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Happy reading ;)

"Hyung you promised me , lets go now or i'll seriously cry" jimin said making teary eyes looking at jungkook. Who was so done with all the whining from past 20 minutes.

"Okay okay fine. Call everyone down lets go" jungkook said making jimin squeal in excitement as he ran away.

"STOP RUNNING YOU WILL...fall" jungkook shouted but jimin was already gone.

"Yoongi hyung better be here when his mood swings get worse" jungkook mumbled and wrapped up his work.

"Lets gooo" jimin said when he reached the hall with taehyung where the others were already present. Including his parents and uncle-aunt.

"Lets go we're ready" taehyung said excitedly clapping his hands when his eyes fell on baby yeonjun who was in his mothers arms.

"Auntie can we take yeonjun with us pleasee" taehyung looked at her with expecting eyes and yeonjun started wiggling in his mother's hand to get down.

"Mwmw wanna gwo" he looked at his mother with a pout.

"Okay you can go with them , but don't run off anywhere okay?? Stay with angel all the time." His mother told him to which he nodded his head.

Taehyung held yeonjun in his hands as they all walked out. "I really like taehyung , such a sweet boy" jieun , jungkook's aunt said to hinjae.

"I know right.......i was thinking of something" hinjae said making jieun turn to her. "What??" She asked and smiled knowingly when she saw the smug smile on the queen's face.

"Let me hold him for a while. You must be tired" jungkook said and took yeonjun in his arms.

"Koo hwungie will thewe be flowews?" The baby asked and jungkook replied 'yes' making him clap his hands in excitement.

"We're here" jimin said as him and hobi were the first one to enter the cave which leads to the lake , followed by junngkook , taehyung , namjoon and jin.

"Wooooowwwwww" baby yeonjun said as soon as he saw the pretty scenery. "Its pretty right??" Taehyung asked and the little boy squealed from joy "vewy pwetty".

Jungkook was looking at the three excited babies roaming their eyes around the place. One being his brother , one his boyfriend and his baby nephew.

"I want to go inside the lake-"

"No you won't" jungkook looked at jimin with stern eyes and the other sulked.

They all walked over to the trees which were closer to the lake and sat down under them.

Taehyung , jungkook and yeonjun were sitting under one tree , jimin and hoseok , on the other tree infront of them and namjoon and jin were sitting beside the lake.

Jungkook sat down , his back resting on the trunk of the tree and opened his legs pulling taehyung between them. Yeonjun was on taehyung's lap.

"You guys look like a cute family" hoseok said making the couple shy while yeonjun was playing with the flowers.

Suddenly , the baby looked at taehyung with sad eyes making the omega concerned. "Whats wrong baby" he asked the baby.

"Thwese flowows awe pwetty , bwut one of thwem is withewed" (these flowers are pretty but one of them is withered).

"Aww , should i make it bloom again?? Will you be happy??" Taehyung asked and the little boy nodded his head.

Taehyung smiled and ran his fingers softly above the shrunken flower and it bloomed widely almost instantly.

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