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"HYUNG WAKE UUUPPPPP" jimin shook his brother voilently making him snap out of his sleep

"Ughhh what do you want chim" he groaned turning around

"Breakfast is ready , wake up wake up wake up" jimin said straddeling and jumping on jungkook's back

"Okay okay fine , im up get off me now you panda" jungkook said and turned around making jimin fall

"Ouch hyung" he whined and got up

"Im coming you can leave first" jungkook said and sat up on the bed

" No , i know you will go back to sleep im not leaving without you"

"Ughh fine" jungkook got up and went inside the washroom to get freshed and dressed up in proper atier while jimin sat on the bed playing games on jungkook's phone

"Okay im ready , lets go" jungkook said coming out of the washroom as the brothers headed downstairs

"Good morning mumma papa" jimin said as he hopped into the dining room

"Morning chim" they laughed at their excited -for no reason- son

"Morning mom , morning dad" jungkook said and kissed the queen on her cheeks

"Morning son" they smiled as four of them sat down for the breakfast

"So what are you guys doing today" shinhyun asked

" well ,  I will go for checking of the borders and then the pack house first and after that train jimin" jungkook replied

"Noooo im not in to mood to train today" jimin whined

"You have to atleast lurn how to use swords just in case chim"

"But hyung-"

"Chim , listen to your hyung" hinjae said and jimin slumped on his seat

"Just for half-an-hour chim , not more then that" jungkook said and smiled at the whining boy

"Okay fine but after that hyung have to take me to the lake on the mountains" jimin complied

" okay deal" jungkook said and jimin clapped

"Im done , bye mom dad" jungkook said and got up

"Bye kook , be careful" jungkook smiled and left

<At comet pack>
Taehyung's pov:-

I watched from the small hole as the wolves attack each other and snap the neck's of whoever they saw

The grounds were completely destroyed and there was blood all over when i heard the gate of this old cell i am in getting opened

"Take the omega out of here and don't bring it back until i say so" i heard a femiliar voice

"Yes king" and soon i felt the chains around my hand loosen before they were completely gone

"W-where are you taking me" i stuttered as they dragged me out of the place

"Shut your damn mouth" the man spoke
And soon i found myself getting dragged through the packground , there were body of wolf's all around me and it was clear that the attack wasn't a small one

I was getting dragged when all of a sudden a wolf jump infront of me and the man who was taking me to god knows where. In defence he went to grab his sword and the grip on my wrist was gone

"Maybe this is the time , i can alteast try...i don't want to live this way"

I looked at my front and saw him fighting , i looked at my back and saw all the men's were fighting and i took the advantage of the moment

I ran.

I ran through the pack ground as fast as i can , doging the fighting and rolling wolves. My feets never stopped even when i was feeling numb in my legs because if i stopped . I knew i was going to face hell , they will do much worse to me.

I was running when i saw him . The man who kept me in that rotting sell , the king stood infront of me and i knew i was doomed . Or maybe not

A wolf came from its back and jumped on the king , digging his claws in the man's neck not

I again took the moment and ran towards the borders , once i get out of here i can easily cross the forset or maybe live there . Nothing is worse then here

I ran and ran , and after sometime i found myself in forest ...... i couln't believe i escaped that hell , after eversince i got my sense this was the first time i was feeling free

But i knew better then to stop because by now im positive they know about ky dissapearence and even if the king dies  , im pretty sure "he"  is alive .

I was mindlessly running throught the forest when i saw a border , i looked around and found that i passed the forest and am now currently standing infront of a pack . I wiered relief rushed through me along with anxiety

I went forward to the armed men's standing there and as soon as they saw me they took their swords out

"N-no d-don't" i stuttered panicing

"Who wre you"

"T-Take me t-to your ki-king plea-se" i said amd soon i found myself inside the border but surrounded by many mens

Jungkook's pov:-

I was training jimin when my eyes fell on bunch of border guards walking by and a wolf??? Between them.

I shrugged thinking it was another rouge and focused back on the training

"Hyung , enough i can't do this anymore" jimin sat on the ground panting as i heard hoseok laugh

"Don't laugh bit-"

"Prince Jimin. Language" i said sternly

"Hyung he laughed first" he whined

"Still , you don't curse at anyone" i told him as he huffed

"Okay fine stop sulking , you wanted to go to the lake" i said and his frown was yeeted out as he stood up grinning

"Yes yes les go" he started jumping as i heard hoseok chuckle

"You're such a baby jimin" he said as we three made our way out to the pack to go to the lake near mountains ..... its jimin's favourite place , he says he can talk to mother nature there in open air

We came at the lake as jimin quickly went at sat near the water

"I don't know what he finds amazing in this place" i head hoseok mumble and i couldn't help but agree with him because it is similar to all the other lakes but i don't say anything. Whatever my brother wants , he gets

After an hour or so of jimin playing with the water and me and hoseok discussing about work it was starting to get dark and we thaught to head back home

"So about what did you talk to mother nature today" i teased as he looked at me with a frown

"Hyung , are you making fun of me"

"No , i just want to know about your conversation"

"Whatever , you guys won't understand" i heard jimin mumble as we kept walking to the pack

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