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Sooo I've changed their wolf' name. Jungkook's and tae's will be mentioned in the further chapters but if y'all wanna know everyone else' , i've updated it in the introduction chapter

Happy reading ;)

"Do you really have to go??" Jimin said sadly , looking at yoongi who was ready to travel back to his pack.

"Baby i've been here for almost 8 months , i can't just abandon my pack right?? I promise i'll be back when you will enter your third trimester and after our little pup is born. I will take you with me for forever....hmm?" Yoongi replied kissing the upset omega's forehead.

"Okey.........take care of yourself"

"You too" yoongi said and turned to his parents in law and their relatives "i'll take my leave now" yoongi bowed and turned back getting in his carriage.

"Im tired , im going to sleep for a while.....please don't disturb me i won't be having dinner" jimin said before going to his chamber.

"I feel bad" taehyung said looking at the way he left. "Let him be for a while , he will be fine" hinjae said and patted the omega's hair.

'Stop eye-fucking him bro' jungkook's eyes widen when he heard that.

'JK!!!! WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?' he asked his wolf as he heard from him after almost 2 years.

'Well things came and i had to shut myself , thats not the point. You really had to make a boyfriend AFTER i was gone??' Jk , his wolf replied making him roll his eyes.

' what things are you talking about , and i wasn't even planning to get a boyfriend. Its just so hard to not love taehyung' jungkook said looking at the pretty omega who was reading a book. They're in the library.

'Whipped fucker'

'Fuck off'

"where are you lost kookie?" Taehyung asked getting up and sitting infront of jungkook who was sitting on the floor , leaning again the wall. They are in the far back side of library.

"Nothing , i talked to my wolf after whole 2 years" jungkook said smiling widely but it flattered when taehyung spoke.

"You can talk to your wolf??" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Ofcourse taehyung , everyone can"

"I didn't know , how do we do it??" Taehyung asked

"Just say something in your mind" jungkook replied.

"I did many times , but nothing happens" taehyung said and jungkook sighed holding his hands.

"Try saying his name in your mind" jungkook said as he held the youngers hands

"Nothing happened" taehyung said after trying for a while

"Maybe he has shut himself. He will come around hmm?" Jungkook said calmly although he felt something was off.

"Okay" taehyung mumbled.

"Don't be sad , i don't like seeing you sad" jungkook said. Taehyung shrieked when jungkook picked him up and made him sit on his lap. Taehyung's back touching his chest.

"Don't just pick me up like that" taehyung said and jungkook backhugged him.

"Why?? Im your boyfriend , i have all the rights" jungkook said nuzzling his head in the crook of taehyung's neck.

"Jungkookieee , let me see you" taehyung pouted making jungkook chuckle. He spreaded hi legs and made taehyung sit in between them side ways.

 He spreaded hi legs and made taehyung sit in between them side ways

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(Something like this)

"Am i that handsom??" Jungkook asked teasingly when taehyung looked at him making him stick his tounge out.

"I really thaught you'd be rude when i first saw you" taehyung said as he held jungkook's hand in his own , playing with his fingers.

"Why??" Jungkook asked.

"Because you kind of looked angry"

"I really was angry , when i saw you like that i felt like destroying the whole world" jungkook said pulling the omega in his arms.

Taehyung rested his head on jungkook's chest. He felt peace in his arms.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you taehyung" jungkook said.

"I know" taehyung replied smiling.

"By the way now that i think of it. You are not scary , you're just a little cutie" taehyung teased and jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled taehyung away , still in his arms.

"Im not cute , im hot" he said smirking proudly.

"I never said you're not" taehyung said and giggled.

"Lets go and check on jiminie"

"Yeah lets go"

Its been a week since yoongi left , jimin was upset but he's getting to his normal routine now.

"JIMIN STOP RUNNING YOU WILL GET HURT" taehyung said running behind the giggling omega as they came running in the lobby.

"NO , i won't eat that thing" jimin said making faces at the herbs taehyung was holding. He knew it would help jimin with his morning sickness because jimin has been throwing up everything he eats and if it goes on like this he will get weak.

"Its not that bad minnie and besides its for your own good" he said walking towards jimin who ran on the opposite side.

"What is going on kids" shinhyun asked and thats when the omegas looked at the sofa where he was sitting with his wife  along with jungkook , jin , namjoon and hoseok sitting infront of them.

"Dada i don't want to eat those yucky things" jimin whined.

"But its important , you will get weak if you keep throwing up like this. And it will effect the baby too" taehyung said and looked at the others with done eyes.

"Jimin , eat it." Jungkook said and the other just stuck his tounge out at him.



Jungkook sighed and rubbes his forehead with his fingers and spoke
"If you eat it now , i'll take you to the lake tomorrow"

"Promise??" Came the instant reply

"I promise , now eat it"

I know its short and boring , actually i wrote this episode earlier and published it and for some reasons , this app had to delete that episode and i had to write it again. So i just made this a filler update. Ill post the original one soon

Take care :)

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