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A few months later.

There was a lot of prepration going on in the pack house. Everyone was busy , and on the other hand taehyung was sitting holding his head in his hands due to jimin's whining. His moodswings were on top.

"Jimin , for the last time. What do you want to wear tell me and i'll get it for you" he said calmly.

"I don't know. You choose" taehyung groaned and fell back on the bed. "We've been doing this for an hour now and you don't like anything i choose" he said and his voice sounded like he'll cry.

"Yoonie is coming with his uncle's family. I want to look pretty" jimin mumbled

"You look pretty in everything you wear. Please choose something they'll be here anytime now" taehyung said trying to persuade jimin.

"Okay fine" jimin pouted and chose a blue silk shirt with black lose jeans and his accesories.

As he went inside the changing room , jungkook came inside the room and saw taehyung sitting on bed and he looked like he'll cry any second.

"Whats wrong love" he asked sitting beside him.

"Kookie , jiminie's mood swings are going to make me bald" he whined hugging jungkook.

Jungkook laughed at his words and hugged him back "just a few hours more love. After that yoongi hyung will handle his ticking bomb."

A few hours later all of them were in the throne room waiting for yoongi and his family to come. Jimin was bouncing with anticipation.

After what felt like years to jimin , the door of throne room opened and his fiancè with his family came inside.

Jimin squealed and ran towards yoongi , throwing his arms around him. "Yoongieeee i missed you so much" yoongi also wrapped his arms protectively around his omega hugging him gently.

The others looked at each other awkwardly before laughing at them love birds.

Yoongi's uncle and aunt came and hugged the king and queen "its been long" hinjae said holding yein's hands.

Jungkook and taehyung went forward and greeted them. "All good young man?" Yoowon , yoongi's uncle patted jungkooks back who smiled in return.

"Jimin , greet your elders first" jungkook said resisting himself from facepalming.

Jimin came and greeted his inlaws wjere as jungkook went to yunjin , yoongi's cousin.

"Long time no see , candy" he said and yunjin looked at him angrily.

"I'll punch you if you call me that again" she said as they hugged.

Taehyung looked at her in confusion. "She's yoonie's  cousin." Taehyung made an 'O' face when jimin explained to him.

"Yeah. Don't worry she's an alpha. No need to be jelous" taehyung looked at him with an angry pout "im not jelous." He said making jimin and yoongi laugh.

"Let me introduce you to my boyfriend" jungkook said and yunjin looked at him shocked "you bitch. You got a boyfriend" she said and punched his arm. "Introduce me fast"

The elders were talking among themselves and taehyung was talking with yoongi and jimin when jungkook came and back hugged him.

" baby this is yoongi hyung's cousin , cand- i mean yunjin and yunjin this is taehyungie , my omega" jungkook introduced.

"Oh my god he's so cute" yunjin said and pinched taehyung's cheeks. "Hey pretty" taehyung said a small 'hi' , his cheeks red due to the compliment.

Jungkook growled lightly when yunjim pinched his cheeks. "Don't touch him" he said. It wasn't him speaking , it was his alpha speaking who hated if anyother alpha touched taehyung.

Yunjin rolled her eyes "fine. Jelous brat" taehyung giggled at that and said "nice to meet you nuna"

"Awww he's so cute." Yunjin squealed but refrained herself from touching him.

"Candy , stop swooning over my boyfriend" jungkook said and rolled his eyes. Taehyung looked at them in confusion "why are you calling her candy??" He asked turning his head to jungkook and asked.

"Because baby , when she was younger she always used to cry for candy. So i started calling her candy." Taehyung and jimin laughed at that.

"Yoongi stop him or i'll break his teeth" yunjin said angrily but the elder just shrugged "don't drag me in this"

After dinner they all were sitting on the terrace taehyung was sitting between jungkook's legs and he was leaning back on his chest. Yoongi and jimin were in the same position and yunjin was looking at them with sulky face. "Y'all want me to feel single right??"

They laughed at her sulky expression "not my fault" jungkook shrugged  teasingly and yunjin mocked him.

"Heyy peopleee" hoseok came there shouting happily followed by namjoon and jin who were rolling their eyes.

"Stop shouting hoba" jin said as the three comanders also sat down. "Why is yunjin looking like someone snatched her candy?" Hoseok asked.

"Shut up before i break your bones" the female alpha groaned and hoseok held his hand up in surrender.

"By the way , we're expecting guests tomorrow" namjoon said and jungkook groaned.

"Who??" He asked. "Royals of onix" jin said as both the omega's sat up.


They all looked at the youngers in shock "wow. Calm down baby" jungkook said rubbing his arms and jimin slumped back in yoongi's arms.

"I don't like themm" the pregnant omega whined. "Im sure they're going to spit some nonsense" he added.

"Calm down dovie. Why so angry" yoongi said and pecked his forehead "i won't let them say anything to you" he rubbed the omega's swollen belly.

"They better not say anything to jungkook again. Or jimin's mood swings won't let him stop from cursing them" taehyung said and the others laughed.

"Is it that bad?" Yunjin asked.

"Yeah , this boy almost made us cry with his mood swings. The little bean should come out quick and healthy so i could beat his ass" taehyung said huffing.

"Hey. Its not my fault , its yoongi's fault he forgot to wear con-" yoongi panicked and put his palm on jimins mouth as the others burst out laughing.

"Oh god , he has no filter" yoongi mumbled embarrassed.

"Now you know your 'dovie' is not so innocent" jungkook said in a teasing voice.

"Your baby isn't innocent either. Do you know what kind of things he talks about" jimin said angrily.

"JIMIN" taehyung shouted as a warning his cheeks red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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