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The table was silent and only the clinking of chopsticks could be heard. Taehyung looked at jimin who was still sulking from the scolding earlier. Even tho he wasn't scolded that much.

"Umm" taehyung spoke gaining everyone's attention "you want anything ?" The queen asked taehyung with a smile which he returned "no i umm want to ask something" he said fiddling with his fingers

"Yes?" Shinhyun said as everyone paid to the omega "its just". Taehyung was nervous , you could tell by his behaviour.

"Its okay , they won't say anything" jimin held his hand and assured him when he figured out what taehyung wanted to say.

"I umm can i learn fighting? Like....sort of umm self defense?" taehyung couldnt even lift his head to look at their reactions , he was that nervous.

"I mean you can if you want to" jungkook said and taehyung looked up excited "really?"

"Yes jin can teach you" the king said and jungkook smile went away in a snap.

"Why Jin hyung" jungkook wanted to tape his mouth for that sudden statement which was supposed to stay in his mind.

"Why NOT jin hyung??" Jimin asked wiggling his eyebrows and jungkook kicked him under the table.

"I-i was just saying" he shrugged and started eating like nothing happened.

"Ignoring the brat. We will start your training from tomorrow tae" jin smiled and taehyung clapped excitedly.

Jungkook snorted , eventho he didn't want to but he did. He himself doesnt know why he's so pissed, maybe because he wanted to be the one training taehyung but oh well.

Jimin laughed looking at jungkook's pissed face and hinjae looked at him with a stern face "stop laughing and finish your food , we will have a talk later" and jimin gulped.

"I am not scolding you jimin , im trying to explain something to you okay. Your brother and father have spoiled you too much and im not saying they are wrong. They love you and so do I" right now jimin was standing infront of his parents and brother who were sitting infront of him in his father's study, he was getting lectured.

"But your life style is going to change after getting married. You will be the queen of Eclipse and you will have some responsibilities. You can't be careless like this and sleep at odd times."

"But i was just sleeping , its not that big of a deal".  Jimin mumbled and hinjae looked at him in disbelief

"I know but you have to take care of these little things. I told you to take a nap during mid afternoon or get your needed 8 hours of sleep by sleeping on time at night but you don't listen to me. what will you do all night now that you've slept in the evening??"

"Umm sleep?" Shinhyun laughed but covered it up with cough when his wife glared at him.

The lady was going to say something when there was a knock on the door. "Come in" shinhyun said and the gate opened revealing the other omega.

"Oh , taehyung" the king smiled softly at the younger boy who came and stood beside jimin.

"Umm i wanted to say something" he said and the queen looked at him.

"It- uh it was not fully jimin's fault. I told him to take a short nap with me but we- umm we slept for long" he stopped before continuing.

"So- uhm we were together in this , he wasn't alone" the queen looked at him in shock and jungkook gulped nervously.

"You were sleeping too?" Taehyung nodded.

"Jungkook didn't mention you , he only told me about jimin" hinjae looked at her elder son who looked away.

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