the best care of yourself and the little one" hinjae said kissing his forehead and jimin nodded.

"Good bye kids" and with that the elders were gone.

"When will yoons come??" Jimin turned to jungkook pouting.

"Jimin , just one more month. Be patient" jungkook said. Jimin has asked him this one particular question hundreds of time.

"Whatever , im sleepy" jimin said and waddled towards his room. Taehyung looked at him fondly , thinking how cute the boy looks.

"Lets go to my study , i have so many things to do" jungkook said backhugging taehyung.

"But jiminie is alone??" Taehyung turned to him.

"Its okay baby he is resting. You come with me" jungkook said and dragged taehyung with him.

"Hello babies-"

"Good bye babies-" jin said turning around as soon as he stepped inside the study and saw them making out.

"Hey , get yo' ass away from taehyung" jin said as he snatched the omega from jungkook's lap.

"What the- hyung what??" Jungkook looked at jin annoyed , out of breath.

"Its his training time. Stop sucking the soul out of him." Jin said and made a disgusted face.

"I wasnt- never mind , give him back to me" jungkook said pulling taehyung back on his lap.

"Brat. Taehyungie , come out in some time hmm?? I will be in the grounds" jin said smiling at taehyung before walking out.

"You're going nowhere" jungkook said burrying his head in the junction of taehyung's neck.

"Gukkie , i have to go. Hyung will be waiting." Taehyung said trying to get out of his grip but couldn't.

"No" The alpha started kissing his neck , sucking softly.

"Koo- no wait" taehyung said as he bit his lips trying to stop the sounds wanting to escape from his mouth.

"Gukkie , you have to work too if i will be here you'll do nothing" taehyung said after standing up from jungkook's lap with so much struggle.

"I don't care" jungkook said as he tried to get up from the chair-

⚠️ a little spicy⚠️

"Sit back down alpha" taehyung said keeping his foot between jungkook's leg , pressing lightly at his crotch.

"T-tae what are- ahh" the elder moaned when he felt taehyung putting a little pressure.

"How about this. You do your work here and let me train. And in exchange i'll give you a head later at night. How does that sounds??" Taehyung asked leaning down , pecking jungkooks lips.

"Fuck baby- you're looking for trouble" jungkook growled , holding the younger's leg which was pressing him.

"Not the answer to the question i asked" taehyung said pressing a little harder making jungkook throw his head back.

"Ahh f-fuck fine , i agree" taehyung smirked at that liking his view. Seeing the future head alpha of the biggest pack , at his mercy.

"Good" taehyung said and removed his foot walking out of the study , not before throwing a wink in the alpha's direction.

~~~Warning over~~~~

"Come on taehyung , where are you lost" jimin asked as him and taehyung were walking towards taehyung's room after his practice.

"No-no where"

"Liar. Anyways , wash up fast i have to show you something" jimin said jumping at his place.

"Stop jumping chimmy" taehyung said as he entered his room and made jimin sit on his bed.

"Wait here okay?? I'll be back in seconds" taehyung said before going to the washroom.

"Tae- chim where is tae??" Jungkook asked when he entered the omega's room and found his brother lying on the bed.

"He's taking a shower hyung. Why?" Jimin asked.

"Oh nothing , i wanted to spend some time with him" jungkook said sitting beside jimin.

"Hyung for goodness' sake leave him alone for some time. You're literally so whipped" he his eyes at his brother.

"Bro , shut up. He's my boyfriend" jungkook said

"And he is my bestfriend and right now , we're going to spend quality time together so no. You can't take him" the younger said sticking his toung out.

"Just wait till my niece or nephew is out of you. I'll choke slam you" jungkook said , faking his anger.

"I'll be gone after that hyung , mom said me and yoonie will get married after the baby is born. So i'll leave to my new home"

Jimin watched as jungkook's face fell on the well known information. Everytime he is reminded that jimin will leave for forever , it makes jungkook want to cry.
Ofcourse he can come to meet them anytime he wants but it will not be the same.

Jimin will not be there to wake him up by shouting at him. He will no be there to annoy him when jungkook is working. There will be no frequent fights and chaseplay between taehyung and jimin. All of this makes his mood sour.

"Is it necessary for you to go?? Can't yoongi hyung leave you here and go back to his pack?" Jungkook asked biting his lips , he knew it sounds close to bullshit.

"Hyung , im sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad" jimin said as he hugged his brother.

"Why so emotional??" Taehyung asked climbing on bed on the other side of jimin.

"Hyung is sad because i will go away after my marriage" Taehyung pouted as he looked at jimin with an angry frown.

"Do you have to remind us everytime?? Its not something pleasent to hear." Jimin looked at his hyung and his bestfriend , looking upset and sad as tears started to make their way in his eyes.

Ever since he entered his third trimester his emotions are on peak and he cries  almost every time someone is sad.

"Mimi , no" Taehyung and jungkook panicked as they hugged the crying male trying to calm him down.

"No no no stop crying. Look we're not sad anymore" taehyung said as jimin looked at them and tried to calm down. Hiccuping here and there.

"You made him cry" taehyung said as he hit jungkook's arm.

"I was not the one making duck faces" jungkook said with a blank face and taehyung glared at him pouting.

"Shut up , you both made me cry. Now get out i want to rest"

"But mimi , our soulmate time??".

"We'll have it tomorrow" jimin said as he laid down on bed and fell asleep in minutes.

"Lets go" jungkook said as he stood up and carried taehyung to his room.

"Why are you always carrying me?? If you keep doing this i might just forget how to walk" taehyung said as he pecked jungkook's lips.

"Its okay , you won't be able to walk after our marriage anyways"

"Bro" taehyung said as he looked at jungkook with wide eyes and red cheeks.

"Shut up baby , don't call me bro. Im not into incest" jungkook said earning a laughter from taehyung.

As soon as they entered the room , jungkook closed the door with his foot and pinned taehyung down on the bed.

"Ready for giving me a head , puppy?"

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