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Jungkook entered the throne room along with jimin and hoseok and saw his parents sitting on their thrones looking tense

"Whats wrong dad " jungkook asked while jimin went and kissed his mother's cheeks while hoseok stood beside jungkook

"We.....have an omega" the king said

"Whats the problem in it?" Hoseok asked and the king sighed "he is injured badly , he came here to talk to me but suddenly he fell unconcious"

"Oh lord! Is he okay?" Jimin asked and jungkook along with hoseok looked at the shinhyun

"His arms and legs were bleeding and he looked so week like he hasn't eaten anything since ages" the queen said

"Lets wait for him to wake up , we can't do anything else beside that ...... we will interrogate him afterwards" jungkook said and sat on his throne which was placed beside the queen and jimin's beside his

"Right..... so , how was the training boys" hinjae said

"It was good mom , but tell hyung to go easy on me next time" jimin whined and the king and queen chuckled along with the ministers sitting there

"I went lenient on you young man , its just the first stage of your training" jungkook said smiling


"His majesty , the omega is up" the guard said getting on his knees and bowing to the royals. Shinhyun nodded and the guards left

"Lets go , jimin you come with us too" jungkook said and jimin looked at him and said "why me hyung?"

"We all are alphas , there's a chance he will get scared of us .... you should be there so that he doesn't feels dominated" jimin nodded and followed his parents and hyungs to the medicare

They went inside the room where the omega and the doctor was present , as soon as they went inside the omega started shivering and hiding behind the doctor 

"How's he yumi?" Hinjae asked and the doctor replied " i have treated his wounds her majesty , they will be healed soon but he can't stand from the bed as you can see the bottom of his foot is completely bandaged , his foot had stones and pieces of woods in them....seems like he ran in the forest barefoot"

" any internal injuries?" Jimin asked and she knew what he meant.

"Signs are there , you have to ask him for clarification" and hearing this , something pinched in jimin's chest

"Fine , you can leave for now" yumi bowed and left , the three alphas and the omega turned to the boy on the bed

"Who are you?" Shinhyun asked his voice came out rathar rough making the male shiver and shift back towards the wall

"Calm down dad" jimin said and went to the scared boy and kept his hands on his knees "don't be scared , we wont harm you hmm? And be comfortable with me im an omega too" he smiled and the boy relaxed under his touch

"What is your name?" Jimin asked

"T-taehyung" he stuttered

"Full name?" Jimin asked but got shocked when the boy shake his head and said "don't know" . His voice was so low that if you don't pay attention you would miss it

"Its okay , they are king shinhyun and queen hinjae my parents and he is prince jungkook my hyung and i am jimin" taehyung smiled at him and raised his head and bowed to them

"They will ask you some questions , don't be sacred we will not harm you" jimin smiled . Jungkook braught 2 chairs and made his mom dad sit on them before getting himself one and sitting

"So taehyung , will you tell us what happened to you" the king asked and taehyung looked down

"We can't help you unless you tell us anything" jungkook said to him in a soft but stern voice

" i-i was sl-ave at com-et pack , to-today we h-had an attack an-and they were taking me t-to an unknown pl-place ..... i s-saw a chance and r-an away into forest and when i-i crossed it i came across th-this pack" he stuttered and their eyes widen

"From how long?" Hinjae asked

"I d-dont know but , ever since i remember but they said they baught me when i was 5" he said and jimin had tears in his eyes , he was really sensitive and hearing what happened with taehyung , he couldn't help but feel bad for the boy , jungkook who was sitting beside him took jimin's hand and started rubbing it to comfort him

"What did they do?" Shinhyun asked raged , he didn't like a bit when a wolf was mistreated specially the omegas....everyone thinks of them as weaklings when they are the blessings

"They used to torture me , hit me with whimps and then pour boiling water on the wound , they used to make cuts on my skin whenever they were angry , they used to force me to wear extremely revealing clothes and made me walk infront of their ministers  and a guard once tried to force me but the king came and told him i was saved for someone" (imagine he is stutering) tears were flowing non stop out of his eyes , jimin was sobbing in his hyung's arms and the king and queem saw red

"Don't worry , no one will ever touch you now you are under our protection" the queen said

"Rest now , yumi will be taking care of you .... she will take you to the chambers  jimin you stay with him and jungkook , meet me in my office " saying that the king got up along with the queen and left

Jungkook hugged jimin and wiped his tears "don't cry chim its okay nothing will go wrong now , you stay with him and  hyung will come back after talking with dad" jungkook said and pecked his forehead before turning to the omega

As soon as his eyes found the grey orbs , he knew they were the prettiest eyes he has ever seen and it reminded him of his mother.... he remember she had the same grey eyes "Take care"  he said to taehyung before leaving the room

"Take care of him and shift him to the chambers , the one infront of mine and jimin's" jungkook said to yumi who was about to go inside the room "as you say your  majesty"  yumi said and went in while jungkook left to meet his father

Inside the room•

As soon as jungkook left jimin turned to taehyung and gave him a small smile with a hug  and said "Don't worry , you're safe" taehyung smiled ever so lightly

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